Ive changed the power LED in mine to blue to match my eclipse, took all of 10 mins to do.
Mad_Jay said:Ive just bought a Pc-7 II and its coming tomorrow
Cant wait to replace this generic piece of **** ive had for ages.
Jay™ said:Nice!
What CPU cooler is that?
Looks very tidy, and good choice with the Corsair HX520W
I think i need the 3mm LEDs, i really want purple , im sure purple and green would look great aswell
Jay™ said:Nice!
What CPU cooler is that?
Looks very tidy, and good choice with the Corsair HX520W
I think i need the 3mm LEDs, i really want purple , im sure purple and green would look great aswell
InvaderGIR said:5mm LEDs.
3mm is too small, the measurement is the width of the LEDs.
InvaderGIR said:Yup, well that's what I bought anyways...and they fit fine.
One packet says '5mm Red', and so does my order, 5mm, 5v ones.
InvaderGIR said:It maywell overload the motherboard, as it's only meant to output the 5v.
You could get the correct resistors and drop the input voltage to 5v, but you'd lose loads of light, so it isn't worth it.
There should be a few sites around with purple ones available, google.