Paris attacks.

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What we need to do is prop up another dictator in certain areas of the middle east and just leave the pigs alone. Bit of trade here and there but other than ring fence it and mark it on the map as ENTER AT OWN RISK.

Since I've been advised to add people to an ignore list and to be more respectful, you can be my first.

Thank you.

Innocent lives being lost is never a good thing. Now that the terrorists have explosives I hope that there isn't any mainland attacks here similar to the 1996 IRA bombings in Manchester.
So we'll kill innocent civilians in revenge for them killing innocents?

Yea, that makes sense. That'll just embolden the hatred of the west and make things worse. Do you not think?

I just think we're out of ideas at the moment. There's an army of thousands of people wanting to kill us, and they only need to get lucky once.
Well one option is to close all the Mosque, so start rounding people up and sending them away on there merry travels..... Has a ring of 1939 about it so i guess that wont go down very well.

One thing is for sure, it has just done the EU a favour on border control.

the scale of the reaction there depends partly on who they are - could just as easily be home grown extremists. If it turns out they are ISIS types slipping into the country as refugees then yeah there is going to be even more pressure re: borders across the EU
Hate all the journos audibly jizzing in their pants at getting to report this, they love this stuff.

The BBC news anchor can't put a decent sentence together at the moment. It's cringeworthy how much she's falling over her own words.
They absolutely can, we just misuse them. Rather than blowing up countries for profit, causing them to blow up countries for prophet, we should help those countries. Education actually does work, but the more you treat an entire culture like crap the more upset people will be easily led by people seeking power who will use easily led, upset, lost and angry people easily.

I mean every cult ever in the UK/US/West/anywhere that isn't violent is also led by similar people who also gain followers in the same way, people who are lost and have nothing else and find a purpose in this leader telling them they can have a reason to live.

When you have little and are treated like crap someone is dramatically more likely to join up with the likes of Isis. You can't **** up an entire region for 70 years and not have a major freaking problem from it.

Get the hell out of these places, isolate them and see what happens, what we are currently doing is not working. Every conflict we have there we just leave better weaponry behind so the next group is even worse. We trained and armed Osama Bin Laden, didn't learn, and went and armed Isis after destroying a country and providing them with tens of thousands of people incredibly angry at the west. What next, go blow up Isis across several countries, killing millions, leaving behind another decade of death and mayhem with even more modern weaponry left around... how bad will the next lot be?

Get money and defence contractors influence out of politics and our 'need' to be at permanent and profitable conflict would stop overnight.

Spot on.
I just think we're out of ideas at the moment. There's an army of thousands of people wanting to kill us, and they only need to get lucky once.

I almost think we just need to let the Middle East just get on with it themselves and we should stop interfering in a region we clearly can't fix (at least fix it in terms of our rule book) and clearly don't understand. I just can't see how more violence against them will help.

Especially since they already seem to be here.
Theresa May is gonna be all over this like flies round **** pushing for her latest spy on everyone bill

And so she should be. Security is the first responsibility of the government. How do you think you would feel if you had a close family member caught up in the next terrorist attack?

Clearly we are dealing with a new kind of threat that requires new methods of policing. These people (i.e., Islamic fundamentalists) are the enemy of all free societies. They hate us and are willing to kill countless innocent civilians to make their point. They can't be reasoned or bargained with because they are religious fanatics with a millenarian view of the world.
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