Paris attacks.

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News of one of the camps in Calais burning down.

I just saw that as well.
Could be totally unconnected, but at the same time, I understand that many residents of Calais can't stand the migrants and if a state of emergency has been issued with borders closed, it only takes a few militants to start something.
Seems they captured one alive which is great news for their investigations.

Well except one of the bombs was in the stadium by all accounts, at 20 minutes into the match. I was more confused though that they carried on and finished the game!

Well it was outside the stadium. You could hear it in the stadium which is very different.
And so she should be. Security is the first responsibility of the government. How do you think you would feel if you had a close family member caught up in the next terrorist attack?

Clearly we are dealing with a new kind of threat that requires new methods of policing. These people (i.e., Islamic fundamentalists) are the enemy of all free societies. They hate us and are willing to kill countless innocent civilians to make their point. They can't be reasoned or bargained with because they are religious fanatics with a millenarian view of the world.

The fact that terrorists use social media to push their agenda, means that it should be easy to track them down, without spying on every single civilian.
During the Second World War all the Germans who were living in the UK were rounded up and put into camps, all of them were likely to be decent peace loving people and there was nothing to suggest that they were not loyal to Britain. Nevertheless we were at war with Germany so this was deemed a prudent temporary measure.

Roll on 2015, Europe is effectively at war with the perpetually violent religion of islam, as they repeatedly kill us in our own cities.
So what do we do? We invite every single one of them to come and live in Europe.

Liberal thinking, you just can't make this **** up :(

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