** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Before EVERY expansion pigs squeal how Blizzard now 'OMFGG ROONED TEH GAME!!11',

not really - no other expansion has caused this much negativity. cata and wotlk were both generally eagerly anticipated by the masses... that clearly cant be said for MoP.
For what it's worth I have stopped subbing due to working in retail and with this Christmas period coming up I will not find the time to play it. However I will more than likely buy the MoP expansion a few weeks after release day and re-sub for a month or two to see how it fares.

To be fair I am looking forward to playing with the new Panda race and with the rumour going around that it will be focusing on Alliance v Horde it's all good.
Maybe they just can't really top Deathwing at the moment? Only really Sargeras is bigger and badder in the Warcraft universe and another Burning Legion expansion would bore the hell out of me.

There are still some other villians they could focus on. How about Queen Azshara? She is meant to be extremely powerful. We've seen her ingame, but not much has been done with her yet. Plus theres the underwater naga city of Nazjatar.

Or theres the Emerald Dream. Plenty of potential there. Could be focused on the return of the Emerald Nightmare. or maybe Ysera could become corrupted and would be the third aspect we would have to bring down.

Or theres the homeworld of the Eredar, Argus. This was where the Draenei originally fled when the Burning Legion corrupted most of their race and now stands as a fortress of the Burning Legion. Or theres Xoroth, another stronghold of the Legion and possible homeworld of the Nathrezim.
I'm actually looking forward to MoP, but not for pandas though. I can't wait to explore new zones. I like that Blizz are trying to go back to its vanilla roots in this next expansion. I wish they wouldn't keep raising the level cap though, it's kinda getting silly now.
not really - no other expansion has caused this much negativity. cata and wotlk were both generally eagerly anticipated by the masses... that clearly cant be said for MoP.

I think you can actually go back on this very forum and see the moaning and groaning with the announce of every expansion. You know, there is a reason game companies very very rarely respond to consumers. 90% of them are complete idiots not even worth regarding, the other 5% have something perhaps worth listening to, whilst the other 5% have a point. Someone from Lionhead (Fable games) told me that. Every expansion so far have caused negativity to a large extend. Here and elsewhere.

It's always the end of WoW with every expansion, yet it goes from strength to strength. It lost a bit of subscribers recently due to stale content, but when MoP hits, everyone will stream back again and all the crying will be forgotten, well, until Blizzard 'ROOONS TEH GYAME AGAAIN!!!111' with the next expansion.
Haha. Funny listening to the people say how they won't be bothering. If you're sitting on a Lv85 character right now, you WILL play it. Regardless whether you're account active right now or not. :p
Ugh, not sure about this.

When Cata came out I relented despite only really being impressed by the "phasing" system and bought it for me and the missus. We levelled two new toons to L85 but after 60 it was just the same boring grind and the L80-85 areas were a bit mundane.

So I want to get this and enjoy it, but i'm not sure it'll get much playtime beyond L90. Pandas look pretty cool but they're just a new race, nothing else - although Monk might be half decent but it doesn't sound like my "style" of class at all.

Biggest problem with WoW? The fact that at max level you have little choice but to "socialise" to continue. I've played enough WoW since 2004 to realise that I just can't be bothered with that. Too much drama these days with the douches that play this game.

I'll keep an eye on MoP development, but time will undoubtedly tell with this one. :)
Thread revival!

New Patch out today, can't actually wait to get home and play it with some friends. The new dungeons look pretty cool and the LFR system is perfect for our 10 man guild :)
Thread revival!

New Patch out today, can't actually wait to get home and play it with some friends. The new dungeons look pretty cool and the LFR system is perfect for our 10 man guild :)

Be interesting to see what creative "suits" people can come up with using TRansmog as well :cool:
I'm really looking forward to this patch...

Although healing the new dungeons will be a right pain if people don't read the dungeon journal! It'll be like the start of ZA and ZG all over when I thought I was just a rubbish healer but later found out people were just taking unnecessary damage /sigh

New LFR will be interesting... I'll give it a go but not sure how it'll turn out :/
Someone let me know how easy th LFR turns out please!

I may resub for a month before swtor lands if the raids are easy just so I can whizz through and see the content because I always like to see their designs of the raids and the mechanics.
Really like the look of this expansion

Haven't played Warcraft in a few years but so bored of console gaming think I'm going to jump back on it in time for this.
Someone let me know how easy th LFR turns out please!

I may resub for a month before swtor lands if the raids are easy just so I can whizz through and see the content because I always like to see their designs of the raids and the mechanics.

My friend has done them and he said it was pretty easy. Did all 4 in about an hour.

He's done the 3 new heroics and new raid in about 3 or 4 hours I'd say. He isn't very hardcore and this is his character.
Well it's pretty easy. The LFR is so easy, actually unreal.

Did a pug on our alt's just to see what it was like, probably wiped 2 or 3 times in the whole raid.

The HC's are a breeze, I actually did enjoy doing them as well. Got my character from doing 16K DPS up to 25K in a couple of hours! Doing normal DS tonight, I'll see if I can get a stream up with it running fine.
Well it's pretty easy. The LFR is so easy, actually unreal.

Did a pug on our alt's just to see what it was like, probably wiped 2 or 3 times in the whole raid.

The HC's are a breeze, I actually did enjoy doing them as well. Got my character from doing 16K DPS up to 25K in a couple of hours! Doing normal DS tonight, I'll see if I can get a stream up with it running fine.

Have they completely gimped the mechanics or something for it to be so easy?
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