Is it me or are we going round in circles here?
Well, yes. I don't understand why you care if I care or not.
Like...? I've just been through ALL of my old toon's FoS' and you can argue each one of them can be earned by investing time, even raiding related ones you can either be carried through or the content gets nerfed within weeks of release. So why would you be impressed by that?
Some of the PvP ones are impressive. Sure, you can get good at PvP by investing time, but I have and I'm still shocking at it, so it's not an exact art. There's certainly a degree of skill to it.
Also on my server I'm slightly impressed when I see a guild doing well at 25 man heroic, simply because so many guilds seem to get that far and just go for 10 man "as it's easier".
Back to the original point, though:
A lot of people. Are you telling me that you have never once looked at someones title/mount/weapons and though, oh they're cool, he must have worked hard for them. Or is it always "LOL WHAT A NO LIFE FAG" that is a the forefront of your mind?
Honestly, I'm trying to think of a time when title impressed me, and I really can't. Same with mounts, although TLPD makes me stop and give a wicked grin. Weapons - well some of the legendaries were semi-impressive at the time but I can't say they've ever carried any prestige for me.
I mean come on Fuggan, at the end of it all, do you really care what anyone else thinks? As long as you have fun playing the game, who does actually care about it all?
I'm shocked it's gotten this far really, I assumed that the people that got the xx level first achievements didn't expect others to be impressed this much.