PASSED today!

Congratz on the pass for the insurance, I bought an ER6-f when I passed my test in Feb 2011 (2006 model), taking fully comp...think it was about £320 IIRC, glad I did too, crashed it 4 days later and they paid me the full whack of £3500 for it. Bought a brand new ER6-f last April, so obviously fully comp again....£220 this year, although I took leather/helmet and breakdown cover so it bumped it up to about £280 all in.
If these seem cheap it might be because of my age, I am 43 years old, although living in a Brummie postcode, is not an ideal area code. Horses for courses and all that.

Sometimes wish I had gone down the cheaper second hand sports bike route, and paying that bit more for insurance but after following 4T5's posts about his sports bike ventures, I am beginning to think it was a good move to stay away from them, as I am 6'3", I did wonder about the comfort of them. ;)
Congratz on the pass for the insurance, I bought an ER6-f when I passed my test in Feb 2011 (2006 model), taking fully comp...think it was about £320 IIRC, glad I did too, crashed it 4 days later and they paid me the full whack of £3500 for it. Bought a brand new ER6-f last April, so obviously fully comp again....£220 this year, although I took leather/helmet and breakdown cover so it bumped it up to about £280 all in.
If these seem cheap it might be because of my age, I am 43 years old, although living in a Brummie postcode, is not an ideal area code. Horses for courses and all that.

Sometimes wish I had gone down the cheaper second hand sports bike route, and paying that bit more for insurance but after following 4T5's posts about his sports bike ventures, I am beginning to think it was a good move to stay away from them, as I am 6'3", I did wonder about the comfort of them. ;)
Yeah I'm 37 living in a nice quiet area of Wales Plus never had an accident or claim on my car licence either so, suppose stands in good stead. As for height, I'm 6'1"... the only thing I'd say is, on the CBR600, my right thumb keeps getting pins and needles, wrists ache a little, but noticed my back of the head/neck aching as well... must be because I've done 1k miles in 14 days lol

I'm only 21 and the R1 is just under a grand to insure fully comp.

My FZR is about 400 quid fully comp though.

Btw, I'm 6"2 and don't get any pain when riding sports bikes for any length of time apart from a numb rear end. It must get a bit harder with age I guess.
Arrgghhh just got accepted for the loan, oh dear mother of all things!:eek::D

And the Bandit above! I might call the guy later today....

Buy the time the bank gives me the money its going to be mid week and I am back at work on Wednesday:mad:

Roll on next weekend!

That blue 650 Bandit is only £100 more for fully comp compare to the older 600 Bandit.. and the bike is £200 cheaper than the older one before haggling.

Ok Now I need advice on what to do. I should be able to buy a bike next weekend, do i call the seller up today and ask a few questions? or leave it for now. I will also have to ask one of my friends to be available next weekend to do the driving.

Any tips would be ace guys!
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Any tips would be ace guys!

Well, if your dead set on getting a bike, your 100% getting the loan, then, ide go see the blue Bandit 650 you highlighted asap, & put a deposit down on it so he'll hold it till next week, which he should accept, i sold my last 2 bikes ( XJR13 & ZRX12 ) to folk who paid deposits.

Just make sure you really want the bike, make sure you get a receipt for the deposit stating deposit paid for bike, reg number, balance to be paid in cash, write the mileage on the receipt etc.

Just be aware that if you change your mind you could lose some or all of your deposit, so don't pay a big deposit, i took £250 deposit when i held my bikes back for there respective buyers, & i held the bikes back for a week whilst the owners came back with a van/trailer.
Ok that sounds like some sound advice. i am going to a local dealer and hopefully they have a bandit I can sit on.

Its my first bike and its got to be an upright and so far its the Bandits that really catch me on looks so it ticks a few boxes there and they seem to be cheaper on insurance than the yammy 600's so again a win there.

Thanks VoG!
Yep, that is if I can secure the bike once I sign the loan paperwork and if I can get there next weekend. It is 112miles away from me and I don't have a car lol
If I was you I wouldn't put a deposit on any bike until you get your cash through. I think if you put a dippa down on a bike you are bound to see something better between the dippa & the buy.
If you don't find owt better in that time then go back waving your wad & try to kick him in the sacks.
OK I have been to a local Suzuki dealer and got to sit on a 1250 bandit. Its bloody heavy but it was very comfortable and I just know that a 600/650 with a 30mm lowering kit will be good. The loan money should be with me by Friday and in the mean time I will contact the seller but research what questions to ask and try to guage if the blue bandit sounds a good deal or not.

I will ask a work colleague if he can take me to view the bike next weekend but.need to figure out how to get it back to mine.

Lots to sort out buying the first bike but hell its good fun!
got to sit on a 1250 bandit. Its bloody heavy but it was very comfortable and I just know that a 600/650 with a 30mm lowering kit will be good.

There's only about 15lbs weight difference between the 1250 & 650, so at least it's given you a realistic idea of what to expect, as for dropping the seat height 30mm, you must be a right short arse, how tall are you?. :p

Questions wise, ask to see any old MOT's so you can verify the mileage, service history etc, the Bandit 650 motors pretty damn robust so there's not a lot to keep an eye open for tbh.
Yeah you must be short! Im fine and can plant my toes (feet if I push up the pegs) and im only about 5,5/5,6. I think the 2002+ model is a little lower than the models before this, mines is an 02 and it did feel a little lower than the 97 I sat on.
I am 5'8 with a 30" inside leg and when i sat on the 1250 I could get my toes down but it felt unstable trying to hold the weight up, 30mm lower means I can at least get the ball of my foot down and not just toes. The er6-n I learnt on was 50mm lower and i could flat foot it with a bend in my knee but it was good for stopping on cambers etc.

Oh and I went out drinking at 14:00 yesterday and got home today at 08:00am:eek: Not done that in awhile lol
Well the 650 Bandit is nearly an inch lower than the 1250 Bandit, and you can get lowering kits for the 650 Bandit ranging from 25mm to 45mm for about £20, so height shouldn't be an issue for you on the 650. :)
Ok rang the guy about the 2007 Blue Bandit and he is going to hold it for me, hpi check done, loan paper work enroute, van rental no worries.

Just got to get that loan money and roll on next saturday!
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