** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Not required doesn't mean it won't attract sales. On a product that is 'soon' to be 'replaced' with its sequel. It's there to generate additional profit - that is my point.

So whats your point exactly?

People still dont have to buy or play it if they dont want to. Its no different to offering pre order bonuses in other games.

The rewards that carry over from GW1 to GW2 are not meant to be an incentive to get new people playing, they are meant to be a reward for people who have already completed that content and achievements. They are also incredibly insignificant with the amount of skins and pets that will already be available in the second game anyway.

A video game rewarding its players is hardly a negative. It still doesnt charge fees, nor do you have to pay anything more than a single one time purchase to log in and play. There is nothing about the GW1 rewards that are designed to generate additional profit, to see it that way is purely retarded. People simply buy the game if they want to play it just like any other.

Unlike wow, they have to pay £9 everysingle month that they want to play the game. If you only want to log in once a month or even less to play, then you can do that without having to pay additional fees.

I dont get why WoW fans simply cant understand the fact, that most gamers would prefer to be able to play a game they have already paid for whenever they want, without having to pay a fee just to be able to enjoy their favorite games.
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Not required doesn't mean it won't attract sales. On a product that is 'soon' to be 'replaced' with its sequel. It's there to generate additional profit - that is my point.

Yeah not to mention how long Arena Net has been promising Guild Wars 2, it was suppose to be 2010, then last Spring, then Summer, now it's not even going to be here until 2012. I'm sure they knew damn well when it's going to be released, their just holding on to the last marketing hype to sell more Guild Wars copies.
So whats your point exactly?

Your point appears to be that it's wrong for Blizzard to use fees to generate profit, but doing so via attracting players to buying an older game in order to get perks in the new one is completely fine. My point is, companies need to generate profit in order to function. What way they choose is up to them.

The rewards that carry over from GW1 to GW2 are not meant to be an incentive to get new people playing, they are meant to be a reward for people who have already completed that content and achievements.

Oh really? Been to GAME lately? Most new copies of Trilogy are now actively advertising the perks. Why would ArenaNet need to advertise them to already active players? They don't. They are doing it to link sales. Generating profit. Unheard of!
Yeah not to mention how long Arena Net has been promising Guild Wars 2, it was suppose to be 2010, then last Spring, then Summer, now it's not even going to be here until 2012.


Arenanet have NEVER given a release date for GW2 yet, what crap have you been listening to?

All of the professions havnt even yet been revealed, the game was never going to have any chance of release prior to that happening at leaset LOL.
Your point appears to be that it's wrong for Blizzard to use fees to generate profit, but doing so via attracting players to buying an older game in order to get perks in the new one is completely fine.

No, my point is that it is wrong to have to pay continuous fees to be able to play content that you have already purchased. It isnt justified, nor is it required.

I never said that there is anything wrong with selling or marketing a game for a fixed price. There isnt, unless you are a delusional WoW fan and trying to make up silly reasons for having to pay fees to play your favorite (lol, how much I pity you).
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"In November 2009, NCsoft CEO Jaeho Lee stated the game would most likely not release until 2011, but a closed beta would be made available in 2010. The Q4 2009 shareholders notes further supported this when the CEO stated that "the current development target was the end of 2010 but, Guild Wars 2 likely won't be released until 2011."

Not a public statement, but a statement nonetheless.

Re: the above.
And how does this factor in huge content patches released every few months by Blizzard? Surely it isn't content I'm paying for when buying the expansion on release because at that point it doesn't exist yet? Also, still waiting for that list of F2P mmos and single player rpgs that match WoW in amount of available content.
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NCsoft =/= Arenanet.

Arenanet, the actual developers of the game, have never yet stated that GW2 was ever ready for release at any time. They have only ever stated 'When its ready' when asked for any possible info about the games release.

Also 'most likely not release' is not an official statement that it will 'definitely release' in that year.

And how does this factor in huge content patches released every few months by Blizzard?

Arenanet manage to do the same thing without fees. So do Nexon, and now Turbine too. Bethesda do the same thing for their single player games, as do the modding community.
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You know damn well everyone thought it was going to be released in 2010, then 2011, and now it's 2012, they are just milking the cow for what it's worth.

By the way,

No, my point is that it is wrong to have to pay continuous fees to be able to play content that you have already purchased. It isnt justified, nor is it required.

They don't have to justify it, they are a business and are there to make money, if they can get away with charging 10 million people $15 a month then why wouldn't they?
You know damn well everyone thought it was going to be released in 2010, then 2011, and now it's 2012,

No they didnt, and I've been following GW2 since the day it was first announced, there has never been any official expected release date on any of its fan forums.

There has NEVER been a single bit of official info from the developers regarding any beta or release date yet, only hearsay and rumors made up by random people on the internet that for some reason WoW fans that dont like GW like to use as ammunition against it :rolleyes:.

Its really pathetic if thats the best dirt that you can possibly dig up about an upcoming video game - 'ZOMG there were speculations of a release date and they were all lies!'.

Seriously :rolleyes:

Oh btw - In GW2 you wont be able to play as stupid looking giant kung fu Pandas, nor see any other stupid looking kung fu pandas running around. Now theres a great positive about that game :D
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Arenanet manage to do the same thing without fees. So do Nexon, and now Turbine too. Bethesda do the same thing for their single player games, as do the modding community.

Turbine get their funds from micro transactions that can easily net more from a player than monthly fees do. Almost every single bit of additional content added to Bethesda games (by Bethesda) had a price tag attached to it. Even stupid things like horse armour (and if you think any piece of DLC or expansion to the last few Bethesda products match Blizzard patches and expansions to WoW in the amount of added content you are barking mad).
As I said modding community imput doesn't count. MMOs have limited content imput from the community because of balancing issues.
Oh btw - In GW2 you wont be able to play as stupid looking giant kung fu Pandas, nor see any other stupid looking kung fu pandas running around. Now theres a great positive about that game :D

Rather play a kung fu panda than

Rather play a kung fu panda than

Thats an early shot of the Asura prior to their redesign using mostly the same design as they had in the first game, the current ones have been massively improved.

Back in the day when early screenshots like that one were released, no one wanted to play them. With the recent changes shown in many of the gameplay clips, people have grown a lot more fond of them.

gnome lol

Yea thats very funny, especially that the Gnomes in WoW look 100x more horrendous than an early GW2 asura :rolleyes:

BTW the Animations and graphics on the finalized GW2 Asura are absolutely fantastic, and leagues ahead than the screenshot you posted (and indeed WoW, but comparing to a game with a graphics engine over a decade out of date would be unfair):

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Yea thats very funny, especially that the Gnomes in WoW look 100x more horrendous than an early GW2 asura :rolleyes:

And likewise I'd rather play Pandaren than Gnomes in WoW. Let's not forget that said gnomes have not had a graphical update since release (something that is likely to change in the next expansion mind you).
The vid you posted hasn't sold me on those things either. Sorry.
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Guys do the right thing and let this troll continue to live in his own head, dont give him the satisfaction of having the first 3 pages of the official wow page filled full of his ****.

Do everyone a favour bhavvy and go post about GW2 in the GW2 thread not this one. Playing the original gw for me was like playing an mmo with its soul ripped out. No major cities, purely instance based which completly takes away from the immersion in short utter turd and not what an mmo seeks to be. GW1 was an online co-op game not a true mmo.
Same suggestion applies to you and WoW. Don't like Pandaren - don't roll one.

Yes I do agree with you on that one, however you see I cant log into my account to play WoW without having to pay.

Plus the entire game looks worse than horsecrap, its not just the pandas.

Do everyone a favour bhavvy and go post about GW2 in the GW2 thread not this one.

I wasnt the one that started discussing that game in this thread, Franco was.

My topic of discussion was entirely about the fees until WoW fans felt like bashing GW.
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2.) The game is 7 years old. All things considered it's aged quite well.

The game looked like horsecrap on the day it was released, and I'm not sure how you think it has aged well, it still looks crap, and it even runs like crap on the latest hardware.

You would think that with the amount of money that Blizzard make, they would be able to better optimise the game rather than having it run at under 25 FPS in some areas on the latest high end hardware.

GW1 was an online co-op game not a true mmo.

Yes it was, do you want a prize for pointing out the obvious?

Again its not me bringing GW or GW2 into this thread, its WoW fans like you. For a game that was released around the same time as WoW, GW at least looks a hundred times better, and has far more challenging and immersive gameplay.

If you dont want to discuss GW in a WoW thread, then why not stop mentioning it?
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