Pentagon releases UFO footage

There is a reason why I back up my posts with links and evidence why you refuse every single time.

Maybe, but you’d think any race intelligent enough to overcome faster than light travel would have figured out atmospheric landing long before then.
Maybe maybe not. Again, only assuming this is all real, perhaps earths atmospheric conditions are vastly different to the aliens home world and it’s taking them a load of probing missions to iron out the kinks - and let’s be honest, there’d be a shed load of kinks to iron out in technology that advanced.

And just to be clear to other posters I’m not saying it’s definitely aliens/extra-dimensional beings or whatever.

I will reiterate what I think I posted previously though, I don’t personally believe this chap Grusch is on the make or deliberately lying. I think he’s probably stumbled upon some kind of ‘black site’ project that’s being hidden from public view and is mistakenly thinking it’s something fantastical. I imagine the outcome, if there is one, will be much more mundane.
At the end of the day, if there are aliens dropping in on us, we aren’t going to discover that through some congressional hearing or whistleblowing. If what he has discovered is really something as out of this world (pardon the pun) as aliens and it was all going to come out as a result of his whistleblowing, he’d have long ago been silenced or the POTUS’s pr team would have taken over and auld Joe would be getting ready to address the nation.
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I don’t personally believe this chap Grusch is on the make or deliberately lying.

I think he is.

If you examine what he's actually said, firstly - 100% of it is hearsay, it's all second hand - he hasn't actually seen anything first hand, it's all been gleaned from others.

Secondly, the stuff he's coming out with - is just second-rate sci-fi writing, almost all of it (crash retrieval programs, retrieving aliens from UFOs, the military being involved, etc) appears across numerous different episodes of the x-files, (I'm not joking, it really does). I watched the entire series of x-files over the last few months, and EVERYTHING Grusch says, I mean EVERYTHING, appears in the x-files in some way or another, in terms of the ideas or allegations he makes.

Nothing he says is really original at all, there's nothing "new" or thought provoking in it, and nothing we haven't really heard before, it's extremely amateurish in my opinion - a good sci-fi writer could make a much better more believable story.
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Maybe maybe not. Again, only assuming this is all real perhaps, earths atmospheric conditions are vastly different to the aliens home world and it’s taking them a load of probing missions to iron out the kinks - and let’s be honest, there’d be a shed load of kinks to iron out in technology that advanced.

And just to be clear to other posters I’m not saying it’s definitely aliens/extra-dimensional beings or whatever.

I will reiterate what I think I posted previously though, I don’t personally believe this chap Grusch is on the make or deliberately lying. I think he’s probably stumbled upon some kind of ‘black site’ project that’s being hidden from public view and is mistakenly thinking it’s something fantastical. I imagine the outcome, if there is one, will be much more mundane.
At the end of the day, if there are aliens dropping in on us, we aren’t going to discover that through some congressional hearing or whistleblowing. If what he has discovered is really something as out of this world (pardon the pun) as aliens and it was all going to come out as a result of his whistleblowing, he’d have long ago been silenced or the POTUS’s pr team would have taken over and auld Joe would be getting ready to address the nation.

Well, IF we take these claims of alien craft entering the earths atmosphere as fact, the craft are common place with things laterally flying everywhere. It would be odd that no one has ever proven these craft exits beyond doubt. I don’t think Earth has become target practice for alien faster than light spaceship testing.
That’s fine, that’s your choice. I just happen to think differently.
It doesn't work or make any sense.

If David Grusch has found or stumbled upon some sort of super-secret black project, and he's on Newsnation running his mouth off to Ross Coulthart, saying that people have been killed and injured by "non-human intelligence" and other stuff he's pulled out of his arse, flying-saucers, secret projects, etc.

If any of it was true, do you think the US government and military would be like,, "Yeah bro - this is all fine, we have no problem with this guy spilling out in public, go ahead carry on"

He'd be in literally the most serious **** you could get yourself into, the US just doesn't tolerate stuff like that.
It doesn't work or make any sense.

If David Grusch has found or stumbled upon some sort of super-secret black project, and he's on Newsnation running his mouth off to Ross Coulthart, saying that people have been killed and injured by "non-human intelligence" and other stuff he's pulled out of his arse, flying-saucers, secret projects, etc.

If any of it was true, do you think the US government and military would be like,, "Yeah bro - this is all fine, we have no problem with this guy spilling out in public, go ahead carry on"

He'd be in literally the most serious **** you could get yourself into, the US just doesn't tolerate stuff like that.

I think you been watching too many scfi movies! Lol...
It doesn't work or make any sense.

If David Grusch has found or stumbled upon some sort of super-secret black project, and he's on Newsnation running his mouth off to Ross Coulthart, saying that people have been killed and injured by "non-human intelligence" and other stuff he's pulled out of his arse, flying-saucers, secret projects, etc.

If any of it was true, do you think the US government and military would be like,, "Yeah bro - this is all fine, we have no problem with this guy spilling out in public, go ahead carry on"

He'd be in literally the most serious **** you could get yourself into, the US just doesn't tolerate stuff like that.
what is it you're trying to achieve here with replying to me again? i've already said what my views are, the chap could well be full of the proverbial for sure and probably is, i just don't happen to think he's on a grift. i don't think he's stumbled upon what he thinks he has but perhaps this hearing will find that out. maybe it won't but it's still quite interesting as far as i'm concerned. if he was out right bs'ing i'd imagine the hearing would have already told him to do one. but it appears he's provided them with info of 'something' of interest. i've already stated if what he's saying is true, he'd have been silenced long ago. just because what he's saying isn't true doesn't mean he's on the make.
so they've discounted his testimony and he'll play no further part in the hearings?

The people running the official AARO program have written him off as a charlatan.

Where it goes from now - who knows, but nobody is really taking him seriously other than Reddit and some stupid US politicians, who've all made themselves look very very silly, for even allowing this "hearing" in the first place.
Maybe maybe not. Again, only assuming this is all real, perhaps earths atmospheric conditions are vastly different to the aliens home world and it’s taking them a load of probing missions to iron out the kinks - and let’s be honest, there’d be a shed load of kinks to iron out in technology that advanced.

I don't think that's plausible in the context of a civilisation with such advanced knowledge and technology that they can build spaceships capable of at least interstellar travel (if not intergalactic travel) and which is interested enough in exploration to have assigned resources to it. If they weren't looking and exploring they wouldn't know we were here even if their homeworld is within a couple of hundred lightyears, i.e. right next door on the scale of the universe.

The kinks would have had to have been worked out long before because otherwise they'd be long dead en route. You can't go waltzing off into space on an interstellar flight with insufficiently tested kit and unknown conditions and have any reasonable expectation of survival. If different atmospheric conditions were a problem they'd remain outside the atmosphere and study the atmosphere. They would have to have scanning technology so vastly in advance of ours that it would be like showing a modern MRI machine to a paleolithic healer. That would be needed for interstellar exploration.

Unless it's a dodgy shoestring budget deal or drugs are involved, I don't think the "get all the way here and then accidentally crash" idea holds water. Some highly unofficial group with barely functional ships cobbled together from scavenged parts, maybe. Or the crew is drugged up and crashes because of that.
The people running the official AARO program have written him off as a charlatan.

Where it goes from now - who knows, but nobody is really taking him seriously other than Reddit and some stupid US politicians, who've all made themselves look very very silly, for even allowing this "hearing" in the first place.

So there's a top secret program and someone in the Pentagon has denied it, oh wow, that's it then.
The people running the official AARO program have written him off as a charlatan.

Where it goes from now - who knows, but nobody is really taking him seriously other than Reddit and some stupid US politicians, who've all made themselves look very very silly, for even allowing this "hearing" in the first place.
That’s not what I asked?! You said they have told him to do one. But the link you posted has nothing really to do with the congressional hearings.
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That’s not what I asked?!

I have no idea whether or not he's going to play any part in any future hearings,

For what it's worth I think the hearing was a sham anyway, when the likes of George Knapp are sat behind him - anyone with sense knows the whole thing is just a joke.
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I don't think that's plausible in the context of a civilisation with such advanced knowledge and technology that they can build spaceships capable of at least interstellar travel (if not intergalactic travel) and which is interested enough in exploration to have assigned resources to it. If they weren't looking and exploring they wouldn't know we were here even if their homeworld is within a couple of hundred lightyears, i.e. right next door on the scale of the universe.

The kinks would have had to have been worked out long before because otherwise they'd be long dead en route. You can't go waltzing off into space on an interstellar flight with insufficiently tested kit and unknown conditions and have any reasonable expectation of survival. If different atmospheric conditions were a problem they'd remain outside the atmosphere and study the atmosphere. They would have to have scanning technology so vastly in advance of ours that it would be like showing a modern MRI machine to a paleolithic healer. That would be needed for interstellar exploration.

Unless it's a dodgy shoestring budget deal or drugs are involved, I don't think the "get all the way here and then accidentally crash" idea holds water. Some highly unofficial group with barely functional ships cobbled together from scavenged parts, maybe. Or the crew is drugged up and crashes because of that.
You’re more than likely right but seeing as it was just a suggestion on my part, coupled with the fact neither you nor I know anything about any supposed aliens processes/plans/how they do stuff, you’ve just posted a wall of waffle.
I have no idea whether or not he's going to play any part in any future hearings
Ok cool. So the congressional hearing hasn’t told him to do one, as you claimed. I’m not here trying to defend this chap Grusch or back his claims up so at least do me the courtesy of being honest if you feel the need to reply to me. You said he’d been told to do one, posted a link which I read, needlessly I might add as it didn’t confirm your claim. That’s poor debating dude.
Ok cool. So the congressional hearing hasn’t told him to do one, as you claimed. I’m not here trying to defend this chap Grusch or back his claims up so at least do me the courtesy of being honest if you feel the need to reply to me. You said he’d been told to do one, posted a link which I read, needlessly I might add as it didn’t confirm your claim. That’s poor debating dude.

To be fair, when I said "They" I meant the Pentagon and the AARO program, not the actual hearing itself, I don't really have any time for the hearing - I think it's a joke and I think it's made US politics look very silly indeed.
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