OLED .....not yet guys !

If you don't get the judder and be careful with retention the LG OLED is by far the best image quality I have seen. I had a Sony 4k as well and even at 4k it did not look as nice as the 1080p OLED. Pixels are not everything... :)

If you don't get the judder and be careful with retention the LG OLED is by far the best image quality I have seen. I had a Sony 4k as well and even at 4k it did not look as nice as the 1080p OLED. Pixels are not everything... :)


You have to be unlucky to get one with ir my first one got black bars IR after about 30 mins of watching a film the other 2 had no IR what so ever and I have abused it with black bar movies
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I would recommend it over all others, since this time last year I have had the following- samsungs 55F8000 and HU7500, Sony KD55X9005 and a Panasonic AX802b and the lg OLED
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So right now, this is THE television to have?

LG 55EC930V Smart 3D 55" Curved OLED TV

I posted the other thread re 2015 Sony Bravia range and everyone is telling me to forget 4K and go with 1080p OLED. So this is the reccomended set from all available makes and models right now?

Current TV is Panasonic 50" G20 plasma.

when you see them side by side the OLED is way better than all of them, even my Panny ST 55.

the Sammy 4K SUHD comes close, but does not have the same JAW- DROPPING image, the OLED is the best tv in the world...finally, the Sammy is much more expensive

If you don't get the judder and be careful with retention the LG OLED is by far the best image quality I have seen. I had a Sony 4k as well and even at 4k it did not look as nice as the 1080p OLED. Pixels are not everything... :)


dont forget the Panny has loads of faults too, i can see the menus of about 3 different games on mine, it would take about 2 weeks for the image retention to disappear .............if you game every night you'll get image retention...

i can also see the Win 8 Desktop Taskbar as well :) when i sold the 50'' i had to quit gaming for 2 weeks before hand

by the end of next year OLED will take the world by storm, LED will die off completely...... they'll all have to make OLED to compete, it's starting already.
So right now, this is THE television to have?

LG 55EC930V Smart 3D 55" Curved OLED TV

I posted the other thread re 2015 Sony Bravia range and everyone is telling me to forget 4K and go with 1080p OLED. So this is the reccomended set from all available makes and models right now?

Current TV is Panasonic 50" G20 plasma.

If you've got 2k to drop on a TV today yes it is. It will give you a better viewing experience right now compared to the 4k buyers buying sets with inferior quality hoping that 4k will become a thing tomorrow, when in all likely-hood it won't become a thing until 2017 and they'll still be left with a crappy LED.
If you've got 2k to drop on a TV today yes it is. It will give you a better viewing experience right now compared to the 4k buyers buying sets with inferior quality hoping that 4k will become a thing tomorrow, when in all likely-hood it won't become a thing until 2017 and they'll still be left with a crappy LED.

Thanks Nexus. I very nearly splurged £6K on a new Sony 65" but am considering more like £2-3K with a view to upgrade again in 2-3 years.

It would be mainly used for gaming and watching 1080p MKV movies via DLNA.
Thanks Nexus. I very nearly splurged £6K on a new Sony 65" but am considering more like £2-3K with a view to upgrade again in 2-3 years.

It would be mainly used for gaming and watching 1080p MKV movies via DLNA.

go into a showroom and see an OLED.

this tv has a big fault..........Motion Judder, the image judders as the camera pans horizontally, because i thought i saw this in BBC1 HD..but i did not see it at all in the LG demo..... it does not do it if the motion is slow or if it's panning at 45 degrees to vertical, it's horizontal only...

you can only reduce this, but doing so will introduce the ``soap opera effect``, so you'll have to compromise here, this problem is exactly the same as in their LCDs/ LEDs............because the OLED uses the same engine, but i dont think it does it in gaming, because it's 60fps.......... not sure

i told him ``if you dont get a formal email from me confirming my purchase then i'm not buying it`` :cool:............. yea i'm not so sure now, maybe the VT65 will be better for now and the OLED late next year.

i'm now confused because maybe i'll get used to mild ``soap opera effect``....................damn it, i hate it when it gets messy like this........... why cant they produce a tv that works perfectly.........somebody shoot me !!!!!!!!!!!!

That's the plan this weekend pal. Was considering taking a USB stick with a test file on so I have some consistent material. Any suggestions for good source material?

F1 racing...................check out the Judder and soap opera effect.

you dont need to check the image quality..... only the motion, the VT65 bid ends tomorrow so i've got to act quickly
I notice on my Panny like a judder effect on movies when you see panning shots over the horizon, presuming were both talking about the same thing. Can't believe this is still a thing with modern TVs. Likewise I hate the various frame creation technology, I have it turned off.
yes but with the panny we're used to its faults, but we need to know if it's any worst.......... because it's mentioned quite a lot and i deffo noticed something in Purwells, but i put it down to a poor feed........as it moved it was like you were blinking your eyes, it looked strange, the panny doesn't do this, it semi- blurs which looks far better.......... i went ``what was that :eek::eek:``

WOPPY101 is the best person to answer this

no good just buying this tv, we need to investigate everything
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ok it doesn't look too bad and this bloke knows what he's saying

For your 24 frame content (when output at 24) :

Tru Motion USER
Judder 3
Blur 2

Any less and things will fall apart sporadically
Any more and you take a one way trip to Soap Opera Land.

Judder is inherent in 24 frame content. If you project a 35mm film on the screen and the cinematographer gets a little too adventuresome, you will see it. It is not exclusive to our home displays, although some displays amplify the problem while others have reasonable ways to address it.

When future displays can give us native 48, (and successful upcovert 24 frame content) judder will no longer exist for all intents and purposes.

Until that day in the future, Tru Motion can handle at least 97% of it. Even so, I still get a few non repeatedly motion errors from time to time. When I see them, I will go back and try to get them to repeat, but usually they run smooth as silk the 2nd time around. I believe the 9300's CPU reaches it's breaking point at times and glitches. The math doesn't add up and we see a stutter or something that resembles a missing frame. It happens VERY infrequently and I personally have never had ANY display that didn't glitch on motion every now and then including my 8th Gen Kuro. And always unrepeatable.

I have used Oppo BD players from the very start after my first Panasonic "door stop" which ran so hot you could fry eggs on it and took 20 minutes or so to try and load a non java title. HA HA!

One thing ALL of us need to always remember. The current state of the art with digital video (or digital ANYTHING) is really really great, but it is NOT perfect and there will always be artifacts of some sort that make it to our eyes. Most people never see them, people here do. People that expect perfect video have the wrong hobby.
Maybe in the future it will be that way, for now we have to settle for near perfection
I remember awful judder on my Samsung c650 lcd, custom settings fixed it to an extent but it was always there.
One thing I hate is judder, luckily my Sony w905 is perfect from what I can see.
you wont know till you see it and it can be semi-tuned out.........it's a risk you take

I rang up the Plasma guy but he was out of the shop, so i need to ring him again at 5pm........... i wouldn't care less if this was Oxford, but Norwich is miles away so i'm deffo not driving that far without knowing the TV is in perfect condition first, i'd rather buy the 55'' OLED from Italy ( no vat or import duty and it only takes 5 days to get here).

The one thing i've noticed recently is a lot of so called brand new TVs for sale on EBay, with ``no original box``............. do not go near a brand new tv without its box. :eek::eek:

your best tactic is to buy brand new only..........but send him an email first and try and get it 200 quid cheaper, most say yes :cool:

that's your OLED Calibration settings. :cool:

To eliminate almost ALL judder and keep everyone in the frame mostly in focus with 24 frame content output at 24 , I settled on Judder 3 and Blur 2. It was the only setting that worked well without introducing SOE. Anything less on either adjustment and it proved ineffective. Believe me, I sat there and played with that thing for days on end and about the only thing I wish for now is that LG gave us 1/2 increments in their adjustments on the Tru Motion itself. If I could get BLUR set to 1 1/2 instead of 2, I think overall the entire thing would be nailed.

Interlaced: Tru Motion OFF works best
Progressive: Tru Motion set to Judder 3 and Blur 2 works best

Again, I have spent many days and loads of varied content to come up with these findings and settings. Make of them what you will.
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Are you keeping it then?

from doing loads of research today the OLED is far superior to the VT 65'' , so i'll probably get the 55'' OLED and sell my ST 55 for about 500 quid....

but i'm also looking at the 55'' 4K... which is the latest 3rd generation and probably superior.
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