Paris attacks.

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I genuinely think that there are two camps.

Camp 1 can clearly understand how terrorists have a warped mind of Islam and don't associate it with all muslims etc etc.

Camp 2 just think all muslims are terrorists and only muslims mass kill people for the lulz.

Sadly this is purely down to education.

By that logic, then mohammed had a warped mind of Islam, since he committed terrorism. So camp 1 are the educated ones.
I genuinely think that there are two camps.

Camp 1 can clearly understand how terrorists have a warped mind of Islam and don't associate it with all muslims etc etc.

Camp 2 just think all muslims are terrorists and only muslims mass kill people for the lulz.

Sadly this is purely down to education.

Snobbish much?? Nearly sure I've got more education than yourself and as such can call you a simplistic idiot...
I think most people are failing to appreciate that right now, logic is not an argument that has any role. Sure, in an ideal world with rational minds it would be the only way but that isn't the world right now, not least tonight after yet another terror attack. With these terror attacks rising, rationality becomes less prevalent. To spend your time arguing about the fact the Jews are nice people and work hard, all true in my experience, would have no baring in the 1930's or saved any of them. We now have a minority in this continent feared by it's majority who by the day are losing interest in the minorities gripes or opinions or their arguments that point fingers at everyone else. That train has left the station i am afraid, not least in France tonight and for those who fear we might be next.
No doubt the French security services have infiltrated Muslim terrorist networks and sympathisers so with all the surveillance techniques available how have they missed such a large, planned, operation?
Religion of peace strikes again.

I've said it many times, Islam and the west are completely incompatible.

Along with extreme devout or extremist versions of Christianity and Judaism. It's not Islam that is the problem, it's extreme beliefs (which the average Muslim wouldn't share).
I genuinely think that there are two camps.

Camp 1 can clearly understand how terrorists have a warped mind of Islam and don't associate it with all muslims etc etc.

Camp 2 just think all muslims are terrorists and only muslims mass kill people for the lulz.

Sadly this is purely down to education.

That is a laughable straw man argument.

But consider this, the majority of ongoing wars in the world involve at least one side that is Muslim. Islam is by far the most violent religion and culture on the planet. Forget your Bush Wars, the Muslims are fighting throughout Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia and Europe.
Hollande declaring "state of emergency" and closing of French borders and "All forces are mobilised to neutralize terrorists. Military are arriving in the city to prevent further attacks."
Furthermore, many of those living in Europe also want to live under Sharia. They are not some small fringe, but a large percentage of the Islamic population. In fact, to put it in context: Proportionally there are more "extremists" amongst the British Muslim population than there are unemployed persons amongst working age Britons.

Yes, you could argue that any woman on the street wearing a hijab falls in that camp.
I used to side a lot more with the Muslim apologists but my views really are changing. Modern western life contains many aspects that Muslims see as sinful or wrong, the majority tolerate these things but it's obvious that for some they feel they must fight against it.

The media and society need to have the difficult debate about this stuff but you can guarantee in a weeks time it will be business as usual and nobody will actually try and tackle this whole situation.

If you think that Western countries are attacked for reasons to do with Barcardi Breezers and Spearmint Rhino rather than because some Western countries have attacked Muslim lands then you need to read a bit more.
It is not a radical form of Islam at all, that is the myth. Look at the research done by Pew for example and it's absolutely clear that most Muslims outside of Europe want to live under Sharia law.

Furthermore, many of those living in Europe also want to live under Sharia. They are not some small fringe, but a large percentage of the Islamic population. In fact, to put it in context: Proportionally there are more "extremists" amongst the British Muslim population than there are unemployed persons amongst working age Britons.

And most Christians outside Europe probably want to hang homosexuals (much of Africa). You don't claim that Christianity is evil because of it do you?
I think the genie is well and truly out of the bottle now with Islamic fundies and terrorism, I don't think it's any sort of stretch of the imagination if I say I think it's impossible to undo all that has gone on and go back to some sort of normality.

We send drones to kill a couple of worthless ISIS pawns, they can easily do 20x the psychological damage with simple AK47s, a couple of handgrenades and a handful of organised brainwashed nutters. There is no winning this.
Unfortunately it seems a lot of people fall into camp 2 :/

but in camp 1, they are associated to muslims. they have a practical reaction to what its asking of them.

camp 2, worded to try to sound obtuse and nasty. when in fact, the later half is IMO spot on. the first part is where you try to twist the views to try to shame people.
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