Paris attacks.

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28 Oct 2002
Stockport / Manchester
France conducted air strikes on ISIS two months ago and bombed the crap out of them, destroying an entire training base. This is payback.

Bit of a difference between destroying a base full of people who are training to kill others and killing innocent civilians enjoying a Friday night out at a gig and restaurant with their mates.

This kind of thing will not end until religion no longer exists, but sadly that will never happen as people are too stupid.
6 Jan 2007
I thought with all the increased survillance this sort of thing wasn't able to happen any more? The French authorities have really dropped the ball letting this many maniacs plan and accomplish such inhumane acts.

Of course I'm sure no one will actually be held responsible and punished in the French government. They will just use it as an opportunity to spread more fear and get more power.

Sad day for France and Euope overall. I can only see this sort of thing happening more often
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
Unfortunately not, as we've got Rofflay above foaming at the mouth about brown people and feminists coming to take his life style choices away.

This is the same guy who just yesterday suggested that children need to be protected from observing gay people in public in case they "catch the gay" and decide to become gay...

I can only see you post when i am logged out due to ignore function of which you are the sole person on Overclockers forum. And yet again you are using defamation and lies. Can you quote where i said brown people? Note that immigrants and Muslims can come from many races and colours. Now had you said Muslims or people who were idealogically opposed i would have agreed. And also YOU are the person foaming at the mouth because you are the exact kind of person i described in my above post.

Does the truth hurt? And how can you sit there and deny that two men kissing in front of a very young child would not influence them somehow? Has science disproven me? Has it proven that it is a gene? That is actually why i said about young children because we were having a discussion about why people had LGBT urges. You have been doing this to me for around a year now following me sometimes and going into a random thread just to try to bait. It is incredibly sad to watch. Did what i type butt hurt you? And do i follow you around always quoting you?

Nope it just goes to show you are gutted about the declining political situation and attitudes towards people like you. You never know, You might even need to get your passport as well someday son. As you and your mates would say "God willing" haha.
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19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
Bit of a difference between destroying a base full of people who are training to kill others and killing innocent civilians enjoying a Friday night out at a gig and restaurant with their mates.

Look up the figures on civilian deaths caused by the US military sometime. Just the ones they hold their hands up to will do - not the substantially higher third party estimates - and you'll see that the numbers killed are far lower.

This kind of thing will not end until religion no longer exists, but sadly that will never happen as people are too stupid.

Ending religion won't stop terrorism. Until the last few years, terrorist attacks accredited to religious groups weren't the major cause of global deaths and even then ascribing these attacks to Islam is a pretty shallow analysis of the situation.
22 Oct 2010
Ratae Corieltauvorum
Sorry but no. It is related to extremists who may call themselves Muslims. But it's nothing more than radicalised version. It is not Islam.

IS are terrorists who are calling themselves "pure" Muslims who are setting up a caliphate and want to set up a new Muslim state.

They are atypical to the rest of the Muslims in the world. They are a minority.

I don't agree, with respect to reaching the conclusion that because the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful, which is undoubtedly true, that what these minority of Muslims are doing is "not Islam". When it comes to what is and what isn't Islamic it's a grey area. The leader of IS has a doctorate in Islamic studies, who's to say what he and his followers are doing in the caliphate is not Islam? from my understanding, some of the awful things going on over in Irag & Syria are very Islamic. I wouldn't reach the conclusion that smoking isn't bad for you because the vast majority who participate don't die or have ill effects.
21 Oct 2011
Should we just accept it that this is going to happen quite a lot now and everyone become a Muslim and accept Allah or should we just drop a Nuke on Mecca?

The ironic thing there is that IS want to destroy Mecca too. Destroying the Borg cube will have no effect on IS at at all, bar advancing their goal.
28 Aug 2014
This is sickening. Makes you wonder what these people are thinking.

Not many people on this planet will be thinking this isnt to do with Islam or the mass amount of immigrants that have just been let into the EU.

It's not the right place or time but I bet a lot of people are thinking "I told you so".
4 Jul 2012
I can only see you post when i am logged out due to ignore function of which you are the sole person on Overclockers forum. And yet again you are using defamation and lies. Can you quote where i said brown people? Note that immigrants and Muslims can come from many races and colours. Now had you said Muslims or people who were idealogically opposed i would have agreed. And also YOU are the person foaming at the mouth because you are the exact kind of person i described in my above post.

Does the truth hurt? And how can you sit there and deny that two men kissing in front of a very young child would not influence them somehow? Has science disproven me? Has it proven that it is a gene? That is actually why i said about young children because we were having a discussion about why people had LGBT urges. You have been doing this to me for around a year now following me sometimes and going into a random thread just to try to bait. It is incredibly sad to watch. Did what i type butt hurt you? And do i follow you around always quoting you?

Nope it just goes to show you are gutted about the declining political situation and attitudes towards people like you. You never know, You might even need to get your passport as well someday son. As you and your mates would say "God willing" haha.

Sure I'm on ignore, yeah.

I might need to get a passport? What are you on about? I have one...

I'm not gutted about anything, I just think that you're crazy and will use any chance you get to get on your soapbox and moan about Muslims and brown people.

Also, don't flatter yourself and make things up. I'm not following you around and I certainly haven't been doing it for a year. Don't be so delusional.

As I've said, this is yet again another opportunity for people like you to misappropriate a situation and bend it around to support your agenda of whinging. You couldn't care less about the people who've come to harm you just want to foam at free mouth about Muslims. Britain first will be doing the very same thing whilst pretending that they are also not racist and ignoring the fact that 95% of Muslims just want a quiet life free from drama and they have to put up with people like you AND ISIS who are actively trying to turn the world against Muslims to suit their own backwards agenda.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
Sure I'm on ignore, yeah.

I might need to get a passport? What are you on about? I have one...

I'm not gutted about anything, I just think that you're crazy and will use any chance you get to get on your soapbox and moan about Muslims and brown people.

Also, don't flatter yourself and make things up. I'm not following you around and I certainly haven't been doing it for a year. Don't be so delusional.

As I've said, this is yet again another opportunity for people like you to misappropriate a situation and bend it around to support your agenda of whinging. You couldn't care less about the people who've come to harm you just want to foam at free mouth about Muslims. Britain first will be doing the very same thing whilst pretending that they are also not racist and ignoring the fact that 95% of Muslims just want a quiet life free from drama and they have to put up with people like you AND ISIS who are actively trying to turn the world against Muslims to suit their own backwards agenda.

Apart from picking out the obvious, How can you go around this forum correcting and looking down on people for grammar mistakes like your and you're and make a post without even bothering to clean up your own posts and use proper grammar capital letters? What next? This is you on GD on a daily basis running around being snarky and looking down on everyone else. Perhaps we should keep an eye on you a bit more because hypocrisy is not a nice trait.
4 Jul 2012
I don't agree, with respect to reaching the conclusion that because the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful, which is undoubtedly true, that what these minority of Muslims are doing is "not Islam". When it comes to what is and what isn't Islamic it's a grey area. The leader of IS has a doctorate in Islamic studies, who's to say what he and his followers are doing in the caliphate is not Islam? from my understanding, some of the awful things going on over in Irag & Syria are very Islamic. I wouldn't reach the conclusion that smoking isn't bad for you because the vast majority who participate don't die or have ill effects.

It isn't Islam. They are actively trying to get the world to turn against them and Islam in the hope that the world retaliates at large and wipes them out, because they believe this will initiate the end times "as prophecised".

They are literally trying to get themselves killed because they believe orchestrating the "end of the world".

The kicker here is that a large amount of what they get up to is in direct contravention of Islamic law. They way they've been treating people, killing them indiscriminately. Things such as burning people alive.

They are predominantly killing other Muslims for boo reason other than chaos.

The prophecy is that the Christians wage war with the Muslims. Even if we assume this prophecy to be true, they aren't the Muslims because of their acts, and the west aren't the Christians because the majority of countries in the west are highly secular and the population is culturally Christian in as far as a few misappropriated traditions that are tenuously tied to Jesus.

Those waging war against ISIS are not doing so in the name if Christianity, so as above even if we do assume the prophecy to be true for the sake of argument, what they're doing is actually what's prophecised so wouldn't work anyway.
22 Feb 2008
Yet, I wonder, is it wrong to decry that Islam is, yet again, at the core of yet another senseless civilian massacre?

Sure, it may be misteachings etc. that have fuelled such murderous (and, as such, completely against the spirit of doctrine) actions... but still this religion has fuelled a level of barbarism that is unparalleled in modern times.

Seriously. Executing hostages one by one at a music venue for WHAT? It's the ultimate toxic mix of religion and state in a mind -- and it could be any religion... but the current flavour is Islam.
4 Jul 2012
Apart from picking out the obvious, How can you go around this forum correcting and looking down on people for grammar mistakes like your and you're and make a post without even bothering to clean up your own posts and use proper grammar capital letters? What next? This is you on GD on a daily basis running around being snarky and looking down on everyone else. Perhaps we should keep an eye on you a bit more because hypocrisy is not a nice trait.
You seem to be getting confused between not being able to understand what I've said with me not "using proper grammar capital letters", what ever that is.
Tea Drinker
13 Apr 2010
Sunny Sussex
Apart from picking out the obvious, How can you go around this forum correcting and looking down on people for grammar mistakes like your and you're and make a post without even bothering to clean up your own posts and use proper grammar capital letters? What next? This is you on GD on a daily basis running around being snarky and looking down on everyone else. Perhaps we should keep an eye on you a bit more because hypocrisy is not a nice trait.

You seem to be getting confused between not being able to understand what I've said with me not "using proper grammar capital letters", what ever that is.

Time and a place for bickering over grammar and spelling. This isn't it.
4 Jul 2012
Yet, I wonder, is it wrong to decry that Islam is, yet again, at the core of yet another senseless civilian massacre?

Sure, it may be misteachings etc. that have fuelled such murderous (and, as such, completely against the spirit of doctrine) actions... but still this religion has fuelled a level of barbarism that is unparalleled in modern times.

Seriously. Executing hostages one by one at a music venue for WHAT? It's the ultimate toxic mix of religion and state in a mind -- and it could be any religion... but the current flavour is Islam.
Because ultimately they're crazy, and this sort of behavior is a sickness within the human race.

If people believe that religion is made up nonsense to control the masses, then the reality is that it is us humans that are evil.

This is a reality a lot of people would prefer to ignore, so instead blame a belief system in a way that suggests said belief system has some semblance of sentience.
22 Feb 2008
It isn't Islam. They are actively trying to get the world to turn against them and Islam in the hope that the world retaliates at large and wipes them out, because they believe this will initiate the end times "as prophecised".

They are literally trying to get themselves killed because they believe orchestrating the "end of the world".

The kicker here is that a large amount of what they get up to is in direct contravention of Islamic law. They way they've been treating people, killing them indiscriminately. Things such as burning people alive.

They are predominantly killing other Muslims for boo reason other than chaos.

The prophecy is that the Christians wage war with the Muslims. Even if we assume this prophecy to be true, they aren't the Muslims because of their acts, and the west aren't the Christians because the majority of countries in the west are highly secular and the population is culturally Christian in as far as a few misappropriated traditions that are tenuously tied to Jesus.

Those waging war against ISIS are not doing so in the name if Christianity, so as above even if we do assume the prophecy to be true for the sake of argument, what they're doing is actually what's prophecised so wouldn't work anyway.

I don't think they're smart enough to see that, to be honest. Just another reeking fissure in the outlook of religious doctrine. They're a few hundred years too late -- but can't figure that out.

ALL mainstream religions work towards an apocalypse. They all seek to fulfill the inevitability of death.

It's the same reason that the Jewish faith, and many hardline Christians supporting them, seek the entire control of Israel. Because prophecy dictates that once the holy land is held, the apocalypse can happen and the righteous will be taken to heaven.

Extremists of all kinds favour death. Because death unlocks the ultimate reward.

The problem is, at the moment, that Islam is the forerunner in sending OTHER people to their deaths in fervent celebration of that.

When it's crossing borders so heavily as we've seen today, I don't know what can logically be done to fix this.
22 Feb 2008
Because ultimately they're crazy, and this sort of behavior is a sickness within the human race.

If people believe that religion is made up nonsense to control the masses, then the reality is that it is us humans that are evil.

This is a reality a lot of people would prefer to ignore, so instead blame a belief system in a way that suggests said belief system has some semblance of sentience.

I'd still say that's wrong. These people's minds weren't twisted by the mere fact that nothing = evil. "You haven't learned religion so you're evil."

They weren't taught that.

They were taught a completely twisted version of Islam.

Which still holds Islam accountable.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
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