Oscar Pistorius thread

Odds are IF she was in there for toilet purposes it was a quick pee... in, sit, pee, wipe, wash, out.... no need for locking in that scenario.

How are you working that out? Hot women pinch loaves as well you know...
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How are you working that out? How women pinch loaves as well you know...

Its the middle of the night

2 people who are obviously comfortable with each other ie share a bed

She goes for a wee... half asleep probably, you don't think, oh.. ill lock the door here in case my partner decides to take a wander around at night and come in on me having a wee... just get on with it and back to bed.

The odds of her actually thinking about and needing to lock the door for a wee are low, very low imo.
So the first thing you do when you 'suspect' an intruder is in your house is to blast 3/4 bullets through a LOCKED toilet door at an unknown person on the other side :rolleyes:
Any normal person would be thinking first about the safety of their loved ones, find them and then GTFO of there and call the police! (NONE of which he did if reports are correct)
His defense/fairy tale is just that, I just hope his vast wealth doesn't allow him to get away with cold-blooded murder like O.J :mad:
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Why would a burglar break into the bed room where his intended victims are - observe them sleeping and completely vulnerable (ready to be tied up or killed) and instead lock himself in the toilet.
She goes for a wee... half asleep probably, you don't think, oh.. ill lock the door here in case my partner decides to take a wander around at night and come in on me having a wee... just get on with it and back to bed.

Bit in bold is the thing you keep missing. When I lock a toilet door I do it out of habit not because I'm making a conscious decision based on my surroundings.

Hell I lock the bathroom door when I'm home alone because it's just a force of habit.
Just heard on CNN now that he used a key to open the bathroom door. :confused:

Its the middle of the night

2 people who are obviously comfortable with each other ie share a bed

She goes for a wee... half asleep probably, you don't think, oh.. ill lock the door here in case my partner decides to take a wander around at night and come in on me having a wee... just get on with it and back to bed.

The odds of her actually thinking about and needing to lock the door for a wee are low, very low imo.

No she may not have thought about it at all, some people just lock the door on autopilot. The odds are not low at all. I lock the door when there is no one in my house, it's just habit.

So the first thing you do when you 'suspect' an intruder is in your house is to blast 4 bullets through a toilet door at an unknown person on the other side :rolleyes:
Any normal person would be thinking first about the safety of their loved ones, find them and then GTFO of there and call the police! (NONE of which he did if reports are correct)
His defense/fairy tale is just that, I just hope his vast wealth doesn't allow him to get away with cold-blooded murder like O.J :mad:

From what we've heard of South Africa it's not that simple. It seems intruders wouldn't hesitate to kill you first. He also said he received death threats in the past. I think his story is completely plausible. Not saying I believe it but it could easily have happened.

Why would a burglar break into the bed room where his intended victims are - observe them sleeping and completely vulnerable (ready to be tied up or killed) and instead lock himself in the toilet.

I'm not sure it was stated that the supposed intruder broke in to the bedroom. Either way, if you think there is an intruder in your bathroom you're unlikely to be taking time to consider this question. In fact it is reported he thought the intruder came in through the bathroom window.
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Why would a burglar break into the bed room where his intended victims are - observe them sleeping and completely vulnerable (ready to be tied up or killed) and instead lock himself in the toilet.

The defense for that from his legal team will be that the sliding doors to his bedroom was the only entry point and this is what Oscar believed at the time :rolleyes: (Hence the story about getting up and closing the doors)

This is yet another great example why civilians should never be allowed guns, stuff like this happens all the time around the world. (Although in this case I believe that it's complete BS to try and get him off a murder charge)
He's a ****ing athlete, I'm sure he can give it a good enough bang to get through, if he can do it with his plastic legs why can't he do it with his muscular, athletic arms?

Thats completely ignoring what you said. You tried to claim that he is talking rubbish because why would he try to get into the bathroom instead of trying to help his gf.

I merely pointed out, that the two were the same thing. His gf was behind the door ergo to help her, he needed to get behind the door. Thats when he kicked or battered his door down to get in.

Also, when was the last time you saw someone break a door down with their arm instead of legs. Also, his prosthetics are not made of plastic, also, its pretty unlikely they are massively useful for kicking doors down. All of which might lead him to find something else to help him. Something like a cricket bat.

We literally know nothing as fact at the moment and for every conclusion you make from a completely ambiguous report from the media, I can make a better case for his innocence.

I have no idea what the outcome of this trial will be but you seem to be taking any action he made as those of a guilty man without even considering other explanations.

The guy has been dating her for less that 6 months, not married, he lives in south africa and has received death threats, he wears prosthetics and was woken in the middle of the night.

Why would he murder a woman he could simply break up with at no expense. I can't see a motive that would explain this but I am still not going to try and say that he is guilty or innocent at this stage.
His explanation sounds weird because we live in England, are able bodied, don't receive death threats and because we would all obviously sit down and start sleuthing if we thought an armed intruder was in our house instead of shooting first and asking questions later.
His explanation sounds weird because we live in England, are able bodied, don't receive death threats and because we would all obviously sit down and start sleuthing if we thought an armed intruder was in our house instead of shooting first and asking questions later.

Other than Pistorius claiming this in court in the last few days, where is the evidence that he was receiving death threats?
Why didn't she scream or make any noise at all? he shouted to the supposed burglar, shot her in the hip and she didn't make so much as a squeak for him to hear that it was her? it just seems like lots of things he could have done to ensure that it wasn't her were completely neglected.
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Why didn't she scream or make any noise at all? he shouted to the supposed burglar, shot her in the hip and she didn't make so much as a squeak for him to hear that it was her?

Maybe she didn't have time to scream if it was 4 quickfire shots through the door.
Other than Pistorius claiming this in court in the last few days, where is the evidence that he was receiving death threats?

I have no idea. I assume that he will show the court evidence for it. Are you seriously telling me that South Africas most famous sportsman would have never received death threats.

People receive them for ridiculous things so I would imagine that someone as polarising as Pistorius wouldn't have too much trouble.
So the first thing you do when you 'suspect' an intruder is in your house is to blast 3/4 bullets through a LOCKED toilet door at an unknown person on the other side :rolleyes:

This sums it up for me. It's hard to believe people are defending and in some cases sympathising.

Accident or not (and it's really hard to believe it was - or is this guy unbelievably stupid), that poor girl died needlessly.
I have no idea. I assume that he will show the court evidence for it. Are you seriously telling me that South Africas most famous sportsman would have never received death threats.

People receive them for ridiculous things so I would imagine that someone as polarising as Pistorius wouldn't have too much trouble.

A simple "there is none" would have sufficed.

If you're saying that all famous people receive death threats then they effectively become irrelevant in any argument.
A simple "there is none" would have sufficed.

If you're saying that all famous people receive death threats then they effectively become irrelevant in any argument.

Wow, thats a very strange conclusion. Because most public figures receive death threats it doesn't matter. I assume that we can also ignore stress, jealousy and anger because everyone has those emotions too.

Have you told the court that you are quite sure there is no evidence of death threats because I am sure they would want to know.

Seriously this is depressing. The number of people on here who would have hanged him already based on their ridiculous speculation beggers belief.
I don't know what to make of it all really. I cant fathom the not bothering to check where his girlfriend was when he was so worried about such an immanent danger. He doesn't seem to have checked after hearing the noise when he went to the balcony to get a fan nor after when he fetched his gun from under the bed (unless he took his gun to fetch the fan)?

Also, firing through a door again not knowing where his GF was?!

The room was pitch black yet the GF goes to the toilet without turning a light on and without making a noise? She didn't feel her way along the wall or stumble?

I once stayed at an exes flat which was above a wine shop. I was woken up by the sound of would be burglars smashing the shop door in downstairs. Checking where the other half was, was certainly not at the bottom of my list of things to do in that moment! Gotta love Croydon though!

I know people react differently in "situations of fear" but I cant fathom not checking on the girlfriend.
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