****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Still got 18 days of premium left so currently playing through that before I move onto other games. This week had some really awful couple of days Mon/Tue some really stinking teams hardly won a game and often ended up with like 3 on my side and all but one on the other. Last couple of days were better including winning the match with 1 second to go. Need to check if that was recorded to my computer.

I tried Cleveland as everyone said it was brilliant but I hated it I seemed to get targetted first and seemed to have armour like tissue paper. Nearly at T10 for first time ever going to see if I can grind it out with the remaining premium I have.
Akizuki is probably my favourite ship in the whole game.
Great guns, decent torps with reload booster and good concealment with smoke.
but you need someone spotting for you to get the best out of the guns.
I normally do the Japanese gunboat dd line when I reset in the research bureau.
IIRC 5 times now:)
Still got 18 days of premium left so currently playing through that before I move onto other games. This week had some really awful couple of days Mon/Tue some really stinking teams hardly won a game and often ended up with like 3 on my side and all but one on the other. Last couple of days were better including winning the match with 1 second to go. Need to check if that was recorded to my computer.

I tried Cleveland as everyone said it was brilliant but I hated it I seemed to get targetted first and seemed to have armour like tissue paper. Nearly at T10 for first time ever going to see if I can grind it out with the remaining premium I have.
You wouldn't like the RN CL line then. Neptune and Mino have ginormous citadels so god help you if you come up against anything that can overmatch your bow armour. Fun ships, but man it can all go wrong very quickly.

So far, I have enjoyed the RN BB and DD lines from the higher tiers, Russian BB line from T6, Russian DD line from T8 surprised me as being quite fun in the same way the german DDs got pretty good too. German BBs are like a jack of all trades, but they suit my aggressive playstyle well. IJN DDs are just great, IJN BBs are okay, but man they are slow and not good up close. German CAs are the most fun I've player at high tiers. Quite tanky for cruisers, decent guns, good range. Good fun. I just started the French DD line and that has been a breath of fresh air after mostly playing torp boats. I miss the smoke, but they are quick and have good guns so mobility kinda makes up for it.

The only lines I really didn't get on with are the US ships. Slow BBs, anaemic cruisers and meh DDs.
Yeah the Japanese BBs can be a bit of a slog. I love the Fugo though. In the right battle it is really good. Currently at T8 BB that line.
Currently doing the Russian DD's but the 4km range is not good. Bit of a challenge as I`m rubbish in DD. Only line not attempted at DD.
Also at the Pensacola on the US line as never progressed that. Gave up on the US BB's.
Bit of a CV man and hated for it. Nearly at T10 with the Lexington grind. Ark Royal such a brilliant carrier. T8 with RN Carrier.
Jap Carriers not very good and German ones the plane attack is damn right awful.
Saipan is such a good carrier though, love the Torp planes on it.
Yeah the Japanese BBs can be a bit of a slog. I love the Fugo though. In the right battle it is really good. Currently at T8 BB that line.
Currently doing the Russian DD's but the 4km range is not good. Bit of a challenge as I`m rubbish in DD. Only line not attempted at DD.
Also at the Pensacola on the US line as never progressed that. Gave up on the US BB's.
Bit of a CV man and hated for it. Nearly at T10 with the Lexington grind. Ark Royal such a brilliant carrier. T8 with RN Carrier.
Jap Carriers not very good and German ones the plane attack is damn right awful.
Saipan is such a good carrier though, love the Torp planes on it.

Once you hit T8 on the RU torp DDs they get good (2x 5 launchers with 10km range, smoke, speed boost and AA), but yeah the early game is rough going with 4km torps. I'm on Amagi now and just about to get the T9. Amagi is a decent ship but I don't LOVE it. Thunderer is deffo my fav BB right now. on CVs, I've only done the RN line, and got my Audacious a while back. It's not too bad, but I still haven't got it fully upgraded. I set it up for tank planes so I could survive the Halland spam and actually punish them a bit. I also think the rocket planes on the German CVs is pants. The only worthwhile planes are the torps which tbf are good for killing DDs and CVs, and generally annoying BBs. Just generally don't feel good though. I though IJN CVs were supposed to be good? Hosho fo sho ya know.
Once you hit T8 on the RU torp DDs they get good (2x 5 launchers with 10km range, smoke, speed boost and AA), but yeah the early game is rough going with 4km torps.

That's Ognevoi, only 1 of the 2 Russian destroyers at tier 8. The other is Kiev, which, has to be played right.

To play Kiev in true Soviet MANLY fashion, you ditch smoke because smoke is for filthy Capitalist scum, and take heals instead. You spec your captain with Adrenaline Rush, Basic Fire Training, Advanced Fire Training, Last Stand, and Survivability Expert - Now you have 6x 130mm guns which throw shells 15km, and you go 48kts (with speed boost). You annoy battleships, and anything else in range and speed around like a madman, setting fires, and slapping anything under 10km with glorious Soviet AP to the citadel, whilst not forgetting you still have 8km torpedoes. If you survive until end game, you are ridiculously stronk and can scoot from cap to cap with ease, or burn BB's to the waterline while they have no hope of landing a hit in return :)

On another note, I did a thing.... and I don't regret it so far! She's beautiful:
Have been sent these codes to pass on, can only be used once, then they are dead, first come etc.

The longer it's been since you last played the more you will get.

If you're a regular player think you get 2 containers.





Enjoy :)
Has anyone got any advice for getting Witherer? I need it to get it twice more unlock admiral Yamamoto but keep falling flat with it. I'm using Conqueror and Thunderer but keep getting games that are over far too quickly or really bad fires RNG, the first salvo starts 2 or 3 fire which get DCed and follow up salvos do naff all.

Also got some codes to pass on, same as above get them while they work.




Afraid I can't help much - I've done it using Conqueror before, but not many times. One-sided stomp games are never going to work for it tho.

Best advice is try and set 1 fire on a ship, ideally a BB, and then farm something else. BB's at high tier usually don't put out 1 fire, but will burn a dam con for 2 fires. Also, pray for RNG and getting Kremlins or Soyuz's.... late-game, they run out of DCP charges, so you can freely burn them to a nice crispy waterline :D

I have 12 Witherer's in total. Compared to my 66 Kraken's....
I find Thunder to be a bit more consistent at setting fires than Conqueror. I can get about 30k to 40k+ plus normally but can't see to get it over that magic 60k mark.

I have been doing the set one fire and switch target farming. But I'm encountering people that do put out single fires but then the RNG never lets me punish them as i can't set subsequent fires. The one time i have got it so far was someone in Ohio who DCed a single fire and and then I was lucky to set 3 fires with the next salvo.
I don't have any of those ships unfortunately. I only have access to UK BBs and CCs and USN BBs and and working up the heavy cruiser line, I'm up to Baltimore. So i have limited ships to choose from.
How do you find the Baltimore?

Personally, I think it's an absolute turd... I really just cannot make it work. Cleveland, no worries, and she's a monster with IFHE, gone through Seattle and I'm loving the Wooster so far, but I cannot make the Baltimore work. Get looked at slightly, bang 2 citadels, no heal, end match with 10-12k damage. Doesn't matter if I try and shoot at DD's for 900dmg per salvo, or BB's for 2k per salvo. Can't even bring myself to splurge the FXP on the line to get the Des Memes.
How do you find the Baltimore?

Personally, I think it's an absolute turd... I really just cannot make it work. Cleveland, no worries, and she's a monster with IFHE, gone through Seattle and I'm loving the Wooster so far, but I cannot make the Baltimore work. Get looked at slightly, bang 2 citadels, no heal, end match with 10-12k damage. Doesn't matter if I try and shoot at DD's for 900dmg per salvo, or BB's for 2k per salvo. Can't even bring myself to splurge the FXP on the line to get the Des Memes.
Not played for a while... Baltimore... Isn't that the t9 heavy cruiser? If it is holy **** that thing rocks!! I loved it.. Upgrade the rate of fire and just go wrecking **** close up.. Just keep angled as best you can..
Baltimore is ok. I don't have may issues with the guns but the Radar is the best things about her, but the only other T8 Heavy Cruiser I've played is Albemarle so there is not much to compare it to. I'm not far of Buffalo at T9 so things may start to get better.
Nice to get some codes via email but I dont get why they send you 5 but you can only use 1. Not much point giving them to someone else who plays because they will have got their own set of codes. So to me its to encourage new players. Rather be able to use all 5 myself.

Anyway Alienware Giveaway has some more codes to er, give away.



you need to create an account first. Worth bookmarking and checking every so often as they have free codes.
I finally got the 3 Witherers, Thunderer and Drake proved ok at farming but getting games that went on for long enough was a right PITA.
OMG I do not normally like the themed battles but just worked my way up the Valkyrie ship line and got the Mortars as primary weapons and they are so OP. You can kill a ship in like 2/3 shots sometimes if not 3/4. I've not actually seen anyone else use it probably as the secondary mortars perk is so bad but I AM LOVING the Mortars. Normal AP or HE takes an age because others have shields or whatever but you can see catching others by surprise when you absolutely pummel them. Just sit at the portal with shields on and you can get 4/5 ships no problem. Cocky Gale ships think they have you with their torps but fire a couple of Mortars at them and they are toast! Its a horrible grind but so glad I did it!

New code just tried
Not sure what it does but worked ok for me.

Just got the yolo emillio, 2 games in it so far (1 random) and it is so much fun.

The smoke reload is a little long, but to rush a BB at 50 knots+ in smoke and kill him with torps from 2km is soooo funny.

Tbh it's a bit of a one trick pony but the sap is devastating vs dd's and it puts a smile on my face when I played it.
Another code


not sure what it does other than try to get you to buy Belfast 43 as it lets you enter it multiple times.
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