Paris attacks.

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There are like, 3 terrorists who are attacking the west because of their lifestyle back at home, the rest of the thousands are doing it because we won't stop killing muslims or being the cause of muslims in middle east.

I have no sympathy for their methods at all, but most of these terrorists are growing up in countries where America and other UN or whatever forces are occupying and killing muslims on a day to day basis for 50 years. Either a few here and there, or thousands at a time during basically illegal wars.

To think that they are doing this because of the lifestyles people lead is ridiculous. It may be a story the Western world wants to push because saying they want to kill us because we've been an occupying/awful force involved in the middle east for decades isn't as nice a story to paint.

Spot on.
[4.74] Therefore let those fight in the way of Allah, who sell this world's life for the hereafter; and whoever fights in the way of Allah, then be he slain or be he victorious, We shall grant him a mighty reward. [4.75] ...fight in the way of Allah... [4.76] Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Satan. Fight therefore against the friends of the Satan...

What does this say? This is one of the 164 Jihad verses in the Quran. You guys and your lies need exposed.
I suggest you research Africa and Christian oppression and murder more competently otherwise you will continue to post ignorant statements like the one above which makes you look foolish to people who actually know about Africa history and modern day problems with Christian extremists!!

With all undue respect, I think you've misunderstood what I wrote. I did not dispute the point that many Christians in Africa are persecuted.
You suspect incorrectly:



I could go on, but this should be sufficient to show I didn't make it up.

Why do you think that means these people will carry out or support acts of terrorism like today?

Your Telegraph link clearly says 99% (would be nice to get a more detailed number) do not agree with acts of terrorism in the ICM poll.

91% of Muslims are loyal to Britain. I bet that percentage is similar to the Non-Muslim population.
They are perfectly just remarks about Islam. It is a faith that advocates the annihilation of everyone that does not accept it. It needs to be eradicated, it has no place in a Modern World.

What is a shame is the Moderating team are coming across as 'Wishy-washy' Hand Wringers pushing the 'Politically Correct' Agenda at anything remotely criticising anything to do with Islam (As usual).

Spot on.

Everything in Society throughout time has evolved and changed. There's one thing that hasn't. Religion.

Look at countries where religion is part of the national law, those countries are so backwards and awful towards women in particular.

Religion has no place in modern society, it provided answers to questions people couldn't answer.
There are like, 3 terrorists who are attacking the west because of their lifestyle back at home, the rest of the thousands are doing it because we won't stop killing muslims or being the cause of killing muslims in middle east, ie, causing governments to tumble.

I have no sympathy for their methods at all, but most of these terrorists are growing up in countries where America and other UN or whatever forces are occupying and killing muslims on a day to day basis for 50 years. Either a few here and there, or thousands at a time during basically illegal wars.

To think that they are doing this because of the lifestyles people lead is ridiculous. It may be a story the Western world wants to push because saying they want to kill us because we've been an occupying/awful force involved in the middle east for decades isn't as nice a story to paint.

I used to think like you, but ISIS don't agree with you. Their aim is to destroy western style society and impose Islamic law. The 7/7 bombers were motivated by the Wests intervention but ISIS want to destroy modern secular society.
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