****USER UPDATE**** In game name Hodders as here. Look forward to seeing some of you guys in game
I'm not feeling the love, it's more broken than WoT with the aircraft carriers. Destroyers are fun as you can still dodge attacks in the main, but I'm not having any fun at all with the low tier cruisers. I just don't feel the appeal to ground more to see if it gets better at higher tiers. I guess there is a reason why the usual WoT steamers all stopped playing it...
I find it fun at the lower tiers, once aircraft carriers get in though I don't find it fun at all. If two carriers focus you there is nothing you can do. Ho hum.
I got a bit fuffed off trying to get a new ship, but couldnt sell an old ship due to upgrades and having no piastas, and it saying destroy your upgrades free but not giving you the option.
I doubt I will bother with premium ships though due to free xp working across all of War Gaming's titles and I have a load of premium / Elite tanks on WoT so I will just use them
They have already confirmed premium/gold will not be unified to begin with on WoWs. It will probably work eventually like it did with WoWp but out of the gates, no its seperate.
Hmmm, WoW is losing it's gloss fast.
It seems that you are even more dependant on your team than in WoT.
Typical game, In a battle ship.
Try to hang back at about 12km range for first few minutes.
Cruisers all dissapear off to one flank to hide behind mountains. Meanwhile you get spotted and 3 squads of torp planes come in at you. You try to turn towards them but they can manouvre so much faster than you and you eat 2 torps. Repair.
Fire off 2 salvos at the enemy and watch as all you shells somehow all miss. By now the 4 enemy destropyers are through and you eat more torps.
Finally you get a salvo off and watch as all 6 shells neatly straddle the enemy doing zero damage. As you wait 30 seconds to reload the torp planes are back.
It seems to me that torps are just vastly OP at the moment. Unless your team try to provide some kind of AA support.
My hit rates in cruisers is pretty good so my aiming is OK it is just the BS accuracy is so bad you end up missing all the time.
Cruisers are the most fun to play, but the USN ships have to get SOO close for torp launch that youspend the whole game looking for an opening. Japanese torps have a much better range, you can fire into contested areas from safety.
Destroyers are just light tanks with a great big derp gun. Very easy to get it wrong and die. Great when you weave past the enemy and put 8 torps into a carrier.
So my summary, it's a very pretty game, even more team dependant then WoT and even more one dimensional as there is no real cover you can pop out from and back into again.
Not that impressed.