I feel I must vent.
If a CA is the natural counter to a DD, why can a DD stay at range undetected and just torp you into oblivion? I tried sailing head on towards the direction the torpedo's were coming from to try and "detect" him but he had time to fire 3 separate salvos (and reload between each) all the time invisible to me outside of my detection range and eventually he sunk me.
HE spam. Tier6 upwards is unplayable due to the likes of Clevelands. Yes I understand that HE can trigger fires but why does it have such a high module crit rate as well! First volley received, set on fire and engine damaged so you repair get the 2min cooldown and then the 2nd HE volley hits and again, fire and rudder damage etc. It needs to be one or the other, fire or module not both!
I don't care about Carriers or Torps I've learnt to deal with them. My main gripes are these 2 mechanics, detection and HE. I'm just not enjoying the game currently so I might leave it and come back later after "release"