The problem is...F1 doesn't know what it wants to be anymore. It used to be about going as fast as possible around a track in a car (be it 4 wheels or 6). Over the years rules mainly came in firstly primarily for safety, and then to try to keep things "fair" and "competitive". The more and more rules and policies brought in unfortunately creates a situation of exponential rulings and policy to cater for every situation. It's like a disease. A rule for a rule for a rule for a rule...
With so many regulations came even more of a crack down on spenditure and a so called greener F1 whilst at the same time through the naughties trying to keep in touch with providing good racing for fans by again, changing the rules.
It's this love affair with the rules which has morphed F1 into what it has now become. Lost. It has lost its identity.
Go back to the 80s... engines were all about making huge power. It was exciting. It was on the edge. It was noisy. It felt derestricted, analogue, manual input. Week on week putting out the best machine and driving effort you could. Fast forward to now and it's almost too strategic and green to the point where we have teams capping power to get through the race and season, teams not qualifying due to added stress on the tyres and engines etc etc.
What would happen if next season they said rules are "put a car on the grid that goes as fast as possible around a track" with no restrictions? Would the richer teams really dominate? Look at Brawn winning from nowhere. Mainly due to one idea that worked so well...the blown diffuser. If teams are allowed to innovate unrestricted, who knows what could happen. That feels more like F1 to me regardless of what they look and sound like. It's about the speed primarily. The pinnacle of motorsport and a demo in how to go as fast as possible around a track. If they sound silent so be it. If they sound like a jet fighter so be it.
I think if everything was unrestricted, racing would still naturally be competitive because there are still hard restrictions in place due to the laws of physics and the tracks used as to what can be built to go fast around a track in a typical 60 odd lap race. Obviously the size of said vehicle would be restricted so as to fit them all on the track.
Madness? Yes. Unrealistic? Yes. Have I lost interest in F1? Yes.