****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Yeah I fired this up recently for that free Twitch Tiger thing and played through the event quickly to get the French Wolverine, first time I really touched the game since right before 1.0 and it's just an unbalanced P2W garbage at this point. They went about this whole freemium model completely differently to other popular games and result is showing at its core gameplay.

Kudos to anyone still enjoying this, people can enjoy anything they want but I genuinely wouldn't recommend this to anyone new. Lower tiers are misery in many respects, add in utterly unbalanced vehicles, lots of OP premium tanks and seal clubbers padding their stats and reward just won't be worth it in the end. Past T8 you really need to have a premium account or buy few premium tanks just to be able to run your T9+ vehicles and that's without premium consumables and ammo.

Then it's a matter of keeping up with whatever meta tanks are currently hot, as they seem to deliberately over buff new lines and long forgotten vehicles to get people to buy free XP with gold. Good model for them and I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank, but it's just not something I would put my time and money into at this point and don't recommend anyone thinking about joining the game does either.
The reasons cited above are pretty much why I quit for World of Warships.

The constant premium ammo from some players negated the point of heavily armoured tanks. The overpowered premiums that they started releasing were too good.

The P2W element just became too much for me.
Managed to get a days premium in the rewards, then a x5 from the care package, then a x3 from the missions, a x2 from missions and a x3 from my premijm anded up with a TIMES THIRTEEN xp bonus :-)

Really liking the pantera.....

LOL - madness

Hi all long time no see.

Hows the game these days? Still fun or more grindy nowadays? Is it still a bit unfair in the match ups when you get higher tier tanks? Is getting xp for no premium still a struggle etc. As thinking with my new vega 56 card coming soon i might try replaying this as i used to enjoy it. Tho i didnt really like the new hd maps i prefered the old style ones which is a shame there gone now. Any of the old ppl i used to team up with still playing? Are russians still OP? lol
It's far less grindy with all the events and multipliers they throw at you.

The game is just as frustrating as ever, however saying that I find the Frontline mode addictive as hell, shame it only lasts a week every month.
Less grindy. Lots of missions ending in a 10k+ xp bonus. Plus if you pay for a premium account the choosable X3 bonuses make a huge difference.

Play less than I did, but still can't quite kick the habit. Haven't given wg a penny for 3 years which makes me feel better.
Guys, has anyone tried to play WOT today with AMD 19.7.1 activating Anti lag in game?
I pressed the hotkey after logged in the game, got no indicators if is off or on, but the 2 battles I had with the 132-1 and Leo 1 felt weird.
The lead shots on moving targets always hit when clicked the button and didn't miss, from >400m away......

Could be placebo effect, but I play the game 9y now. I do not remember feeling that accurate. Has anyone tried it?
You sure you didn't install an aimbot by mistake?

I find rng comes in waves - one session you just SNAP and can't miss. The next fully aimed shots come out banana shaped.

My fave was a one shot of an IS7 with my FV215b(183) - the weakspot seeking hesh shell fired in hope whilst moving and unaimed, flew 350m and (I guess) went straight through the lower plate - boom dead. Just glorious.

Oh, love a arty blind shot as well. Back in teh days when arty had AP, I remember one shotting an unspotted jagtiger in a bush :-)
Hi all long time no see.

Hows the game these days? Still fun or more grindy nowadays? Is it still a bit unfair in the match ups when you get higher tier tanks? Is getting xp for no premium still a struggle etc. As thinking with my new vega 56 card coming soon i might try replaying this as i used to enjoy it. Tho i didnt really like the new hd maps i prefered the old style ones which is a shame there gone now. Any of the old ppl i used to team up with still playing? Are russians still OP? lol

Hey Skeeter, Danuttuh still plays. I think you stopped playing by the time I joined the OcUK clan, but give me a shout ingame if you want to toon with someone "Link_to_Insanity" - I can play anything from tier 1-10.

Game can still be both fun and frustrating and yes, it is less grindy overall now thanks to the bonuses and reserves you can use. Also those 5 x3 xp boosters you can use with a premium account help too. So easy to grind to tier 10 these days, if you at least like the tank.
You sure you didn't install an aimbot by mistake?

I find rng comes in waves - one session you just SNAP and can't miss. The next fully aimed shots come out banana shaped.

My fave was a one shot of an IS7 with my FV215b(183) - the weakspot seeking hesh shell fired in hope whilst moving and unaimed, flew 350m and (I guess) went straight through the lower plate - boom dead. Just glorious.

Oh, love a arty blind shot as well. Back in teh days when arty had AP, I remember one shotting an unspotted jagtiger in a bush :)

I do not use mods. Not any. My mate who upgraded his RX460 drivers today and activated AntiLag said the same thing. Shooting is more smooth and responsive, making now harder to miss moving targets on long distances.
I wasn't accusing you of cheating in any way - just trying to be funny.....

Sounds like a really interesting development if true.
I see they are removing friendly fire damm trolls won. I only ever went blue once someone thinks he can bully me to go push in my type by pinging me on autobounce angles to get my attention.

So now i am unable to shut this guy up with a 1k splash over his engine which puts him on fire haha damm the autobounce indicator will be really troll like. A guy camping? Shoot him until he moves might now be an option well that will be funny one troll move to another.
I see they are removing friendly fire damm trolls won. I only ever went blue once someone thinks he can bully me to go push in my type by pinging me on autobounce angles to get my attention.

So now i am unable to shut this guy up with a 1k splash over his engine which puts him on fire haha damm the autobounce indicator will be really troll like. A guy camping? Shoot him until he moves might now be an option well that will be funny one troll move to another.

I know :(
Finally installed it, did the hd version install.

Looks quite nice in the 1 battle i tried in a kv13 just to test if i can still remember things. I dont. Lol. Well i can move i can shoot and change zoom thats about all i can remember doing oh and shift and enter for team chat. The interface is a lot more complex, theres loads of new stuff to bloomin learn like blueprints, skins for crew (wtf u never see em or do u now) and all these event mission stuff i gotta find out what it all is compared to the version i played back when er whenever this thread was made lol.

Is there no version like classic version available to play so i can play old maps, old gfx, simpler things etc. I wana just play that version tbh. :D

Surprised it looks nice and plays 110+ fps tho at ultra tho i tried turning motion blur to lowest setting but still a bit blury when panning the camera in garage with high dpi on mouse, even lowering it doesnt help that much. I also notice fast movement with mouse is smooth in a match but trying to do small mouse movements seems less smooth like it skips a bit or lags a bit i dunno how to describe. Might be the polling on mouse ive turned it down from 1000 to 500 to try clear up a desktop issue.

Dont suppose theres any decent guides to all these new things to learn for a guy thats lazy to really look at it all myself. :p

Mission completed! Reward:
Bonds added: 5,000
Vehicles added: T-50-2 (crew 100%)
Credits added: 5,000,000
Slots added: 1
Added: Training Booklet (U.S.A.) (x1), Training Booklet (Germany) (x1), Training Booklet (Japan) (x1), Training Booklet (France) (x1), Training Booklet (Czechoslovakia) (x1), Training Booklet (U.K.) (x1), Training Booklet (China) (x1), Training Booklet (U.S.S.R.) (x1), Training Booklet (Sweden) (x1), Training Booklet (Poland) (x1), Training Booklet (Italy) (x1)
Crew skins added: Audrey Dupont, Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz, Arengee Penetrael
"For participation in the Beta test" emblem added: (x6)
"Immortal Classics" style added
"For 7 years of service" emblem added: (x6)
Service Record: For 7 years of service, For participation in the Beta test
Badges added: Beta Test Veteran

I got this when i logged in btw, looks like im rich hehe.
Last edited:
Keep the bonds dude and the 6million. Thats gonna buy you tier ten tanks and with 5k bonds you buy 1pc improved equipment there are two now 5k bond items are about 2.5% superior.

It is still the same tank shooter deep down, Just resskinned and shiny with new grinds. Also gratz on the beta badge now you join our club. Again you can show this over your name its a nice prize.
Wouldn't call it the same shooter deep down, more unbalanced and P2W by the day :p

Gold is being patched cmon its the same game drive with wsad. Aim with the mouse and kill the tanks. The difference is merely graphical and maps. I played the beta and still play.
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