Pentagon releases UFO footage

It's complete balls.

The scientists who apparently endorsed the thing, are now kicking off - not only because it's pure nonsense, but because apparently it's not really possible to xray calcified remains and get those sorts of results, ergo; they're almost certainly fake xrays, or xrays of something else.

Fierro added that the researchers’ claims that her university endorsed their supposed discovery were false, and noted that scientists would need more advanced technology than the X-rays they claimed to use to determine if the allegedly calcified bodies were “non-human”.“

Although, anyone who needs this explaining to them is helpless.
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Whether they are real or not, why as governments changed their opinion on this issue?

Before governments were actively downplaying any alien/ufo sightings, and now they are allowing cases to be heard in the national congress of government?

I know there is a level of ridicule about this, especially with Mexico. But to them it would be like our parliament saying and showing us this kind of information. In other words the governments are promoting it by giving it a public hearing. Why?

Sometimes it's just CGI. Or paper mache. We need evidence, not talk of evidence, then we can reach an opinion.
Lets see what NASA outline as their plan today, hopefully that will set things back on track after the mummies nonsense.

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SO far (going by BBC updates) the NASA event is as predicted.. most UAP reports from credible sources are explainable, only a few not, and that data is the issue..

NASA want to be leading this and sharing things transparently, and that the focus of this study is a shift “from sensationalism to science”.

This might be a kick in the teeth to the UFO grifters.. for years they've hidden behind the fact it's all behind government closed doors, so will have to reach quite far if we get the transparency promised.
So NASA appoints a dedicated UAP director moving forward. This is an excellent step and from what I've read in the report so far they have a lot of practical and pragmatic ideas.

Very positive.
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Sounds very helpful.
Yeah, wasnt much use really, there are UAPs and we arent sure what they are, is pretty much the way its always been, its the U in UAP. So nothing new there... and we "didnt find any evidence that they are of extra-terrestrial origin" is just as vague, not finding evidence is not evidence its not , its just they didnt find any evidence, so thats equally a could be, could not be. So at its most fundamental level, all that can be taken from it is that there are UAPs and we dont know where they're from or what they are. Which is exactly the position its always been. Hardly worth having a press conference tbh
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Annnnnd its a total nothing burger. And no one except a few posters on here is surprised.

I just think it's interesting, that off of the back of those total scammers who made up all the nonsense about tic-tacs, crash retrieval programs and reverse engineered flying-saucers. The US Government has done that very American thing where it rolls it's sleeves up and goes off at 100mph with an official committee of legit experts to solve the problem.

In reality, the product of it all is really ****** boring, because it's now going to be an endless string of press conferences where the scientists turn up and repeat the same lines over again; "Well we're looking really hard, there's no evidence of aliens yet! but we're hopeful!"

And all of it is happening, because of some stupid nonsense a few years back when everybody overreacted and people with large imaginations with ulterior motives ($$$) were given far too much notice.
All whistleblowers point to the fact that the USAF have the best data going but they remain silent. All of the impending legislation to declassify data is directed at them.
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