Still got 18 days of premium left so currently playing through that before I move onto other games. This week had some really awful couple of days Mon/Tue some really stinking teams hardly won a game and often ended up with like 3 on my side and all but one on the other. Last couple of days were better including winning the match with 1 second to go. Need to check if that was recorded to my computer.
I tried Cleveland as everyone said it was brilliant but I hated it I seemed to get targetted first and seemed to have armour like tissue paper. Nearly at T10 for first time ever going to see if I can grind it out with the remaining premium I have.
I tried Cleveland as everyone said it was brilliant but I hated it I seemed to get targetted first and seemed to have armour like tissue paper. Nearly at T10 for first time ever going to see if I can grind it out with the remaining premium I have.