****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Not tried the Lynx yet, but what I have found with the wheeled vehicles is that they are a lot stronger end game. If you rush for early spots you'll be outspotted and die fast. If you aim for safe spots and let your other scouts (if you have them) do the early spots this will allow you to survive. Once half their team is dead the wheeled vehicles start to shine, you can dart passed the enemies because there are a lot less guns shooting at you. You have a lot more map to play with for spotting & flanking or killing arty. Almost auto-loader mentality, survive until half the enemy team is dead, then you become a lot stronger!!

I will give the patient play style more of a try, I have tried it before but I felt like I was losing so much spotting potential that it was hurting my overall game. Any enclosed maps are also very difficult to avoid death too, one bump or jump and you are done.
How many people still play this regularly? Used to play it on the side of other games but I'm dying for a game to get stuck in to now that WoW has shot itself in the foot.

As for those that are still active - as a relative newbie, given my long hiatus from the game, what are generally the better tech trees to go down for heavies and mediums?
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How many people still play this regularly? Used to play it on the side of other games but I'm dying for a game to get stuck in to now that WoW has shot itself in the foot.

As for those that are still active - as a relative newbie, given my long hiatus from the game, what are generally the better tech trees to go down for heavies and mediums?
Anything Russian, lol.

The Russian heavy line is one of the less painful grinds and there are three different tier 10s to choose from branching off after tier 6 onwards that quite often use the same modules between the different lines.

The Italian line with higher tier auto reloaders are pretty good for hard hitting mobile medium without much armour, so it depends what tactics you prefer.

My WOT name is Hans_Orff feel free to add me anyone who still plays.
I would stay on the enforced holiday from the game until the Wheeled Tank Marathon is over....man...it brings out the worst team make ups ever....today was just the worst day in a long time, played 25 won 13 and the rest were 15-2 stomping losses with the odd draw when only arty were left to twiddle their thumbs.
Map rotation has been terrible too.
Minsk (Once daily is too many times)
Overlord, oh lord where to begin
Pilsen, please not again...no not Pilsen
Glacier...jeez, the map that keeps getting worse,
Speaking of Which Fisherman's bay...how bad this map is now is incredible

I think I will limit my playing to Front lines ONLY in future, the rest of the time it is nothing short of THE most Frustrating game on the planet and rather than it being enjoyable it just winds me up...another holiday for me beckons me thinks, as I am starting to just quit back to garage when either Minsk or Pilsen load up :eek:
I haven't played since just before New Years Eve, and as soon as I was reminded about wheeled tanks being released it put me off even more. 8,999 gold sat there doing nothing at the moment after opening some Christmas loot crates, so I'll have to make a return and use it all up at some stage. Wouldn't mind playing again to finish off some of the grinds I've got left (skill4ltu reminded me about the IS-4 buffs the other day), but definitely not until wheeled tanks have cooled off.

Only Forza Horizon 4 for me at the moment which suits me because I don't get annoyed at that.
I haven't played since just before New Years Eve, and as soon as I was reminded about wheeled tanks being released it put me off even more. 8,999 gold sat there doing nothing at the moment after opening some Christmas loot crates, so I'll have to make a return and use it all up at some stage. Wouldn't mind playing again to finish off some of the grinds I've got left (skill4ltu reminded me about the IS-4 buffs the other day), but definitely not until wheeled tanks have cooled off.

Only Forza Horizon 4 for me at the moment which suits me because I don't get annoyed at that.

Most battles don't even have a wheeled tank in them and the ones that do tend to die first anyway. People are just using wheeled vehicles as an excuse to complain. Streamers like skill4ltu just trawl the forum to see what people are complaining about most and then make a video on it, saying what people want to hear just to gain more views. To gain a balanced opinion you should try the game again and even try the wheeled vehicles
I was playing all day yesterday at tiers 5 through 9, can't say I noticed an issue with wheeled tanks?
I'm "Qcks" in game if anyone wants to platoon :cool:
If they want increase player numbers they just need to make the game more fun.

Being endlessly stunned
Being endlessly penned by gold firing wallet warriors
Being subjected to corridor maps
Being subjected to premium powercreep
Being bottom tier due to stupid 3/5/7 mm
well, I managed a 60% off the EBR 75 FL10 and paid the £20 expecting more of the same wheeled nightmare that I have become accustomed to at Tier 6, 7 and even 8.....however a pleasant surprise the Tier 8 premium vehicle is rather good and if played properly, e.g.
  • do not over extend and rush ahead to spot all ..you will be out spotted
  • you are not a light tank with vision, so hang back and snipe
  • Take many premium rounds, they are filthy
  • Stay viable until the end of the game where you can easily mop up and be highly effective
Here is a replay of one of the better games I have had so far

How are people liking the new top of the tree? For the first time since starting the game in 2011 I took part in the Maus event. The rewards are worth it and the additional XP they throw at you is definitely worth it. Also on the 50b event now.
Top of the tree is all good and well if it's a tank line you are grinding. Problem is it so rarely is. I don't tend to play T10 often as you just lose credits and have to fire gold so often.

It's a sahme, Loved the Skoda T50 at T9, hardly play the Tvp 50/51 as you just end up in T10 MM and bounce bounce bounce.
I was grinding up to the Maus but just could'nt be bothered to play to be honest.

There is also a new marathon starting on the 5th of April for the new tier 8 USA TD. Might give it ago.

Hopefully the new matchmaker tweaks will help with being in tier 10 games all the time.
There is also a new marathon starting on the 5th of April for the new tier 8 USA TD. Might give it ago.

Hopefully the new matchmaker tweaks will help with being in tier 10 games all the time.

Finding the new MM okay, prefer it, although you can still end up with some dire teams, but nothing new with that. The only way that would ever be solved would be a skills based MM, but that will never happen.

Currently having a go at the American Challenge, normally don't do them in full due to not having the time, but currently off work following an operation so having the time will see how it goes. At Stage 5 currently.
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