So you know for a 100% fact that he did not use his high-level access to the 2000+ Special Access Programmes he had access to. You are sure he did not download any records, no videos, no budget files or reports or any other data. You are 100% sure in his role as a high-level intelligence official in the UAP department he did not find any Direct knowledge or evidence that certain IC elements have purposely and intentionally withhold and/or concealed classified information from US Congress. You dismiss everything as heresy. So your sure he has no evidence for any of it? Even though he has direct access to evidence via his job.“It carries absolutely no weight whatsoever, nobody cares how much you want it to be true, heresay is heresay end of.
Just because he was not at an event in flesh. It doesn't mean he has no evidence. So its your statement that carriers absolutely no weight.
Given his job it would be more like a Network Manager decided to view the project budget files, read though everyone’s emails, browsed though the staff data files, looked at the research analysis, watched the recordings on the system, read the official reports. Then accessed the CCTV system, along with downloading everyone’s meetings, locations and dates. Then made an official complaint via proper channels. Which is a lot more then the drunk in a bar heresy story you are trying to push.“For example - if I was at a bar, and I overheard somebody talking about something - if I presented that, it would be heresay.”
How do you know he didn’t do any of that and didn’t pass any of that over as evidence as he would have had access to most if not all of that.
It’s possible but you cannot be 100% sure on that. You’re making an assumption based on what you want, not what you know for a fact happened.“on the subject of the alien claims, Grusch presents zero evidence other than heresay.”
My point is you don’t know what evidence he had access to. You don’t know what evidence he did or did not pass on. Remember he didn’t say Aliens but exotic technology in reference to a concealed Special Access Programme that is intentionally hiding itself from Congress. What if the Special Access Programme is real and he has evidence its illegally playing around with some new exotic technology without official oversight and what if he has evidence it really is hiding its self from Congress? In regards to the official legal complaint he put in, you are pretending he has no evidence without knowing for a fact that he has no evidence. You are writing off his legal complaint as heresy without knowing if its heresy or not. For all we know half of its real with evidence backing it. Not 100% heresy as you keep saying.
I am not instantly believing. I am waiting to see precisely what the evidence is and precisely what was said in Congress before I make a judgement. I don’t like to instantly dismiss or instantly believe until I see the actual full facts. Making a judgment before seeing any evidence or facts feels wrong to me no matter what I suspect the truth is. As you know I suspect the truth is not Alien but something is going off.“Pottsey falls into the trap of instantly believing until proven otherwise, but when presented with balance of probability evidence that sufficiently explains the phenomenon, it gets dismissed.”
Personally, I find instantly believing is just as bad as instantly dismissing like Screeech does. You shouldn’t decide what you want to see before looking at the evidence. As that is how evidence gets twisted into fake narrative like Screeech keeps doing.
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