****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Hey I would be interested in joining the clan even if its just so i can help get oil to build the base, i'll send an application my username id reborndemon.
I have just started playing this again, grinding up through the British Cruisers, though also tempted by the Battleships. However I got to the Japanese tier 4 BS when I stopped playing before, so may just continue that line. I have not really played since before they buffed the Battleship dispersion, so a long time ago.
I'd be interested in joining the clan as well even though I'll have to install WoWS on my computer since it suffered a hard drive failure a few weeks ago and I've just gotten around to sorting it out.

My username is pretty much the same as it is here, but with two zeroes at the end.
Adwol48, you should have been accepted to the clan now. demonix there should be an invite waiting for you next time you login.

We should have a permanent 10% discount on buying T6 ships activated either tonight or tomorrow night. After that we are looking at getting a permanent 10% discount on Battleship repairs.

(If there is much interest we could probably get a 10% discount on T5 ships organised).
Send me an invite guys id love to join, over 5000 battles played, on pretty much everynight and most of the weekends! WR pretty decent, in game name: aoebetty


Wow - this is more popular than i thought it would be! Acceptances/invites should be done (Jester86 yours will be done at some point today). Matt - the more the merrier as far as i'm concerned.

We've got a 10% discount on purchasing Tier 5 and Tier 6 ships permanently activated (200,000 and 300,000 saving per ship). We have about 800 oil and are currently saving the 5000 for the 10% discount on battleship repairs. It might not sound like a lot but it will save about 16,000 at T8 and 32,000 at T10 per game.

There is a mumble server available if anyone wants voice comms - just ask in chat for the details.
I would like to join, still below average at this game but my oil is going waste. will be happy to share it.

in game: remort

its also my world of tanks name if anyone is interested

ta very much .
Damn, i'm having a bad run of games! Wednesday was particularly bad as we were playing in a 3 man division and almost without exception filled 3 of the top 5 places on our team.

Wednesday Evening = WLLLLLLLLWLW
Thursday Evening = LLLLL

Clan NORKS is rolling onwards, getting close to 5000 oil now.
I haven't been playing that much, but I did manage to encounter a big fat stupid premium carrier on the enemy team in my Fubuki when I decided to go carrier hunting (helping the team do damage to other ships and taking a ninja kill on one of them) and found it sitting dead in the water, so I came to a halt just over 9Km away from him and let him have all the torps and I just sat (I didn't even bother with a smoke screen) there waiting for when he finally noticed and fired up the engine after going to brown alert (needless to say, he didn't get away and ate several torps going from full health to nothing in seconds gifting me a devastating strike).
I believe we have hit 5000 oil now.

What shall we spend the next amounts on? Personally I would like to get the Destroyer and Cruiser repairs done as well so we can all save money across the board.
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