Not required doesn't mean it won't attract sales. On a product that is 'soon' to be 'replaced' with its sequel. It's there to generate additional profit - that is my point.
So whats your point exactly?
People still dont have to buy or play it if they dont want to. Its no different to offering pre order bonuses in other games.
The rewards that carry over from GW1 to GW2 are not meant to be an incentive to get new people playing, they are meant to be a reward for people who have already completed that content and achievements. They are also incredibly insignificant with the amount of skins and pets that will already be available in the second game anyway.
A video game rewarding its players is hardly a negative. It still doesnt charge fees, nor do you have to pay anything more than a single one time purchase to log in and play. There is nothing about the GW1 rewards that are designed to generate additional profit, to see it that way is purely retarded. People simply buy the game if they want to play it just like any other.
Unlike wow, they have to pay £9 everysingle month that they want to play the game. If you only want to log in once a month or even less to play, then you can do that without having to pay additional fees.
I dont get why WoW fans simply cant understand the fact, that most gamers would prefer to be able to play a game they have already paid for whenever they want, without having to pay a fee just to be able to enjoy their favorite games.
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