Paris attacks.

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Along with extreme devout or extremist versions of Christianity and Judaism. It's not Islam that is the problem, it's extreme beliefs (which the average Muslim wouldn't share).

Islam itself is an extremely primitive, violent and misogynistic religion, If it was all peaceful then it wouldn't be at war with every religion on the planet.
Unfortunately, if the attackers claim to have killed in the name of Allah, and describe themselves as Muslims, it becomes an Islamic terror attack.

To say that these people aren't Muslims is just ignorant. Who are you to define what religion people see themselves as being part of? I mean, just because I don't go to church at Christmas doesn't mean I'm not a Catholic.
Apparently french borders are being completely closed.

I fully understand why people in Europe take the stance they do, but to me it's particularly frustrating because I'm in 'both worlds' - I know it's not the Quran, and I know that Europeans aren't the enemy of Muslims, but getting people to see beyond the surface issues isn't easy.

Because as I said that train has left, fewer people will listen and with each event like tonight ears will lessen. That I'm afraid is the problem the religion faces. I appreciate that's unfair but you will not win your argument if it's predicated on "but here me first" as less and less people care and the lynch mobs are getting rowdy I fear.

Sad state of affairs and I am not saying I disagree with some of your thoughts, but to my point above, worlds changed, Europe is not a muslim culture and today it actually probably hates the religion more than ever. :(
I'm going to assume it is IS revenge on the drone strikes. But seems so well organised and quick.

Either way the terrorists are really starting to make an impact. Infear a lot of negative press towards anyone that isn't a white or non stereotype Westerner.

I fear a lot of hate crimes and aggression incoming.

Dark times.

It might be in response to France starting to bomb syria, they started september 25th, hitting isis training camp.
This might be the response, just happens to conincide with dirty john getting obliterated.
Either way, they will relate it to all events, and the civilians will suffer.

Until a muslim led army takes the fight directly to isis this global terror from that group won't be quelled, and there isn't the resolve politicall or the desire to do so by the proper armed muslim nations.

We're in a quagmire of circular hatred and destruction. This won't end, as to end it require negotiation, and specifically for isis, there is no negotiation, as their doctirines firmly state they are now in the end times and the end fight.
The rest of the muslims on earth do not believe this, else they would be joining them, but it doesn't mean they are moving to stop them.
And most Christians outside Europe probably want to hang homosexuals (much of Africa). You don't claim that Christianity is evil because of it do you?

I'll say it.

Christianity is also evil.

but not to the extent and the dangerous levels that islam is.
I think the genie is well and truly out of the bottle now with Islamic fundies and terrorism, I don't think it's any sort of stretch of the imagination if I say I think it's impossible to undo all that has gone on and go back to some sort of normality.

We send drones to kill a couple of worthless ISIS pawns, they can easily do 20x the psychological damage with simple AK47s, a couple of handgrenades and a handful of organised brainwashed nutters. There is no winning this.

Definitely no winning, not when you're letting thousands in everyday.
Such a terrible state of affairs. My thoughts are with the families of the dead.

Let's hope the hostages are released without harm :(
Furthermore, many of those living in Europe also want to live under Sharia. They are not some small fringe, but a large percentage of the Islamic population. In fact, to put it in context: Proportionally there are more "extremists" amongst the British Muslim population than there are unemployed persons amongst working age Britons.

Got any stats/links or evidence to back up that huge claim or have you simply pulled it from your ass as I suspect ??
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