Paris attacks.

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You appear to have an inability to provide a straight answer. How do you identify who is ISIS and who is civilian? Haven't we already been trying to fight them?

Are you stupid? I'm sure you have the intelligence to recognise between ISIS and a normal civilian? One is trying to force an ideology on a nation and the other is trying to survive.
I never understood these large scale terrorist attacks on random people (from whatever source). I would have thought that certain individuals/politicians would be the more likely targets.

Even if these people had day by day protection by hundreds of people (which they don't), they would be still be susceptible to an attack by a large group of people willing to to die for their cause.
I almost think we just need to let the Middle East just get on with it themselves and we should stop interfering in a region we clearly can't fix (at least fix it in terms of our rule book) and clearly don't understand. I just can't see how more violence against them will help.

Especially since they already seem to be here.

They can't...OIL! Thanks Blair & Bush.
Are you stupid? I'm sure you have the intelligence to recognise between ISIS and a normal civilian? One is trying to force an ideology on a nation and the other is trying to survive.

Would you like to curb your language and reign yourself in? This is a very emotional time for people, I understand that, but I've already had to remove one of your posts. Don't do that again.

You know that members of ISIS don't wear an ISIS uniform, right?
Are you stupid? I'm sure you have the intelligence to recognise between ISIS and a normal civilian? One is trying to force an ideology on a nation and the other is trying to survive.

O come on. That's not an answer.

They don't exactly go around shouting about it in public.

If only France could attack the people who did it instead of allying with them.
Too bad there is such an Israeli grip on the country and they want Assad out more than they want to kill al Qaeda.
Because its their belief that makes terrorism?

To me religion can get the **** out of here hate it to the core.

France is getting what we will get if we stay in the stupid EU.

I am gutted to life lost....

No ****ing need.:(

Terrorists exist for much more than religious beliefs.

But why is it my neighbours job to go fight terrorists around the world
.why not yours, or mine?
Are you stupid? I'm sure you have the intelligence to recognise between ISIS and a normal civilian? One is trying to force an ideology on a nation and the other is trying to survive.

We invade Syria or wherever else, we ride into a town that was under Isis control, there are two brown skinned men with their hands up..... are they Isis or innocent?
I never understood these large scale terrorist attacks on random people (from whatever source). I would have thought that certain individuals/politicians would be the more likely targets.

Even if these people had day by day protection by hundreds of people (which they don't), they would be still be susceptible to an attack by a large group of people willing to to die for their cause.

Killing dozens of innocent people is not only easier but more effective, terrorism is all about creating terror among the general populace. Nothing says terror like not knowing if you're safe from being massacred just going about your usual Friday night plans...
Terrorists exist for much more than religious beliefs.

But why is it my neighbours job to go fight terrorists around the rod.
.why not yours, or mine?

I thought religion was about collective interdependent faculties and that a bad egg makes for a bad batch?

No?... Huh.
This is bad bad business, and what'll be worse is the backlash, all the hate and fighting and it wont end until one of us has the brains (or balls) to stop hitting the other or until we abandon our civilised ways and revert to genocide.

RIP to those that have died needlessly unknowing soldiers in the war no-one can win.
We wanted to be here among all those who saw these atrocious things, to say that we are going to fight and our fight will be merciless, because these terrorists that are capable of such atrocities need to know that they will be confronted by a France that is determined, unified and pulled together

-French President Francois Hollande

Merciless, I am sure ISIS are quaking in thier boots. A Wet fish called Francois Hollande who does not even have the courage to stop them leaving Africa in boats by the hundreds of thousands.

I just hope it does not break thier human rights eh Francois?
Would you like to curb your language and reign yourself in? This is a very emotional time for people, I understand that, but I've already had to remove one of your posts. Don't do that again.

You know that members of ISIS don't wear an ISIS uniform, right?

Since when did I mention a uniform? You're clearly generalising, and to hint at that is pretty poor in my opinion.
So just a recap to those coming in from a night out:

Attack sites:
■ Bataclan concert venue, 50 boulevard Voltaire, 11th district - hostages held
■ Le Carillon, 18 rue Alibert, 10th district - gun attack
■ Le Petit Cambodge, 20 rue Alibert, 10th district - gun attack
■ La Belle Equipe, 92 rue de Charonne, 11th district - gun attack
■ Near Stade de France, St Denis, just north of Paris - reported suicide attack near venue as France v Germany football match played

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