Pentagon releases UFO footage


In government spending, it's all public money - every dollar has to be accounted for and it does this in the budget each year. The idea that the government could secretly be spending billions or trillions of dollars and nobody would notice, is just silly - they have a lot of money, but it all has to be accounted for - you can't just hide that amount of money.

It also creates another problem, if you're spending billions of dollars on a secret "exotic technology" involving flying saucers, that implies that thousands and thousands of the worlds cleverest people, universities and tech companies would be working on it (for obvious reasons)... Next you're going to tell me in this day and age - that nobody would talk, nobody would sell their story, or leak a video of it working - every single person's lips remains sealed?

Government officials can't even have an affair, or commit basic tax fraud without it being in the news the next day, how the heck do you expect them to be able to contain this sort of thing?

The US government spent $81.1bn on black projects in 2019, so yes every dollar is accounted for, it's as if you don't think the military has secret projects like, is this a joke post? You realise they developed loads of projects involving thousands of people in total secrecy? it's kind of what they do

The US military have unlocked the mysteries of the universe and are using said mysteries to build a sick spacecraft and fly it around some ships a bit.

Also, spirographs. Think about it. No you won't.

For some reason I see a lot of UFOs when I'm not wearing my glasses.

In government spending, it's all public money - every dollar has to be accounted for and it does this in the budget each year. The idea that the government could secretly be spending billions or trillions of dollars and nobody would notice, is just silly - they have a lot of money, but it all has to be accounted for - you can't just hide that amount of money.
You're right, it does get accounted for but, the "black" programs (or classified programs) aren't individually listed on the books and get lumped together under a "Black Budget" (

If the US government, or any government to be honest, is spending vast amounts on UAP research and/or connected technologies we wouldn't know. In the same vain as any other secret project, eg - SR71, F117 etc.

It also creates another problem, if you're spending billions of dollars on a secret "exotic technology" involving flying saucers, that implies that thousands and thousands of the worlds cleverest people, universities and tech companies would be working on it (for obvious reasons)... Next you're going to tell me in this day and age - that nobody would talk, nobody would sell their story, or leak a video of it working - every single person's lips remains sealed?
Typically when working classified projects, the (security) clearance status you're given determines how much you're read into a project. Usually you only know enough information to do your (specific) job or role and it'll only be those at the top, group is kept relatively small to help with containment, know the full picture and what the end product or goal is.
If done properly the protocols in place help limit what information can be extracted and leaked plus, an employee signing for clearance usually means the government can penalise that employee if it does happen, ie - Snowden.

If you want to apply it to little green men and flying saucers, then you have people like Bob Lazar. He could be telling the truth and completely honest about his past but his stories are so insane and "out of this world" that the majority of the public just think he's another loon - this sort of thing also helps contain information.
If the US government, or any government to be honest, is spending vast amounts on UAP research and/or connected technologies, we wouldn't know.

It doesn't add up.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 program, ended up costing hundreds of billions - into trillions of dollars, and it's just the next generation of fighter jet, it's just another plane. Even with the money they spent - they couldn't keep it's sensitive systems a secret, there were so many data leaks and hacks by Chinese spies, because they nodoubt wanted to copy and paste it and sell it on

Building things like this, are literally some of the most expensive things governments spend money on - the costs are absolutely eye watering, and it takes decades of work to get it going.

And you think, the government has got it's hands on some sort of exotic "otherworldly" "physics breaking" or "extraterrestrial" technology, and has managed to get it all going AND keep it a secret all this time, for a measley $50Bn?* :cry:

Like I said before, if this stuff really existed even in principle so much money and people power would be thrown at it, it would make Los Alamos look like a Blue Peter project.

*That would be if they were awarded 100% of the budget, and everything else got binned..

And like @keyser van someone said, all of this - and they decide to fly around some navy ships a bit.... Come on...
And you think, the government has got it's hands on some sort of exotic "otherworldly" "physics breaking" or "extraterrestrial" technology, and has managed to get it all going AND keep it a secret all this time, for a measley $50Bn?* :cry:
By all means quote me where i've said i believe or think that but, that isn't the case nor what i think. I've just applied some common sense to the topic.

If you want to believe that everyone is standing around classified technology with their iPhone's out Tik-Tok'ing and Instgram'ing then cool i guess but that's not how it works in reality around classified programs :)

As for the F35, not quite the same as i believe it was joint program amongst nations from the get-go rather than a "black" program.
The SR71, there are some great books on Ox Cart and Skunk Works if you really want to read about it, and the F117 are two aircraft, that spring to my mind, where the initial research and development was "black" and it was only made public many years later.

Edit - Just to add, what i have said in the last page or so can be applied to any "black" program, eg - the US government could be developing a SR71 successor but we, the public, wouldn't know about it as it's "hidden" away in budgets etc.
If you want to believe that everyone is standing around classified technology with their iPhone's out Tik-Tok'ing and Instgram'ing then cool i guess but that's not how it works in reality around classified programs :)

Well it wouldn't have to be everyone, but I'd bet every penny I ever earnt that someone would, sooner or later spill the beans on what would be the most impactful and incredible discovery ever made by the human race.

the US government could be developing a SR71 successor but we, the public, wouldn't know about it as it's "hidden" away in budgets etc.

I don't understand how you could hide it, the size and scale of the programme needed to develop it, would be so large and expensive - I don't understand how it could ever be hidden.

Especially America - they suck at keeping secrets and they always have done, even inside Los Alamos - the Soviet Union knew exactly what was going on and what they were doing.

Throw government incompetence, political-infighting, hacking, the media, social-media and foreign spies into the mix - and frankly, there's not a hope in hell, not a cat-in-hells-chance, it could remain a secret or be hidden for more than five minutes.
I know this report has been mentioned before. But the fact that the lawmakers and financiers in congress are singling out some UFOs as non human, is a huge step forward in admitting that extraterrestrials may already be here:

Congress quietly says UFO threat 'expanding,' not all are 'man-made'

Well it wouldn't have to be everyone, but I'd bet every penny I ever earnt that someone would, sooner or later spill the beans on what would be the most impactful and incredible discovery ever made by the human race.
For obvious reasons, the act of signing the secrecy act, or whatever a nations version of it is, is enough to keep the majority of the people quiet.

If you want to apply this to little green men and flying saucers, the whole topic is a little absurd. So if you did work on a classified program involving something remotely connected to this, then the majority of the public will think you're a loon if you started shouting about it without evidence - perfect example, you thinking Lazar is talking ****.
And getting evidence out of a classified program is really, really hard due to how a they're typically structured, segregated and contained.

I don't understand how you could hide it, the size and scale of the programme needed to develop it, would be so large and expensive - I don't understand how it could ever be hidden.
We know the US is spending $80bn+*, or whatever, on black programs - name those programs?

As mentioned previously, Black budgets bundle everything together to prevent the public knowing anything about individual programs - therefore it's "hidden". Exactly how the SR71 was (initially; once public i think funding came from defence budgets - needs citation to be honest).

* And don't get caught up on that figure, i don't know if the US does this for sure, but other defence areas most likely can dip into programs for additional funding..

Especially America - they suck at keeping secrets and they always have done, even inside Los Alamos - the Soviet Union knew exactly what was going on and what they were doing.
Do they?

In reality they may have some idea of programs, take hypersonic weapons and propulsion (most nations are working on this to be fair), but they won't know everything. I would be very surprised if the President of the US knows every detail about what classified/black programs are being carried out - again no proof of what the US do, aren't doing.

Throw government incompetence, political-infighting, hacking, the media, social-media and foreign spies into the mix - and frankly, there's not a hope in hell, not a cat-in-hells-chance, it could remain a secret or be hidden for more than five minutes.
Maybe it isn't given all the "evidence" that is being released but, like the the majority of the public, you don't want to believe it ;)

Note - Just to make it perfectly clear, don't assume i believe Lazar, that little green men exist or there are flying saucers from what i've written above.
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And getting evidence out of a classified program is really, really hard due to how a they're typically structured, segregated and contained.

Edward Snowden didn't seem to have much trouble spilling the beans to be honest,

Do they?

In reality they may have some idea of programs, take hypersonic weapons and propulsion (most nations are working on this to be fair), but they won't know everything. I would be very surprised if the President of the US knows every detail about what classified/black programs are being carried out - again no proof of what the US do, aren't doing.

At the time they did yes, they knew literally everything that was going on in Los Alamos, as their own spies were working there and sending data back to the Soviet Union on exactly what was being worked on.

I just cannot accept, that with frankly awful, embarassing and totally incompetent way in which governments operate, that all of these holes and leaks could be plugged, to the point where they could successfully conceal a flying saucer, or UAP, or some sort of physics defying object.

Maybe it isn't given all the "evidence" that is being released but, like the the majority of the public, you don't want to believe it ;)

The problem is, I don't think there is any evidence being released of anything odd at all.

There are people film-makers who write UFO books posting videos of birds, planes and lens flare and screaming "THE EVIDENCE IS FINALLY OUT", whilst selling their stories to FOX and that berk HANNITY - but when I look at the evidence in question, I see birds, planes and lens flare*

*In some cases, there is a blob or something which can't be identified - but in all cases I've seen, it does nothing remarkable or strange at all.
I know this report has been mentioned before. But the fact that the lawmakers and financiers in congress are singling out some UFOs as non human, is a huge step forward in admitting that extraterrestrials may already be here:

Congress quietly says UFO threat 'expanding,' not all are 'man-made'

I don't know why you think this is so significant. Not "man-made" more than likely implies these are natural phenomena, and not yet identified/understood. Nothing more, nothing less.
Edward Snowden didn't seem to have much trouble spilling the beans to be honest,
From the little i've read and watched, it seems lax protocols allowed him access to data he wasn't, or shouldn't have been, cleared for whilst at the same easily being able to remove that data from facilities. I would imagine the NSA has had a massive redo to prevent it happening again - no proof, just common sense assumptions.

Obviously, what happens in one agency doesn't mean it's typical of the protocols in place at another or what happens with/in classified programs.

I just cannot accept....

The problem is, I don't think there is any evidence being released of anything odd at all.
Cool :)
From the little i've read and watched, it seems lax protocols allowed him access to data he wasn't, or shouldn't have been, cleared for whilst at the same easily being able to remove that data from facilities.
Which is precisely the point.

Can you even begin to imagine, what would happen if the UK government got it's hands on a UFO or something like a UFO?

You'd have companies like Capita bidding to win the security contract, to keep the flying saucer in question under lock and key. Of course the government would bugger up the contract and the illegal immigrants they hired to be the security guards wouldn't be paid, and wouldn't turn up for work. Or more likely Capita would probably sell the contract on to a company that didn't even have any security guards at all.

By the end of the day you'd have little green men running all over the place lol.
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