Pentagon releases UFO footage

It's difficult to have any meaningful discussion about UFO/UAPs when so much of it ruined by ridiculous conspiracy beliefs.

It is very much the same with political discussions being ruined by QAnon loons for example, who are so far down the looney hole, they can no longer see reality anymore.

Let's discuss the facts, but not be caught up in wild fantasies – which I'm sorry to say, Project Blue Beam, very much is.

Anyone who does not know what it is, can Google it for themselves and make up their own minds.

If people want to believe that, then each to their own...
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Let's discuss the facts, but not be caught up in wild fantasies – which I'm sorry to say, Project Blue Beam, very much is.

Anyone who does not know what it is, can Google it for themselves and make up their own minds.

That makes sense now and Skipper has not denied it but how you get every country to sign up to it is beyond me.
However in a thread about Aliens and UFO's anything goes.
It's difficult to have any meaningful discussion about UFO/UAPs when so much of it ruined by ridiculous conspiracy beliefs.

It is very much the same with political discussions being ruined by QAnon loons for example, who are so far down the looney hole, they can no longer see reality anymore.

Let's discuss the facts, but not be caught up in wild fantasies – which I'm sorry to say, Project Blue Beam, very much is.

Anyone who does not know what it is, can Google it for themselves and make up their own minds.

If people want to believe that, then each to their own...
Don't believe in bluebeam don't believe a lot of the UFO folklore over the years, do believe a handful of cases have weight to them and are anomalous. I also don't believe UFOs are extraterrestrial.

A 3 year UFO study by the UK Ministry of Defence 1997-2000 called Project Condign concluded that some UFOs were anomalous and most likely some kind of rare plasma with electromagnetic properties that could disrupt the brain of the witness.

It's this kind of study that interests me, but because of the little green men stigma nobody can discuss this topic without laughing it off.
Why does everybody have to assume aliens are intergalatic, they could be from one of the other planets in our solar system, or they could be the Atlanteans from their Ocean cities just checking up on us
Why does everybody have to assume aliens are intergalatic, they could be from one of the other planets in our solar system, or they could be the Atlanteans from their Ocean cities just checking up on us
i reckon you've nailed it with the Atlanteans theory. what better way for a deep ocean based race to probe the surface without attracting attention to themselves. float a balloon up out of the deepest depths, let it have a quick reccy they it gets shot down over the ocean and they can grab the debris and take it back home - no questions asked.
much better than trying to hide a big fancy sub surfacing and a load of gill men disembarking!
take Orson Welles Alien invasion on radio in 1938 and people were panicking but now on a much bigger scale with social media and better tech to fool the mass. The big question is should we start panic buying loo roll.
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Well lets hope its not extraterrestrial given that we've just essentially recreated every Hollywood movie from the last 75 years and fired at the objects :D

I for one welcome our new reptilian overlords !
Well lets hope its not extraterrestrial given that we've just essentially recreated every Hollywood movie from the last 75 years and fired at the objects :D

I for one welcome our new reptilian overlords !
Given that these objects have been determined to be unmanned, let's say hypothetically, even if it was aliens, it would seem reasonable to conclude that this might be a probe controlled by AI of some kind. Which I think is interesting, because we ourselves send probes to other planets that are unmanned that we wish to explore and understand.

But given the latest tensions between the West and China/Russia/Iran, I think it is more likely to be one of their drones.

But it is fun to explore some hypotheticals.
I'm suspect the laws of physics will prevent any meaningful interstellar travel. Saying that we are being visited by ET is no more valid than those who think there is a god who controls everything. I would not be surprised if Earth was the only planet in this galaxy with "intelligent" life or life beyond the cellular level.
take Orson Welles Alien invasion on radio in 1938 and people were panicking but now on a much bigger scale with social media and better tech to fool the mass. The big question is should we start panic buying loo roll.

Who exactly is panicking about these weather balloons (probably the military heirarchy), I don't see normal people panicking?
What are you on about?
You're not making sense.
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Who exactly is panicking about these weather balloons (probably the military heirarchy), I don't see normal people panicking?
What are you on about?
You're not making sense

This is just not about weather balloons and the topic isnt about weather balloons?. You are looking too deep into my comments again and trying to make something out of them for some reason.
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