** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

The game looked like horsecrap on the day it was released, and I'm not sure how you think it has aged well, it still looks crap, and it even runs like crap on the latest hardware.

You would think that with the amount of money that Blizzard make, they would be able to better optimise the game rather than having it run at under 25 FPS in some areas on the latest high end hardware.

Number 1 stands - no accounting for taste. Some people like the graphical style of WoW, some don't. Blizzard themselves have admitted in the past that the code on which the game is built has grown so complex it's difficult to iron everything out (and that was said during Burning Crusade if I recall correctly). The main resource drain in WoW are shadows (incidentally a common weak point of many games) - turning them down improves performance quite a lot.

Lastly, I'm afraid you brough GW2 into this thread first mate. Right here.
The game looked like horsecrap on the day it was released, and I'm not sure how you think it has aged well, it still looks crap, and it even runs like crap on the latest hardware.

You would think that with the amount of money that Blizzard make, they would be able to better optimise the game rather than having it run at under 25 FPS in some areas on the latest high end hardware.

Yes it was, do you want a prize for pointing out the obvious?

Again its not me bringing GW or GW2 into this thread, its WoW fans like you. For a game that was released around the same time as WoW, GW at least looks a hundred times better, and has far more challenging and immersive gameplay.

If you dont want to discuss GW in a WoW thread, then why not stop mentioning it?

Because you have been raging on now for the better part of 2 hours about it and no it wasnt wow fans like me who started this it was yourself. " wow is made for 5 year olds " comment was almost the first post you made.

Your not bringing anything constructive to this thread in the slightest your just making it another GW2 will be the wow killer that every gamer has heard before. If you really think that GW was a better MMO then wow I honestly feel sorry for you.

Lastly, I'm afraid you brough GW2 into this thread first mate. Right here.

That tasted sweet :)
If you really think that GW was a better MMO then wow I honestly feel sorry for you.

GW is simply a better GAME than WoW. Whatever WoW is, I dont want.

your just making it another GW2 will be the wow killer that every gamer has heard before.

No I'm not, no game will ever kill WoW because as I already said, the majority of the people that play WoW are mostly too stubborn to even try anything else.
The only thing that I've seen the game struggle with is 25 man raiding and understandably so if you think about how much is actually going on. Even then, turn down shadows and you're laughing on 'the latest hardware'

The new MoP screenshots look fantastic and the pandaren model is the best I've seen in any MMO really. But some people just come in some threads to annoy others so let's move on.
GW is simply a better GAME than WoW. Whatever WoW is, I dont want.

No I'm not, no game will ever kill WoW because as I already said, the people that play WoW are mostly too stubborn to even try anything else.

Based on what? Oh I know its better because it has less players! Yeh that makes it better. More people would rather pay for one game, then play a free one.
GW is simply a better GAME than WoW. Whatever WoW is, I dont want.

No I'm not, no game will ever kill WoW because as I already said, the majority of the people that play WoW are mostly too stubborn to even try anything else.

Maybe all the gw players are too up them selves to actually try wow. Who knows they might even like it (even you :))
The only thing that I've seen the game struggle with is 25 man raiding and understandably so if you think about how much is actually going on. Even then, turn down shadows and you're laughing on 'the latest hardware'

I've heard people complaining about bad performance in WoW since I7 920s coupled with a 5870 were unable to run some parts of one of the expansions over 30 FPS.

Maybe all the gw players are too up them selves to actually try wow. Who knows they might even like it (even you :))

I tried it, I have it on my CD shelf, installed and played for about 6-8 weeks. I felt no desire to carry on paying to play more, though I gladly would have done if I could without paying fees. I have never enjoyed any game enough to the point that I would ever pay fees to play it, and that includes any of my favorite games.

Almost all the GW players would never pay fees to play GW / GW2, or any other MMO. A lot of them probably would like WoW, but its the fees that turn them away from WoW, not the game itself.

Based on what? Oh I know its better because it has less players! Yeh that makes it better. More people would rather pay for one game, then play a free one.

Baldurs Gate / Baldurs Gate 2 only sold 2 million copies each, but they are by far better than any other RPG / MMO ever released since, including WoW, GW, and any Elder Scrolls game ;).
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I think you will find that most wow players when a new mmo comes out quit for that game; then a month later they are back on wow because it is the best out there.

I've heard people complaining about bad performance in WoW since I7 920s coupled with a 5870 were unable to run some parts of one of the expansions over 30 FPS.

Please say your joking my sandybridge system on ultra everything doesnt go below 60 and in raids is above 100 lol. I have actually had enough with this troll for one night.
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Please say your joking my sandybridge system on ultra everything doesnt go below 60 and in raids is above 100 lol.

I cant be joking, there was a huge thread on Xtreme Systems showing WoW running at <27 FPS on an I7 920 + 5870 several years ago on lots of PCs that had those specs. It was only one particular part of the latest expansion at the time though.
I've heard people complaining about bad performance in WoW since I7 920s coupled with a 5870 were unable to run some parts of one of the expansions over 30 FPS.

I run at 2560x1440 with an i5 and with vsync on it rarely strays from the 60hz.

The game is very CPU intensive but I am gonna say that is down to exaggeration,out of date add ons, simply too many addons or just that their computer is an utter mess, as I say, in my example of 25 man raids there is a heck of a lot visually going on but if you know how to use and maintain your add ons and installation folder then there isn't anywhere near a problem on a good setup.

But hey, it's a negative comment about the game, so it's gotta be credible.
30 fps I'd say for doing anything in the game is fine anyway. 15 and under then you will start to feel it impact your ability to play at a top level.

You're a troll Bhavv, a good one yes but you can't polish the proverbial turd. I'll just stay outta here though.
So I've made an awesome post with all the info released collated into one. New thread or post here and let mods edit it into OP?

If we move, we can lose all the morons. Hopefully.
So I've made an awesome post with all the info released collated into one. New thread or post here and let mods edit it into OP?

If we move, we can lose all the morons. Hopefully.

Just put it in here, hopefully the mods will sort out the trolls and the Primarch of the trolls :rolleyes:
Wow (not the game), I only just watched the video trailer, the OP really should have embedded it like so:

I simply cant grasp how people can genuinely like this. It almost has as many dislikes as likes as well, and the comments really say it all.

The voice acting and art direction / graphics are simply atrocious by any standard.
Wow (not the game), I only just watched the video trailer, the OP really should have embedded it like so:

I simply cant grasp how people can genuinely like this. It almost has as many dislikes as likes as well, and the comments really say it all.

The voice acting and art direction / graphics are simply atrocious by any standard.

Look just drop it already, so what you don't like the game, does that mean that everybody else (including the 10millon+ subscribers) have too think the same way as you?.

I played GW1, and I didn't like it, does that mean I go around trolling GW1 and 2?, no because I'll most likely give GW2 a try.

Also Panda's are cool, I still dunno how anybody who plays a fantasy RPG/MMO plays as a Human, its just stupid
Guild Wars is a better PvP game.
WoW is a better PvE game.

Guild Wars PvE is still worth a look.
WoW PvP I find to be boring.
Alliance Battles > Battleground.

Is Guild Wars the better game? No, moving from GW to WoW you really see what kind of things the game lacks, simple things like Jumping.
Would I say WoW is better than Guild Wars? Again No. After having my health go from 14k to 100k+, I love Guild Wars even more for not throwing the stats out the window over the last 6 years.

Guild Wars = Hardcore PvP, Casual PvE.
WoW = Hardcore PvE, acquired taste PvP.
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