Paris attacks.

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ISIS has already released a video taking responsibility and targeting London and Rome next :/

they've been targeting London for a while - we've already apparently had some mass shooting attacks foiled... unfortunately it does seem likely that one day they will suceed
I know this is hypothetical, but what if this was london tonight ? What kind of a response would cameron take? Offering prayers, and sympathy for the dead solves nothing. Theres only one weapon terrorist can relate to. Praise God jeremy corbyn isnt in power.
Are you broken? ISIS have the most dominant force in the Middle East for the last 5 years? Maybe you should watch the news and read a little before posting such rubbish.

You appear to have an inability to provide a straight answer. How do you identify who is ISIS and who is civilian? Haven't we already been trying to fight them?
ISIS has already released a video taking responsibility and targeting London and Rome next :/

I imagine they'd take responsibility even if they weren't involved.

Well it won't stop me from carrying on with life for now. Can only hope they get caught before they prevail.

Are you broken? ISIS have the most dominant force in the Middle East for the last 5 years? Maybe you should watch the news and read a little before posting such rubbish.

Politer but still absolutely zero answers. Come on such a great plan must be backed by a great idea.
The scale of this, and coordination of this is seriously disturbing - this clearly wasn't just a bunch of lunatics acting in a quick opportunist attack, it must have taken a lot of planning and coordination - for none of it to have been picked up and with 160 dead, must have left the French intelligence agencies reeling.
Why is it the Muslim who lives down the road from me responsibility to fight terrorism?

.I'm officially a protestant am I meant to go over to Ireland and fight for some side or the other?

Because its their belief that makes terrorism?

To me religion can get the **** out of here hate it to the core.

France is getting what we will get if we stay in the stupid EU.

I am gutted to life lost....

No ****ing need.:(
The attack on the theatre being done tonight and there in particular because it was a US band that were playing.

Everyone has steered clear of saying yes to the question as to whether that is what has happened but he keeps pushing it.

I think their bigger aim was Hollande let's be honest, they probably thought people would be allowed to escape the stadium.

Speculation, but I think they wanted a big casualty in full view of the premier.
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