***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

I got my 5th netherdrake this morning, now there's nothing that I really want to do before the patch. I spent a couple of weeks gathering herbs for inscription, and deliberately got more than I think I'll need, as I think the price of herbs is going to go right up so I may as well try to cash in.

I've heard that experience needed has been decreased from 60-70 with this patch, but I can't check it at the moment as I can't get on to the ptr. Regardless though, the new talents make it a lot easier to level - my 62 paladin is useless on live, but on the ptr it kills things quickly and comes out with full health/mana!
Really? And that is in next patch?


I got my 5th netherdrake this morning, now there's nothing that I really want to do before the patch. I spent a couple of weeks gathering herbs for inscription, and deliberately got more than I think I'll need, as I think the price of herbs is going to go right up so I may as well try to cash in.

I've heard that experience needed has been decreased from 60-70 with this patch, but I can't check it at the moment as I can't get on to the ptr. Regardless though, the new talents make it a lot easier to level - my 62 paladin is useless on live, but on the ptr it kills things quickly and comes out with full health/mana!

As I said above, it is true.

Here is the link with an official blue response


(scroll down a little).
Hmmm i might put my mage on hold until this patch then. I will lvl my warrior as prot as it looks as though i can pvp/grind and tank instances as prot! Only just got my first part of T4 after being 70 for a few months but being in a crap guild(cant even clear kara in a night).
Hmmm i might put my mage on hold until this patch then. I will lvl my warrior as prot as it looks as though i can pvp/grind and tank instances as prot! Only just got my first part of T4 after being 70 for a few months but being in a crap guild(cant even clear kara in a night).

I think prot warriors are quite amazing in the expansion.

http://wmo.ngacn.cc/combat/547140 that link shows them doing around 1700 damage per second, which is extremely good for a prot tank (I don't know those people, and so can't vouch for their gear, or skill/rotations)

It seems that Moonkins are doing insane damage at the moment, as well as arms warriors. I must say that apart from Unholy Death Knights, the damage DK's are doing is not that great. They are nerfing unholy though (especially the minions, because they are too good - currently they are gaining 100 percent AP from the DK I think - note, I am talking about DK's in general from the 100's of threads/reports I have seen... their DPS isn't as amazing so far as many predicted to begin with).

I am a little shocked that ret paladins aren't higher, but then again at 3200 DPS he isn't doing bad - and for all we know he could have been in greens :p
3200 dps at level 80 seems very low for a ret pala, i am a sunwell geared ret pala an on kil'jaden i average 2.1k dps.
3200 dps at level 80 seems very low for a ret pala, i am a sunwell geared ret pala an on kil'jaden i average 2.1k dps.

Yeah, as said it could be the guy sucks, or it could even be that he was assigned adds/died I didn't check really the combat logs... I mostly linked that one for the warrior DPS :p

Anyways, Ret paladins are quite insane - I am leveling a paladin on horde side for fun (but for a tank) and going to stay DPS on alliance side, but I will literally be loving the tears coming from people when they play against ret paladins. It doesn't bother me any, I play with ret paladins (people in the guild) so they can make them as strong as they like :D
will 0-60 speed be remaining the same? i know its meant to be easy now but as ill be completely new to the game ill need all the help i can get :)
will 0-60 speed be remaining the same? i know its meant to be easy now but as ill be completely new to the game ill need all the help i can get :)

I don't think I have read anything about that so I am guessing yes - if only to promote their recruit a friend option. The 3 times XP gains on that are pretty insane, though I suppose technically you could run 2 instances of wow, and "recruit yourself" as in have 2 accounts, and level like that. Am not totally sure though as never done it.

The easy way to level if you can't use that is to quest as much as possible. The first 20 levels are pretty damn quick, and then instance boost if possible. If you know someone that plays, especially a high level stalk them for instance boosts.

An example is dead mines in west fall, you need to be level 10 min to enter, so just run in, and have a friend (paladins, mages or warlocks are the best) just pull and kill everything... it also has the benefit of dropping a lot of rare items for use.

Other than that, questing is the fastest way to level - in general.

I highly recommend downloading Carbonite Quest, which will tell you the locations of ALL the quest items (show them on an in game map) I am using it right now for my horde paladin and my alliance rogue, really helps a lot.

*EDIT* There was an increase in leveling from 10-60 a long while ago, but don't think it has been updated for WOTLK is what I mean.
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I use Zygor Guide when leveling, makes it go a bit easier as I find leveling quite tedious after the first run through.

It's not free though, but you can find it on the net to download. ;)

It's an in-game guide too.
Blizzard said:
Dual-Spec system

* The dual-spec system will be introduced in a content patch. The goal is to let you switch specs very easily in raid, even between fights ! However it won't be possible to switch specs in the middle of an arena match.

* With dual-spec introduced in the game, there are also discussions about an Itemrack-like mod being introduced to the default UI

I just received an evil email spam, saying I've been invited to the WotLK beta testing... on closer inspection, it's from a gmail account and goes to a dodgy URL. Thats not the reason why it's evil though, I'm just about to put my 60 day gamecard details in - I haven't played for well over a year now and I had played since release.

Goodbye the life that I reclaimed :'(.
Been playing the beta and the ret pally is a lot of fun. 15k damage bursts are pretty impressive (and regular). Considering most ppl have around 25000 health now that's half gone in the opening few seconds (mitigated by resiliance somewhat of course). That's in the pre-made (basic blue gladiators and a couple of epic trinkets/neck) gear. Yet to dig around for any working addons for wrath yet so dunno bout my dps. Rotation wise I think I got how to get the most out of it DPS wise tho.

Been noting the best locations for farming the new primals (eternals as they are in wrath) for making good coin while levelling. Spotted the equivalent of elemental plateu but the mobs are a bit more spread out so shouldn't be toooo evil.
It will really be great for the hybrids.

Imagine you are DPS as a warrior/deathknight/paladin/priest/shaman/druid and then you can just switch to healing/tanking as needed in the middle of a fight.

With the spell power change, it will be even less of a big deal for priests/paladins/druids/shamans. Healer down? All DPS Alive? Druid turns resto from a moonkin :p
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