****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Bought myself 5 more large Santa crates as they were going off sale yesterday. Had 2x 1k doubloons, mutsu, hood and some commander flags. Was very happy with that so bought one more and got the gremy. Chuffed :D
^^ Has radar, decent concealment and stronk AP.
Along with the Chapy it probably is the best cruiser for ranked.
Yeah, those features are all hugely helpful, but I think I'm also finding it much more survivable too. Since in ranked everyone tends to group together it's massively easier to keep well angled to the majority (if not all) of the enemy team, so I'm bouncing and dodging far more incoming fire than I would be in a random game where you'll often have players all over the place! I've still not bought the hull upgrade or rate of fire increase and finding I can consistently end up in the top half of my team, can't wait to get upgrades fitted along with the remaining 2 modules I'm missing. I just don't have the credits at the moment to do it...

Think I'm going to have to cave and buy a ship that makes silly money. Annoyed that I missed out on the chance to get the Scharnhorst now :(
I finished the Duke of York campaigns and got a scharnhorst icey camo.

So burnt out not played for a week.

Honesty by far the most fun ship I've ever played as it's a total lack of all trades with a 20s ROF that makes all other BBs completely and utterly Boring.

I got the t6 us BB and is possibly the slowest everything ship I've played in my life......
Yeah, those features are all hugely helpful, but I think I'm also finding it much more survivable too. Since in ranked everyone tends to group together it's massively easier to keep well angled to the majority (if not all) of the enemy team, so I'm bouncing and dodging far more incoming fire than I would be in a random game where you'll often have players all over the place! I've still not bought the hull upgrade or rate of fire increase and finding I can consistently end up in the top half of my team, can't wait to get upgrades fitted along with the remaining 2 modules I'm missing. I just don't have the credits at the moment to do it...

Think I'm going to have to cave and buy a ship that makes silly money. Annoyed that I missed out on the chance to get the Scharnhorst now :(

its still in the tech tree for dubloons at the moment..

hang on.. might not be.. showing in mine but I have it..
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Honesty by far the most fun ship I've ever played as it's a total lack of all trades with a 20s ROF that makes all other BBs completely and utterly Boring.

Oh Hell Yeah! Best DD/Cruiser/BB in the game.The only slight "downside" is against T8+ BB's where the Scharnhorsts 11in guns lack the punch to do decent damage and get a citadel so, like a cruiser, you have to ROF/DPM them to death instead, alternating AP some HE to keep them burning too :)
Just unlocked the Des Moines which has always been my favourite T10 when playing on the PTS and, for my 1st Co-Op game I think I did quite well and got some tasty XP too :D

On Islands of Ice with only 1 other human play (T10 Ru DD- Grozovoi) I camped behind a small island at B and let the bot CV waste all his strikes on my full AA build 19 pt captain (2500+ AA DPS) while I kept the bot cruisers at bay with broadside AP citadels on the bot DM for a kill and then a Hindenburg which beached broadside at 12km. Then the two Yamatos lumbered into view "bow on" so I burnt the first one down while a single AP salvo to the bow finished the last low health one for a cheeky kill steal. Then it was off to find the bot CV and burn him down with a couple of fires while he continued to send wave after wave of aircraft after me. Due to my positioning and the bots narrow focus I only took 700hp damage from a Yamato's secondary in the whole game yet wrecked them from under 10km for most of the match while nullifying their CV strikes in return.


Yeap, I really REALLY REALLY think I love this ship :D

I'm not a huge fan of this map, it's a bit too close meaning torps fly everywhere so, as an AA spec ship I headed for a little island just South of B to blunt the CV's attack whilst pouring HE into the C Cap, killing a DD whilst burning an Iowa and Dimitri Donskoi a little. As the C cap was won I moved towards the A cap killing another DD and getting a few hits on the bot DM which was heading from B to C, so I swung around and also headed to C where I caught the DM broadside at 6km with AP loaded. By this time I was just South of C and still ruining the CV when A full health FdG sailed South from B and gave me all of his broadside to aim at. My AP did 11k damage for the first salvos before dropping to 4k-6k and a friendly BB finished the FdG off while headed North through the C cap towards the CV which I caught border humping. After a few ineffective HE salvos (armoured deck caused 203mm shatters) I swapped to AP to finish it off. It wasn't until I was "clear" of enemy ships (just after the FdG died) that I realised how effective my AA had been and I'm positive thats a new record for me.


Some odd Co-Op action - It's rare to see many T9+ Co-Op players and even rarer, as a T7 Atlanta to get dragged into a T9 Co-Op game as T7 MM is so full, but when it happens it turns out to be very XP profitable!

On the Shatter map starting in the South and on the Left side under the A Cap, I headed towards B to blunt the T7 CV but he decided to attack the Right side fleet (also with an Atlanta of there own). So I stopped by an island and turned my guns towards the A cap and caught a T7 Akatsuki DD and a T9 Chung Mu DD broadside at 9km. I HE'd the Chung Mu to death and a friendly DD took out the Akatsuki before my last salvo could finish him. He was followed by an Atlanta that put up a little fight but, being broadside too meant he also took a lot more damage than he could cope with as he suddenly fixated on a friendly DD and we took him down together. I lobbed some HE at the Colorado also at A and got a few fires but I was suddenly detected by something close by at B. As I swung towards B I spotted a T9 Yugamo DD charging at our Colorado who was at A and, with my radar up I managed to lob more HE shells sinking it. By now I was in the B cap steaming towards the North and the CV so the CV tried to focus me resulting in a few downed waves but he eventually burned to death before I could get in range.

Now usually a 78K damage 3 kill cap would get me around 500-650 Base XP but I forgot just how XP profitable it was to kill ships that are 2 tiers higher than yourself, plus the planes kills also helped but it's still a much higher base XP than I was expecting and was completely surprised by it!


In today's Co-Op fun thread is a very interesting game and a cheeky one -

Interesting - I spawned in the North and middle of Estuary so I went down to the big island right in the middle and waited near the right side for any DD's and got lucky. I killed a full health Gaede first, then from the left side came a Bylska which I also solo killed and then finally back on the right came a Mutsuki which tried to torp me but missed and he became my 3rd solo DD kill (all with guns) for about 1/2 my health. Staying in the middle a New Mexico started to come around the island and took both torps launchers to the broadside before I spotted another lower health NM coming around the bottom of the bottom left (on the map) island, so I sneaked down the side of the island until I was about 3km and popped out to surprise him with another set of torps. I think this was the first game in a very long time where I solo killed so many DD's but that's' just the way the goes I guess.



Cheeky - TL:DR Almost got the Bot CV to torp himself and also detonated a DD :D. I started in the North and left side of Hotspot so drove down into the A Cap to face the Shiratsuyu which I detonated after a few shots. I activated my smoke and Hydro and picked out a Yorck coming around an island in-front of me but his hydro picked up my torps, all but one of which missed, leaving me to gun him down for the kill. I then charged a New Mexico and, as I'd only fired 1 salvo of torps at the Yorck I used my other set to YOLO torp the NM from about 2km which left me in open waters with the CV right in-front of me and an Alabama towards B so I charged the CV down while shooting at the Alabama, keeping him on fire a few times and, as the game was won, I thought I'd try something different which I'd seen on youtube so I got very close to the CV and let him torp me, only to dodge at the last minute and allow his own torps to kill him which almost worked perfectly only the drop was off and the torps just missed the front of his ship. Realising it was a bit silly I gunned him down for the win instead.


Falling back out of interest in the game now that the ranked season has finished. I was really enjoying using the New Orleans in fair matches (from a tiering perspective) but now it's back to constant fighting tier 10s, so that's ruled out. Random games have zero teamplay in comparison to ranked and I'm not enjoying any of the ships I have right now. Trying to level my Bayern a little but in the last 3 games I've played I've barely been able to hit anything at all. I know the guns aren't the most consistent on German Battleships but rng is just trolling me at the moment to the point where I'm wondering if there has been a nerf I've not seen documented over the past month or so. I've had volleys where I'm firing at a broadside T7 battleship at 10km, I know I've aimed correctly from the general shell positioning but consistent I've had 2 out of 8 shells actually hit, regularly doing no more than 3-4k damage. Impossible to have fun when unable to do any damage, unable to outrun anything and a complete lack of teamwork :/
Impossible to have fun when unable to do any damage, unable to outrun anything and a complete lack of teamwork :/

I know the feeling.

Re-buy a tier 3 American cruiser St Louis, and equip her captain with adrenaline rush and demolition expert. Add premium damage control party, and signals for greater fire chance if you have them to spare. Go out and have HE-inspired fun, you won't even need teamwork to obliterate 2-3 ships per match :D
I've still got my St Louis, that was a fun ship even without a geared up captain. Think some seal clubbing would be good fun actually so might have to do that for a bit :)
Some codes for missions that reward flags, missions finish 12th of March, they're all fairly simple things to achieve:

230217VERYCOLDSHIP - personal mission for 10 ESCL flags

230817GUNSFORANYSHIP - personal mission for 10 Flesh Wound flags

160217GOTOUSSRSHIP - personal mission for 10 Papa Papa flags

050117BETWEENERSHIP - personal mission for 10 Papa Papa flags (again)

040117BETWEENSHIP - personal mission for 10 Zulu flags

150715NOTHSFSHIP - personal mission for 10 ESCL flags (again)

020316SUCHABUZZSHIP - personal mission for 10 Flesh Wound flags (again)

301116REVOLUSHIP - personal mission for 10 Cmd-XP flags

210815SUCHABIGSHIP - personal mission for 10 Zulu flags (again)

120218OUESTLESHIP - personal mission for 10 Cmd-XP flags (again)
Has anyone been experiencing unstable ping lately?

It used to around 30 ish but as of late it jump up to 200 to 300 for a second or two..
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