Pentagon releases UFO footage

This is just not about weather balloons and the topic isnt about weather balloons?. You are looking too deep into my comments again and trying to make something out of them for some reason.

So explain yourself instead of talking in circles.

So you think the objects in the original post are something to do with creating an artificial Second Coming in order to control people?

I'm not going to argue it.
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But if aliens exist all the gov around the world would have to be in on it in the cover up all these years. Sounds familiar.
Could you please clarify. I don’t understand what you mean by sounds familiar and I cannot tell if you are saying aliens exist and its being covered up by governments working together or are you saying Aliens don’t exist or something else?
Personally I don’t mind if you think Aliens are real or not I just don’t understanding what your position is.

My personally position is UFO’s are real but a UFO doesn’t have to be of an Alien origin.

Can you clarify, what is it you predicted in relation to UFO’s? Can you clearly define what it is you predicted, when you predicted it? What is this big plan for UFO’s and how are UFO’s are just one big theatre?
As long as your answer is on topic for UFO’s and clear then you won’t get a ban for being honest and explaining your position.

I am happy to have a discussion about UFOs with you. But I am having trouble understanding your position.
Could you please clarify. I don’t understand what you mean by sounds familiar and I cannot tell if you are saying aliens exist and its being covered up by governments working together or are you saying Aliens don’t exist or something else?
Personally I don’t mind if you think Aliens are real or not I just don’t understanding what your position is.

My personally position is UFO’s are real but a UFO doesn’t have to be of an Alien origin.

Can you clarify, what is it you predicted in relation to UFO’s? Can you clearly define what it is you predicted, when you predicted it? What is this big plan for UFO’s and how are UFO’s are just one big theatre?
As long as your answer is on topic for UFO’s and clear then you won’t get a ban for being honest and explaining your position.

I am happy to have a discussion about UFOs with you. But I am having trouble understanding your position.

You exactly know what i mean about the gov around the world would have to be in on the cover up and not telling us truth etc. Another one trying to make something out of nothing.
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You exactly know what i mean about the gov around the world would have to be in on the cover up and not telling us truth etc. Another one trying to make something out of nothing.
No I don't know what you mean which is why I am asking you to clarify. Are you saying the governments are working together to cover up aliens? Please explain what you mean.

You clearly said you made a UFO prediction. I have no idea what this UFO prediction you made is as I was not around when you said what ever it is you said. So I want to know what the prediction was in relation to UFO's and when you made it. You said you are right and its all coming true, what is coming true?

What I am asking has got nothing to do with trying to make something out of nothing. I am trying to understand what it is you are trying to say in relation to UFO's. I cannot tell if you are saying you think UFO's are Aliens, or you think UFO's are not Aliens? Your the one that came here saying you are right and everything is happening as you predicted. Just what is it you are right about and what UFO prediction did you get right?
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No I don't know what you mean which is why I am asking you to clarify. Are you saying the governments are working together to cover up aliens? Please explain what you mean.

You clearly said you made a UFO prediction. I have no idea what this UFO prediction you made is as I was not around when you said what ever it is you said. So I want to know what the prediction was in relation to UFO's and when you made it. You said you are right and its all coming true, what is coming true?

What I am asking has got nothing to do with trying to make something out of nothing. I am trying to understand what it is you are trying to say in relation to UFO's. I cannot tell if you are saying you think UFO's are Aliens, or you think UFO's are not Aliens? Your the one that came here saying you are right and everything is happening as you predicted. Just what is it you are right about and what UFO prediction did you get right?

Sounds like SexyGreyFox Alt account?.
Sounds like SexyGreyFox Alt account?
In what way do SexyGreyFox and me sound remotely alike? Are you trying to make something out of nothing again?

Why is it so hard to clarify what is it you mean? Why do you keep saying you are right about UFO’s but refuse to say what it is you are right about. Why brother telling us you are right, your predictions are correct if you are not going to bother telling us what it is you got right or what your prediction that turned out to be true was?

Its very clear I don’t understand what you are trying to say about UFO’s and the governments. You keep saying I know exactly what you mean. Well, I don’t. So please explain. If you didn't want a discussion on your UFO predictions why did you bring up your predictions on UFOs?

My questions are clear and straight forward. How about you give me a clear and straight forward answer back? I am not asking you to justify your position on UFOs. I am trying to work out what it is you are saying about UFO's. I cannot work out if you are trying to say UFOs are aliens and the governments are hiding it all. Of if you mean the UFO's are not aliens as the governments are not working together. What is it you are trying to say?
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"No indication it is extra terrestrial activity", is not the same as saying it is definitely not alien activity.
By their own admission, they still do not know what the craft are and have not recovered the wreckage yet.
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