It is an easy mistake to make, they have said they are doing further testing, which is the reasonable thing to do.
XMP profiles don't work on AMD, to this day if I want an unstable mess of a machine that is the option I choose, AMD systems rely on what is in the firmware of CPU and BIOS more so than pre set XMP timings in an DRAM profile setup for Intel.
4 DIMMs is an issue sure but has impact on Intel dual channel platform as it is on AMD, 4 DIMMs is something people do, whether it is 4x4, 4x8 or 4x16 the load on the memory controller has an impact due to number of sticks as much as quantity.
People getting the knickers in a twist because it is paid for by Intel, but actually PT have detailed processes they have went through and versions software and BIOS etc, it was a fairly well done bit of work, more detail there than you get in many a youtube vid referenced in threads here, how they respond to the backlash over the flaws in testing will be the more important thing and that last GN vid suggests they are doing the work.
Sorry but your wrong, just face it, you are completely wrong... The whole debacle was paid by Intel, the memo probably stated "Make our kit look the best possible" you would have to be completely incompetent to use the settings they used. The whole thing was a blatant expertly done hatchet job to make Intel look utterly amazing, why? because Intel know there is a few % difference between their latest and greats with Soldered TIM vs their previous gen, which wasnt massively faster than AMD's best either. So Intel set this up, stacked the deck hugely in their favour to make it look like their chip is some earth shattering, world exploding monster, 50% Faster than Ryzen!!! its pure sensationalism and headling at its finest...
The morons they employed to do this hatchet job for them knew exactly how to gimp AMD to make Intel look great, and they used AMD's own mistakes against them to come off smelling like roses...
Anyone know has not been living under a rock and works in the tech industry knows verbatim 100% that Ryzen likes fast ram, that is your first clue, this is "professional" outfit, whom incidentally Intel has employed previously before for hatchet jobs, so its not like they dont have previous. Then they used the "Game Mode" against AMD, which in all honesty is AMD's own fault as it should never even work on standard Ryzen chips and it definitely could have had a better name. And they used a 1080ti at 1080p to simulate the standard user, well im a standard user, i dont use a 1080ti or game at 1080p, 1070 @ 1440p for me personally, but none the less, the whole charade was done as a professional hatchet job.
Unfortunately it has backfired spectacularly because the Internet is a wonderful thing, something which Intel probably forgot existed, doesnt take long after looking at the results Intel gave and a bit of googling to find out somethings not right, dig into the company doing the testing and find out they are paid shills of Intel, ok now things start to add up... then the tech tubers get into it and debunk it for what it is, a sad attempt at trying to gain some sales back from AMD. Something which incidentally seems to have had the opposite effect, but thats mainly down to Intels ridiculous pricing, and their current chip constraint issues.
To stand up and defend Intel on this shows a complete and utter lack of understanding of morals and integrity, and a massive naivety towards the people presenting the info (Intel and their shills) and the current eco-system of hardware in general.