Not a badass dude just using number 5.
Except you don't have free speech in this country unless you are speaking at an academic institution or in parliament. Just thought I would point that out.
Not a badass dude just using number 5.
Well be careful because racists & homophobes don't last that long on here.
You can get away with being a chauvinist.
Except you don't have free speech in this country unless you are speaking at an academic institution or in parliament. Just thought I would point that out.
It's "scared to death of everything" people [...]
Says the racist and homophobic?
It's "scared to death of everything" people like you that have made the word racism loose all meaning
It's people that can't spell "lose" like you that make most posts on GD lose all meaning, loosely speaking.
Britain is a police state and has been for a while. You can't even make a tweet now without fear of having police knock at your door. Not to mention 24/7 survillance as soon as you step out of your house (probably in it too if you count all the monitoring the government now does online)
Somebody needs to read up on what a Police State actually is before spouting crap. It must be quite insulting for anyone who actually live in a country with a oppressive Police force.
Britain is a police state and has been for a while. You can't even make a tweet now without fear of having police knock at your door. Not to mention 24/7 survillance as soon as you step out of your house (probably in it too if you count all the monitoring the government now does online)
Britain is not a police state.
unless you break a law in one of those tweets - in which case you won't have my sympathy if you get held accountable for offensive remarks or defamation.
+1.. This country has its faults, some are frustrating, some are annoying, and some are quite disturbing at the moment. But it's still the envy of huge swages of the world and a good place to live regardless of what some people would have you believe.
I admit using the word police state may have been out of context in certain respects.
As for being the envy of the World... It's only the envy of poor people who want to take something from the system... Whether that be government handouts or jobs to send money back to their home countries.
I really don't think there are too many people in Switzerland or Australia wishing they were living in Blackpool for example
To be honest I find your viewpoint a little odd. In one breath you have us living in a Police state, then go on about handouts to folk.
Generally speaking you can say what you want, when you want, about anyone or anything without fear of having a knock on the door from the Police or anyone else. That does have limits. If you threaten anyone or say things that simply are not true. Even if there is only a grain of truth in it, people will give you the benefit of the doubt.
That can't be said for some counties. It not unheard of to be threatened with death for calling a Teddy Bear, Mohammad. I think people around the world envy that more than handouts.
Plus all countries have deprived areas. Even now parts of the USA have people living in tents and cars, wile others live in mansions. The UK is no different, and better than most.
To be honest, if you hate it so much move somewhere else.
Plus I never said we get anything for free. We pay through the eyes and nose for everything. I pay tax and national insurance, Vat, tax on any savings I can manage. Tax on fuel, drink, fags (I don't smoke) council tax and probably a few I've forgotten. I woundnt be surprised if 55-60% of the money I earn is taken back.
But I get stuff in return ( probably not enough) I ring 999 and people come, be it fire and rescue, ambulance or police. I go out at night and there are lights, when it snows there are snow ploughs. Lots of things
Its a balance, I think the current government is getting things very wrong and hurting lots of people very badly. But I'm allowed to say they are crap to whom I like when I like.
There are many things that I think should be done differently or better. Doesn't mean I want to see the world burn because its not to my liking. I have problems that are far closer to home that I put my efforts into.
I feel sorry for you that everything you see is so oppressive and makes your life so miserable. It appears to be eating you up, which is a shame, life's to short.
Are you saying that the UK has the best?.