****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Meh, few more crap games in the New Orleans. Might just put the captain back in the Pensacola because atleast that had a 50% fun game rate, instead of constant tier 10s crapping on me from 20km away when I can't even see a single ship in range.
My IGN is IanH755 but I only play Co-Op and Operations nowadays (2300+ games) as, after playing 1300+ PvP games, I became too burnt out by people/BB Meta to play PvP any more.

Speaking of which, it turns out I'm a fairly good Co-Op player :D

I started by wiping out the T6 CV's first strike force while HE'ing the 8km away Aoba until he died, followed seconds later by torping and AP'ing the Atlanta at 3km as it rounded the corner of an island. I then swapped direction to HE a Yorck who was brawling with our Yorck and DoY, which got the kill a split second before I could finish it off, so instead I decided to charge the bot Duke of York who had popped around a corner only 4km away from me. I YOLO torped him with my Right side torps whilst doing an AP drive-by for the kill which brought me face to face with a 2/3 health Alabama who was engaging one of our BB's. As his guns weren't aimed at me I yet again YOLO torped using my Left side while doing another AP drive-by at 2km. Once he was dead I spotted a Tirpitz back on my Right side slowly coming around an island so I HE'd him over the island until he cleared the the tip of the island and aimed his guns at me. By this point I had under 300hp left so I last ditch torped him with about 2 seconds to spare before he killed me (I took 1hp more damage than the ship actually has - LOL) but I got a single flood on his nose which killed him.

As all this was happening I was still slowly wiping out the CV's attacks but he went after ships who had split away from the main group so I couldn't cover them towards the end which is a shame.


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I didn't think you could get that much cash and XP in co-op... Maybe I should try it again just to get some XP in the New Orleans so I can get the upgrades!

if you get spotted pop your radar and see who it is that's spotting you...
Yeah I do that, doesn't last long enough though. Especially doesn't really help a whole lot when you spot a destroyer at 6-7km and he can get out of radar range before you get to fire a second volley :(
I run the new "super" signals and camos with lots of extra XP/Credits/Captain XP/Free XP etc plus it's a premium ship too so those aren't "normal" Co-Op earnings at all.

I would have got just 1472 XP and 70 Free XP if I only ran a premium account without the flags and camos.
Do premium ships have built in bonuses for xp/money then? I've seen the one I have (Gallant) has one on the camo but that doesn't make a huge difference and is no better than others I have lying around that I can use on any ship. Did 2 co-op games anyway, nearly died of boredom :/

Jumped into a MP game, full of just tier 10s again. Dead within 2 minutes when about 40 torps all came at me from different directions. Screw this game, I've lost interest.
Looks fun Ian. I think I prefer the co-op battles too. I like the look of those operation things as well that seem to be locked to tier 6 ships and above as far as I can tell
Do premium ships have built in bonuses for xp/money then? I've seen the one I have (Gallant) has one on the camo but that doesn't make a huge difference and is no better than others I have lying around that I can use on any ship.

Premium ships have built in XP/Credit multipliers linked to the ship itself rather than camos etc and those stats are hidden. In fact I believe WG has only ever mentioned what that multiplier is on the USN DD Sims and no other ship has had theirs mentioned.

Did 2 co-op games anyway, nearly died of boredom :/

Co-Op requires a completely different mindset to PvP. It's all about being hyper aggressive in Co-Op (definitely not a PvP thing) and brawling as close as possible, so it really suits Cruisers with YOLO torps and faster (27kt+) BB's so the normal PvP play style of hanging back and taking your time doesn't work very well. Having said that, if the map decides to screw you (Two Brothers is brutal in Co-Op) or you play DD's and slow 20kt BB's they can be very painful to play too as DD's get focused by every bot that can see it and slow BB's can't keep up with fast Cruisers/DD's which are busy torping each other at point blank range.

It took me a hundred or so games to forget the PvP "passiveness" when I started playing "Co-Op only" and once you learn a few tricks they become really good stress relief fun as 3-4 BB's all brawl within 5km of each other non-stop etc.

Having looked at the stats for your two NO Co-Op game's your average damage was 27k, I only have 6 games in the NO (only just unlocked it) and my average is 73k. To get in Co-Op that I get as close as possible (10km-2km) and use AP all day long, even on BB's under 10km (I only use HE when on bow-on/stern-on, on a DD or 12km+ from a ship).

Here's the results of my last NO game I just played a few minutes ago. Look at the damage done and check the type of shells I was using, my longest shot was about 13km (Tirpitz HE), the rest were all under 10km against Cruisers and the closest was nearly a ram but got me 3 citadels during the drive-by :D-


I think I just had someone deliberately run into my torpedos (on my team)

Now I'm pink for 7 battles. FFS. They were lined up to perfectly hit a stuck DD, and this idiot gets in between me, and the DD from about ~3k out
More likely you should be more careful when their friendlies between you and your target.

I have a great replay of a Graf spee team mate 1 shot detonation on me, 20 seconds into the game....

That is special.

He didn't say a word.
Eugh :( :rolleyes: Operations where you have to depend on other people (unlike Co-Op where you can hard carry) are awful with some of the quality players in WoWS right now!.

Had this mouth-breather sail his Gneisenau around for all 20 minutes without firing his guns once and actively avoiding areas where the enemy might be so he didn't take any damage either for a grand total of 41XP. IMHO WG should perma-ban people like that as they ruin everyone else's game. This game could easily have been a 4-5 star without Captain ****-a-Long dragging the team down, which is extremely annoying.


After rage quitting and not playing for a whole week, I thought what the hell, let's give ranked a go. 3 games so far, multiple caps and defences, got a 500k credit bonus for a level up and whilst I've been on the losing team for 2 of the games I've had far, far more fun than in any ranked match with the New Orleans. So nice to only be fighting tier 8s, wish I had realised this is what ranked was like sooner!
Nice to see some of the people from here in a game tonight, unfortunately I was in the middle of a shockingly poor session but oh well...

Nearly finished both campaigns, but will be glad when they're over.
Nice to see some of the people from here in a game tonight, unfortunately I was in the middle of a shockingly poor session but oh well...

Nearly finished both campaigns, but will be glad when they're over.

Least you asked straight up if I was from OCUK :D

PinkFloyd just messaged me to division up and had no idea who it was until I checked the thread :D
More Operations (still trying for the 5 star!) :( :rolleyes:

My back actually aches from the amount of carrying I had to do just to get a 4 star win, including taking out as many of the 50 billion DD's that infest this Operation as I could as the only cruiser in the game (3x BB, 2x DD, 1x Atlanta and 1x CV) but at least the rewards more than make up for the stress!

One odd thing, I was so busy during the game I didn't actually realise until after that the CV, who I thought did a great job of AA cover and Torp drops, did pretty "poorly" according to the game (anything less than 1000 base XP in Ops isn't classed as good), which is a bit odd considering I saw him hit at least four BB's with torp drops, kept the BB's damage repair on cooldown for me to set fires etc, scouted DD's with his planes etc and generally had a good game from what I thought I saw.


Not bad Potential Damage and my Damage Taken is incredible considering I've only got 27500 to start with! Repair base is OP :D

Using New Orleans in ranked games, 31% winrate... Same ship in ranked games 58%. Anyone would think it's a really useful ship when players tend to work as a team more and stick together!
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