** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

If you use the crystal buff that you collect and use from your inventory, you get a very high chance of doing 100k damage per strike. Makes most of the none ordos elites very easy to solo, regardless of spec and class.
Only place one tank in the blood rage. Not two.

I'm not convinced we can keep a single tank alive for that, I don't think the tank or healing ilevel is quite there.

[Edit] Tank 1 - Druid - 575
Tank 2 - DK - 572

Healer 1 - Druid - 570
Healer 2 - Priest - 576
Healer 3 - Shaman - 565

We normally run with two of those three healers.

Our Monk is primary spec Windwalker so I expect he'll be a bit down on both main tanks.
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Managed to take down Garrosh Hellscream in a LRF , think we wiped about a dozen times , well over half of the group had not got a clue how to do it , including me , So we had to stop at every boss for a 15 min break for everyone to check wowhead for the tactics.
3 hours and all i got was some poxy gold.
I was actually quite usefull in the end taking down the engineers.
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Managed to take down Garrosh Hellscream in a LRF , think we wiped about a dozen times , well over half of the group had not got a clue how to do it , including me , So we had to stop at every boss for a 15 min break for everyone to check wowhead for the tactics.
3 hours and all i got was some poxy gold.
I was actually quite usefull in the end taking down the engineers.

3 hours for an LFR kill? :o
As a herbalist/miner, I have about 20 Spirit's of Harmony in my bags doing nothing. Is there any use for this item apart from Ironpaw stuff (exalted), and exchanging it at a vendor for crafting materials?
Who plays a Tank here or to be more specific a Prot Paladin or a Guardian? I left my Rogue after starting Pandaria for one of these for Warlords and cannot decide which suits me for a Hybrid Tank/offhealer although they are the only two tanks which can heal other players. Guardian with DOC and Cenarion Ward talents basically make me a tank and healer if i get a mangle crit and a proc DOC for a attack power based healing touch.

But prot pala can do that anytime with flash of light not being crit dependant to save my buddy, But they seem less dynamic and more boring game play wise as well with what seems no damage output moves unlike the Druid? My bear can do Mangle Lacerate (x3) and then Pulverze in a rotation only which is good damage and uncluttered. Im not seeing anything in Paladin tooltips that come close to Mangle or Pulverze. And it seems like an overly complicated rotation too with two shields and crusader strike and concecrate and hammer.

I really cannot for the life of me choose between them. I just am fed up with dying and being healer dependant yet do not want to be a squishy healbot either. The Druid seems to have everything almost apart from the whole damm thing being reliant on two talents which may or may not be changed and kill my toon midway through a expansion :/
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Who plays a Tank here or to be more specific a Prot Paladin or a Guardian? I left my Rogue after starting Pandaria for one of these for Warlords and cannot decide which suits me for a Hybrid Tank/offhealer although they are the only two tanks which can heal other players. Guardian with DOC and Cenarion Ward talents basically make me a tank and healer if i get a mangle crit and a proc DOC for a attack power based healing touch.

But prot pala can do that anytime with flash of light not being crit dependant to save my buddy, But they seem less dynamic and more boring game play wise as well with what seems no damage output moves unlike the Druid? My bear can do Mangle Lacerate (x3) and then Pulverze in a rotation only which is good damage and uncluttered. Im not seeing anything in Paladin tooltips that come close to Mangle or Pulverze. And it seems like an overly complicated rotation too with two shields and crusader strike and concecrate and hammer.

I really cannot for the life of me choose between them. I just am fed up with dying and being healer dependant yet do not want to be a squishy healbot either. The Druid seems to have everything almost apart from the whole damm thing being reliant on two talents which may or may not be changed and kill my toon midway through a expansion :/

The talents will undoubtably change but Yser'as Gift passive healing on you / people in range > Cenarion Ward. Too much waiting on the CD and saving it for the time you might never need.

I love my druid in all roles but Pulverize went aaaaaaaages ago :D

Mangle on CD, keep Thrash up, Lacerate as a filler and dump rage with Maul if you dont need to dodge or heal yourself. :)
Thats all changed for lvl 100 Blizz have pretty much redesigned the game and a lot of spells. Ysera is pretty crap for what i wanted because how will it help your healer in pvp? Its just a dumb random heal that scales Cenarion Ward is something i can give my allies along with healing touch or emergency rejuve.

Its about all you got apart from Vortex and Typhoon those only buy time not heal. Apart from this weakness bears are amazing up there with Paladins for someone to be your meatshield and save your life as a hybrid healer if needed.
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Thats all changed for lvl 100 Blizz have pretty much redesigned the game and a lot of spells. Ysera is pretty crap for what i wanted because how will it help your healer in pvp? Its just a dumb random heal that scales Cenarion Ward is something i can give my allies along with healing touch or emergency rejuve.

Its about all you got apart from Vortex and Typhoon those only buy time not heal. Apart from this weakness bears are amazing up there with Paladins for someone to be your meatshield and save your life as a hybrid healer if needed.

You mention PVP while asking about tank builds? bit confusing tbh.
Anyone gonna have a spare spot in their SoO Heroic run this upcoming reset? Guild is extending to Blackfuse and unfortunately my itemlevel is too low. I'm 562, should be around 570 once I get my cape tomorrow, and have 10/14 Heroic exp (Guild is 11/14).
He is probably talking about being a FC in rBG's. Atleast I hope he is :p

You don't just have to be a FC in a BG, You can be a normal DPS with utility and off heals, Initiator or flag carrier. And in dedicated battles like AV a tank is always required.

You probably judge tanks from just Pandaria without vengeance in PVP. It never used to be like that tanks can do pvp and pve equally because you can't dps when you are dead. Ive played a rogue from the beginning to know that you kill a few people and then your numbers up. Resolve is the new vengeance, And it works in battleground by effecting heals and incoming damage. And tanking is changing to reflect reduced healing and bigger health pools people will not be healed to 100% health by design they will hover around 70% so again tanks with self healing like Paladins will use this as a form of mitigation in PVE as well when things get tough.

You really should not judge them based on this expansion or label them as PVE only. They do good damage as well it is not as if they are useless lumps of armor incapable of troubling people.
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As a herbalist/miner, I have about 20 Spirit's of Harmony in my bags doing nothing. Is there any use for this item apart from Ironpaw stuff (exalted), and exchanging it at a vendor for crafting materials?

As a leatherworker/skinner I use these to make the awesome leg enchants that then sell on the AH for 500g a pop.

Not sure what good they are though if you only have gathering professions. I think you need a production profession to make best use of them.

Either that or just swap them for mats at the vendor?

Anyone gonna have a spare spot in their SoO Heroic run this upcoming reset? Guild is extending to Blackfuse and unfortunately my itemlevel is too low. I'm 562, should be around 570 once I get my cape tomorrow, and have 10/14 Heroic exp (Guild is 11/14).

Annoyingly at the moment our group seems to have gotten all interested again and we regularly have 15-20 people for 10 spaces. :(

As an ever-present though I get priority. :D

Tonight we have three hours to wipe on Malkorok 10hc. ;)
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Tonight we have three hours to wipe on Malkorok 10hc. ;)

RE: your previous post about Malk HC, your healers should more than be able to heal one tank through the blood rage. No-one else should be taking damage of any consequence, so they should be 90% spamming heals into the tank with Tanky rolling CDs.
We two heal it, normally a druid/sham or druid/pala. For our first kill our druid/sham had 567 and 570 ilvl respectively.

Good luck though, it's a poop fight (unless I'm on my rogue and can just nuke on the boss, then for some reason I quite like it :p:D).
Just logged into the game to be greeted with a very odd phasing bug that means I can't see any player or npc at all. Had to crash the game to get out of it as well!
RE: your previous post about Malk HC, your healers should more than be able to heal one tank through the blood rage. No-one else should be taking damage of any consequence, so they should be 90% spamming heals into the tank with Tanky rolling CDs.
We two heal it, normally a druid/sham or druid/pala. For our first kill our druid/sham had 567 and 570 ilvl respectively.

Good luck though, it's a poop fight (unless I'm on my rogue and can just nuke on the boss, then for some reason I quite like it :p:D).

Nobody really concentrating last night so after half a dozen wipes to people not getting in the pools properly we just ran it through to the end on Normal.

Shame really but there you go.

Just logged into the game to be greeted with a very odd phasing bug that means I can't see any player or npc at all. Had to crash the game to get out of it as well!

Same here.

What's the strategy on what item to upgrade first to maximise dps? I've got about 15 items to upgrade and only enough valor for six.
Nobody really concentrating last night so after half a dozen wipes to people not getting in the pools properly we just ran it through to the end on Normal.

Shame really but there you go.

Same here.

What's the strategy on what item to upgrade first to maximise dps? I've got about 15 items to upgrade and only enough valor for six.

General priority is weapon first, then trinkets, then chest/helm/legs, then everything else
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