Is it possible to revert specs if i dont like it?
Rogues should be the most awesome feeling class to play in WoW, yet they are pretty darn boring to me
Slice and Dice can jump off a cliff.
Agree with you about melee...I find max'ing my Rogue's dps frustrating in PvE as well, so many mechanics seem to favor ranged over melee. Buts that another story.
I see you play a many pets do Hunters get these days? Came up against quite a few on My Fire Mage yesterday...tore me a new one (no change there), but at times I felt like I was being attacked by my local zoo!..Couldnt even see the hunter for all the pets around lol.
just me stuck on 90% loading bar when logging in? big thread about this on wow forums but no one here mentions anything?
Update 12:00 GMT: This issue is still being investigated and worked on, and our network team is working with our network partners to resolve this issue as soon as possible. We do not have an estimated time for a solution yet, and will update you with further information as soon as we have it.
Still being worked on
worth reading the thread just for the lols
Same issue here, that topic is dreadful though!
The amount of "I want compensation" is too damn high!![]()
Ah yes, that always appear the second a service is down. People **** themselves, spit dummies out and the toys start flying.
More for the attention-seeking of it all than anything.
They're going to be even more annoyed now, the forums have just gone down by the look of it![]()