Pentagon releases UFO footage

“It carries absolutely no weight whatsoever, nobody cares how much you want it to be true, heresay is heresay end of.
So you know for a 100% fact that he did not use his high-level access to the 2000+ Special Access Programmes he had access to. You are sure he did not download any records, no videos, no budget files or reports or any other data. You are 100% sure in his role as a high-level intelligence official in the UAP department he did not find any Direct knowledge or evidence that certain IC elements have purposely and intentionally withhold and/or concealed classified information from US Congress. You dismiss everything as heresy. So your sure he has no evidence for any of it? Even though he has direct access to evidence via his job.

Just because he was not at an event in flesh. It doesn't mean he has no evidence. So its your statement that carriers absolutely no weight.

“For example - if I was at a bar, and I overheard somebody talking about something - if I presented that, it would be heresay.”
Given his job it would be more like a Network Manager decided to view the project budget files, read though everyone’s emails, browsed though the staff data files, looked at the research analysis, watched the recordings on the system, read the official reports. Then accessed the CCTV system, along with downloading everyone’s meetings, locations and dates. Then made an official complaint via proper channels. Which is a lot more then the drunk in a bar heresy story you are trying to push.

How do you know he didn’t do any of that and didn’t pass any of that over as evidence as he would have had access to most if not all of that.

“on the subject of the alien claims, Grusch presents zero evidence other than heresay.”
It’s possible but you cannot be 100% sure on that. You’re making an assumption based on what you want, not what you know for a fact happened.

My point is you don’t know what evidence he had access to. You don’t know what evidence he did or did not pass on. Remember he didn’t say Aliens but exotic technology in reference to a concealed Special Access Programme that is intentionally hiding itself from Congress. What if the Special Access Programme is real and he has evidence its illegally playing around with some new exotic technology without official oversight and what if he has evidence it really is hiding its self from Congress? In regards to the official legal complaint he put in, you are pretending he has no evidence without knowing for a fact that he has no evidence. You are writing off his legal complaint as heresy without knowing if its heresy or not. For all we know half of its real with evidence backing it. Not 100% heresy as you keep saying.

“Pottsey falls into the trap of instantly believing until proven otherwise, but when presented with balance of probability evidence that sufficiently explains the phenomenon, it gets dismissed.”
I am not instantly believing. I am waiting to see precisely what the evidence is and precisely what was said in Congress before I make a judgement. I don’t like to instantly dismiss or instantly believe until I see the actual full facts. Making a judgment before seeing any evidence or facts feels wrong to me no matter what I suspect the truth is. As you know I suspect the truth is not Alien but something is going off.

Personally, I find instantly believing is just as bad as instantly dismissing like Screeech does. You shouldn’t decide what you want to see before looking at the evidence. As that is how evidence gets twisted into fake narrative like Screeech keeps doing.
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To you and I obviously, but he's presented it to the IG, or do you suspect that part of the story is fake too? If so what is actually going on do you think?

I think it is highly likely that the whole thing has been made up to generate a load of cash, or Grusch did hear people talking about this stuff and has either just spilled on what he heard and maybe exaggerated parts of it, to make Ross Coulthart moist.

Been here before with those US Navy "leaked" videos from a few years back and that Luiz Elizondo and Tom Delonge. It turned out to be a big vehicle to gain investments into his company which makes UFO movies and shows for the history channel. The videos themselves, turned out to be a sensor malfunction and a duck/goose, and something else - who cares, either way it was a load of hoopla.

When the next whistleblower comes forward to corroborate David's story where will your mind go?

If somebody turns up and actually corroborates his story with evidence which is substantive, my mind will be blown - and so will yours and everybody elses.

But we all know it won't - it'll just be more flim flam spread by the same people, with the same hokey news reporters slavering over it, your George Knapps, Jeremy Corbells, so on and so forth.

You shouldn’t decide what you want to see before looking at the evidence. As that is how evidence gets twisted into fake narrative like Screeech keeps doing.

It's not a serious claim though ffs.

"Reverse engineering alien flying-saucers, and recovering alien bodies"

You may as well be arguing over evidence for the damned tooth fairy, or whatever - it's ridiculous.

You want a serious opinion on it - show me substantive evidence, not a load of waffle from a bunch of known UFO nuts, who are just out to make some cash,
If somebody turns up and actually corroborates his story with evidence which is substantive, my mind will be blown - and so will yours and everybody elses.
My mind will only be blown that the truth was revealed, but honestly, I've been following this so closely since 2021 that the actual revelations won't surprise me at all.

It's impossible to be certain, but I'm increasingly confident from people in media circles you will see further support for David's claims soon. It's hard to say if that will have to wait until formal Congressional hearings are called, or if more will simply go public in the same style as Grusch. Either way, I am confident more sources exist as Michael Shellenberger attests.

But yes there is no evidence we can see yet, so the argument is just completely circular. It's a case of wait and see.

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Either way, I am confident more sources exist as Michael Shellenberger attests.

This Shellenberger guy makes me laugh, 9:40 in the video,

He says:

"there was one person who described the entities, the alleged non-human pilots, but I decided not to write about that, because I had to draw the line somewhere" :confused::cry:

wtf?? so he's apparently talking to the person who says they've seen aliens 1st hand, but he can't write about that just because we need to draw the line somewhere.... y'know - we're all out here, on the record talking about flying-saucers, aliens etc - but describing the enitities themselves, that's going too far.....

These people are taking the mickey, they really are.
This Shellenberger guy makes me laugh, 9:40 in the video,

He says:

"there was one person who described the entities, the alleged non-human pilots, but I decided not to write about that, because I had to draw the line somewhere" :confused::cry:

wtf?? so he's apparently talking to the person who says they've seen aliens 1st hand, but he can't write about that just because we need to draw the line somewhere.... y'know - we're all out here, on the record talking about flying-saucers, aliens etc - but describing the enitities themselves, that's going too far.....

These people are taking the mickey, they really are.
I'm less interested in the choices the messenger made and more interested that there are multiple sources for the message. I understand if you feel the messenger muddies the message.
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If this somehow all turns out to be true.. Amazing.. Mind Blown.

If this is not found to be true, should there not be legal implications for these people? I mean, if no actual evidence is able to be presented and therefore it's all made up, surely that could be equally as dangerous/damaging?

People should not make money from lying..
If this is not found to be true, should there not be legal implications for these people? I mean, if no actual evidence is able to be presented and therefore it's all made up, surely that could be equally as dangerous/damaging?

People should not make money from lying..

That's the beauty of it,

If you make up a story about aliens - it's not going to have any evidence, it's going to be vague and unprovable - therefore it can't be disproved, so technically unless you come out and say "I made this up" there isn't going to be a realistic chance of repercussions.

The media jump on it, because of Hollywood and the world we live in, any story to do with UFOs and aliens generates millions of clicks and cash, so who cares if it's true or false? It's a story, it generates cash - we're not liebling anybody, it's not really doing any harm to anybody.
Maybe it was hot af and worth it?

I've had worse

As for the UFO part. Congress passed a bill changing that law that includes the provision calling for UFO related document disclosure along with more recently making it legal for military personal to speak out without breaking disclosure rules. Legally he should be able to talk about UFO’s in generic terms.
But wasn't that law specifically for servicemen/women to come forward to their superiors so incidents can be properly investigated without the backlash they typically received in the past? Rather than allowing them to blab to the media.

And even if that wasn't case, a veteran saying the US government, allies and defence contractors have "...craft recovery operations..." and intact non-human craft, seems fairly specific and a lot more than 'generic' UFO talk.

The Government's 'we've got no idea' stance.” Makes sense if David...
But it would be a stretch...

I have to ask though what are they getting out of this? Its not money and why risk jail time and there jobs over a BS story?
Could be a way to get himself onto the UAP/UFO circuit, like others have done, so that he can make and sell shows, books, talks and everything else they do. Unfortunately, there is money in this.

And 'jail time' doesn't come into this as he would already be there if he was leaking and lying to congress has to be proven, which is difficult if there's nothing to prove.

Also the documents could be something, could be nothing, could be classified, could declassified, could be the usual "we don't know" nothing burgers - we don't and won't know.

Blind faith is the only way that you can (currently) think there is any credibility to his story. As you've said yourself, I "...fully agree its whiffy as well. Nothing adds up".
“Could be a way to get himself onto the UAP/UFO circuit, like others have done, so that he can make and sell shows, books, talks and everything else they do. Unfortunately, there is money in this.”
Apart from he is refusing money and doing interviews for free. Why resign from his high paid government job then do interviews for free if his goal is money? At the moment he doesn't appear to be done this for money.

“But wasn't that law specifically for servicemen/women to come forward to their superiors so incidents can be properly investigated without the backlash they typically received in the past? Rather than allowing them to blab to the media.” .”
That’s what he did, Grusash and a number of other people did that. They all attempted to come forward confidentially to superiors via official channels. Then received backlash/harassment then in Davids and Joshua's case there names got leaked out to the media while the other names did not get leaked. This was all long before David did the interviews.

As for jail time. If the reports are true about the type of information they handed over it will be jail time. The reports are saying they went into extensive detail with very specific information given over via depositions. David spent 8 hours with the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and 4 hours with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. That seems a little long for someone to stand up and talk about nothing with no details. Do we really think they let him spend 12 hours over nothing? Don't you think after 1 hour+ someone might have said this is BS, he is wasting out time and kick him out. Its not just David but a group of people from inside the UAP department are involved in the original whistleblow. Its just David is the only one to speak to the media.
In what scenario would there be jail time?
If the extensive details and records its reported he handed over are fake and made up. He spent 8 hours and then a further 4 hours going over the information so there must have been a lot of it. Its reported he handed over locations, names, dates e.c.t The type of stuff that if made up = jail time.
If the extensive details and records its reported he handed over are fake and made up. He spent 8 hours and then a further 4 hours going over the information so there must have been a lot of it. Its reported he handed over locations, names, dates e.c.t The type of stuff that if made up = jail time.
Only with some form of evidence to backup the claims. If 2 people say conflicting things under oath it's still hearsay. We know one of them lied, but which one?
If the extensive details and records its reported he handed over are fake and made up. He spent 8 hours and then a further 4 hours going over the information so there must have been a lot of it. Its reported he handed over locations, names, dates e.c.t The type of stuff that if made up = jail time.
You can’t be serious
He doesn’t present evidence (there isn’t any) therefore hearsay.
He is working the same lines as something like Fox News. Oddly he also has a very similar following.
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