Paris attacks.

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28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
CNN said at least 153 now 112 of those from Bataclan and 100 hostages freed. It looks like it is going to keep going up there are probably people in bits thanks to the two suicide bombers outside the stadium. :(

How do you identify a a loved one after that sigh. Subhuman animals.
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14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
I was about to say at least they've stopped shooting people, but then i'd be wrong lol. At least we've not got the muslim/non muslim hate thing going full swing because we've still not got rid of the green white and gold/red white and blue hate thing going.
Yes, unfortunately the flag colour thing still exists. Mainly with the older generation. As a child of a mixed marriage, i got to see and know both sides of the divide. Thankfully where i live. There is much more integration of kids from each religion at school. Starts at an early age, exchange programs, day trips and after school clubs. It only took 30 odd years but it's a step in the long way to a shared and hopefully positive future. I love northern ireland, i like living here, it has so many positive things, a rich cultural history, great standard of education, and 99% of our population are dead on as we say. Yes, the criminality does still go on by the gangs of both sides. But at least were not seeing bombs or shootings every day on the news.:)
16 Jun 2013
As a standalone incident i agree with you but if you get the leader as well as some seemingly random ones it truly can happen to anyone anywhere.

Scary as that is.

Agreed. Sorry if that's what you meant in your previous post. I agree with you on that.

I'd be surprised if they could ever get to the leaders as they tend to be pretty well protected (other than from joggers).
17 May 2011
It now appears that as a result of the Police turning up so quickly at the Bataclan the terrorists panicked and blew themselves up, or else they could have taken a lot more people out with them.

Props to the police, I think they have been the heroes in this entire situation.
18 Oct 2012
Yes, unfortunately the flag colour thing still exists. Mainly with the older generation. As a child of a mixed marriage, i got to see and know both sides of the divide. Thankfully where i live. There is much more integration of kids from each religion at school. Starts at an early age, exchange programs, day trips and after school clubs. It only took 30 odd years but it's a step in the long way to a shared and hopefully positive future. I love northern ireland, i like living here, it has so many positive things, a rich cultural history, great standard of education, and 99% of our population are dead on as we say. Yes, the criminality does still go on by the gangs of both sides. But at least were not seeing bombs or shootings every day on the news.:)

Yep, its one of the strange things having been raised in cornwall being here, folk are freindly (moreso than than some parts of the uk, being able to say 'nice day' to random folk in the street without reprisal) and apart from the old set in their ways most folk simply dont care (regardless of what stormont thinks people think).

To quote another song on the whole subject "bombings won't justify bombings, death will not justify death, death itself justifies nothing, nothing will come of it"
14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
Yep, its one of the strange things having been raised in cornwall being here, folk are freindly (moreso than than some parts of the uk, being able to say 'nice day' to random folk in the street without reprisal) and apart from the old set in their ways most folk simply dont care (regardless of what stormont thinks people think).

To quote another song on the whole subject "bombings won't justify bombings, death will not justify death, death itself justifies nothing, nothing will come of it"
Gotta agree mate. My little brother lives in israel, (golan heights) in the process of getting hitched soon. His girlfriend is a jewish girl of hungarian descent, he's a very lapsed catholic like me. He works with both jews and muslims on a daily basis. It's pretty simple, no matter where you go in the world. The ordinary decent people just want to get on with their lives, go to work, provide for their families, see their kids grow up and do well. Have a break at their weekend etc. The simple things in life, which ive found are the best things in life.
14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
So sad :( 120 people just enjoying the Friday night at a music concert.. How will this ever end? Its very scary stuff! This year with the killing in Tunisia and now this..

Indeed, a terrible tragedy. And i fear this will push more young misguided men into an extremist path. Men like Anders breivik. We think someone like him is a one off in modern europe. But, in ww2 many non german men joined the waffen ss in the so called nazi crusade against communism. With immigration reaching a very high point into europe, far right partys play on this to gain support. And an attack such as this only helps their cause.
29 Sep 2014
Should we just accept it that this is going to happen quite a lot now and everyone become a Muslim and accept Allah or should we just drop a Nuke on Mecca?
14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
Should we just accept it that this is going to happen quite a lot now and everyone become a Muslim and accept Allah or should we just drop a Nuke on Mecca?
We should just get on with our lives. The chances of you dying in a terrorist attack are slim to none. Theres more chance of getting hit by a car crosssing the road. Dont tar all muslims because of the actions of a tiny minority. Gotta remember, not all irish catholics were in the ira and wanted to shoot/blow up british people here or on the mainland.

Terrorism has always been a threat, has it affected our society. No, yes the security services are more vigilant now. Unfortunately though they have to learn from when something does happen. But, i still think the uk is pretty well clued up.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
After watching with open gates i think otherwise Setter and you would be setting up your children to be converted or be second class citizens. This is all happening right in front of our own eyes. Everything below apart from the zionism claim is correct. Even the Feminism bit of spot on.

Any indigenous resistance of Europeans who refuse to hand over the countries of their ancestors to often radical and criminal Muslim foreigners is labeled "hateful", "racist", even "Nazi".

The level of cultural, moral and political subversion with egalitarian and Marxist ideologies has reached levels the KGB would never have dreamed of. Equality and tolerance are lies that serve none but a few.

The Left, mainly orchestrated by Zionist interests, is destroying our countries from the inside. Patriotism, the most basic and fundamental trait of any nation that wants to survive, has become something to be ashamed of.

Feminism has destroyed family values and birth rates. Healthy nationalism has been replaced with a culture of guilt, self-hatred, apathy, degeneracy and pathological altruism. We are told to embrace "diversity", in reality this simply means instead of just being a global minority

Whoever wrote this should print and post it through the letterboxes of every single European, And poo through the letterboxes of the traitors. I mean these are the same people who protest about LGBT rights yet import a culture that kills that very group by stoning or throwing them off buildings. And do the very same people not moan about not enough benefits or cuts to services? Then how the hell do they justify importing even more people with no skills and who will drive down wages and put a strain on the very services they want protected? Yup these people are in fact the most stupid ignorant group of dummys ever to grace our beautiful Europe. Just having people with these views is now becoming dangerous to the very survival of the European culture imo.
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20 May 2010
Englishman in the USA
It turns out that a load of my colleagues were just walking away from that bar as they started shooting. Had to hide out in a restaurant nearby! If they'd have been 30 seconds later it would have been a lot different for them
4 Jul 2012
The normal levels of GD stupidity have just gone off the scale.

Unfortunately not, as we've got Rofflay above foaming at the mouth about brown people and feminists coming to take his life style choices away.

This is the same guy who just yesterday suggested that children need to be protected from observing gay people in public in case they "catch the gay" and decide to become gay...
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