Pentagon releases UFO footage

Excuse me, Ancient Aliens is one of the funniest things on TV, Giorgio will be having an orgasm over those papier mache Aliens.
Giorgio is priceless!

He's not aging as well as Nick Pope though..
On one hand if we are going to scrutinise one way. we must also scrutinise the other way.

That NASA press briefing, one question resulted in the NASA guy giving the answer about whether they will only be examining declassified data or a combo including classified as well. His answer was that they would only be looking at declassified data.

This contradicts his previous answer in which he waxed lyrical about being completely transparent and a direct answer to the question whether NASA would publicly announce any findings to which he said all findings would be made public and that "NASA is the government".

So if they are being so transparent, then why are they not also looking at the classified data? is it because the classified stuff isn't fit for public consumption? Who determines what and what isn't fit for public consumption? This is all on UAP data, not national or military secrets, so ALL UAP data should be disclosed transparently with the public since NASA is a gov body who has gone on the record to say they will be transparent.

That's my main takeaway from this press briefing. Why is there classified UAP data in the first place, what do they know that they are not being transparent about. they have gone on the record in this briefing to state that no evidence shows the UAPs are off world crafts, yet they also said they don't know what they are, so again, why is there classified data that they won't take into account during these new UAP studies...

(Also yes the Mexican stuff is quite laughable, the mummy alien was debunked years ago yet they are trying to re-sell those same images to the public lol)
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On one hand if we are going to scrutinise one way. we must also scrutinise the other way.

That NASA press briefing, one question resulted in the NASA guy giving the answer about whether they will only be examining declassified data or a combo including classified as well. His answer was that they would only be looking at declassified data.

This contradicts his previous answer in which he waxed lyrical about being completely transparent and a direct answer to the question whether NASA would publicly announce any findings to which he said all findings would be made public and that "NASA is the government".

So if they are being so transparent, then why are they not also looking at the classified data? is it because the classified stuff isn't fit for public consumption? Who determines what and what isn't fit for public consumption? This is all on UAP data, not national or military secrets, so ALL UAP data should be disclosed transparently with the public since NASA is a gov body who has gone on the record to say they will be transparent.

That's my main takeaway from this press briefing. Why is there classified UAP data in the first place, what do they know that they are not being transparent about. they have gone on the record in this briefing to state that no evidence shows the UAPs are off world crafts, yet they also said they don't know what they are, so again, why is there classified data that they won't take into account during these new UAP studies...

(Also yes the Mexican stuff is quite laughable, the mummy alien was debunked years ago yet they are trying to re-sell those same images to the public lol)

To state the obvious, if the US government had proof of alien technology it would be classified and ergo not in this report. Essentially this whole thing is a waste of time because they aren't including classified data which would also likely be the actual data you'd want to look at.
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To state the obvious, if the US government had proof of alien technology it would be classified and ergo not in this report. Essentially this whole thing is a waste of time because they aren't including classified data which would also likely be the actual data you'd want to look at.
Finally, a thing that we can agree on :p
My conclusion in regards to the UFO extremists is that those quotes are from people who worked at NASA and Astronauts. I don't see why it matters if it was a contractor or directly employed. I am not saying they are right, I am saying those quotes are part of the reason they think NASA are lying and the quotes them self are muddling the water.
"NASA are lying," along with everyone else in any govt dept who is sceptical about aliens. They are all part of the same multi-agency, multi-government, international conspiracy.

How does a giant conspiracy like this work? Do you think the Official Secrets Act (or equivalent) would be a sure-fire way to stop people bringing hard evidence of aliens to the public?

Not wishy-washy, "I saw a thing once, and the guy in the opposite cubical says he saw a thing, too."

I mean proper documented evidence of aliens and alien tech and alien encounters. Heck, let's say a working schematic for an alien device of some kind. Something properly tangible.

You think any piece of legislation or threat of prosecution could hold a conspiracy like that together? Across multiple decades? Across the globe in every single country that had evidence? When in all of those organisations there would be people who strongly believed this should be made public?

Instead, what gets "leaked" is either (a) downright farcical (b) a second-hand report of an overheard conversation from 10 years ago or (c) a photo of a goose in a blizzard.

Yet all this amazingly convincing alien tech and data on alien biology "exists" and is somehow kept under wrap for multiple decades.

Why should anyone give this global multi-generational conspiracy theory the tiniest bit of credence?
To state the obvious, if the US government had proof of alien technology it would be classified and ergo not in this report. Essentially this whole thing is a waste of time because they aren't including classified data which would also likely be the actual data you'd want to look at.
The US failed to keep nuclear weapons tech to themselves. They failed to stop gigabytes of sensitive data about their spies and other sensitive information being hacked and made public domain.

Yet something they've been able to keep hard evidence of alien encounters and even captured alien technology perfectly hidden. Over multiple decades. And not just the US government, either. Other governments have achieved the same feat, even in countries ravaged by war, corruption and other issues.

Every single country has a perfect track record of keeping this hard evidence safely under lock and key. A perfect track record.

It's risible. This kind of perfect information control does not exist. And has never existed.
Since we're going there, the former US president stole nuclear secrets and potentially even sold some of it to the highest bidder since many files are still missing :p
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The US failed to keep nuclear weapons tech to themselves. They failed to stop gigabytes of sensitive data about their spies and other sensitive information being hacked and made public domain.

Yet something they've been able to keep hard evidence of alien encounters and even captured alien technology perfectly hidden. Over multiple decades. And not just the US government, either. Other governments have achieved the same feat, even in countries ravaged by war, corruption and other issues.

Every single country has a perfect track record of keeping this hard evidence safely under lock and key. A perfect track record.

It's risible. This kind of perfect information control does not exist. And has never existed.

We're sat talking about it in a thread online, so I wouldn't say perfect information control exists either.
"NASA are lying," along with everyone else in any govt dept who is sceptical about aliens. They are all part of the same multi-agency, multi-government, international conspiracy.

How does a giant conspiracy like this work? Do you think the Official Secrets Act (or equivalent) would be a sure-fire way to stop people bringing hard evidence of aliens to the public?

Not wishy-washy, "I saw a thing once, and the guy in the opposite cubical says he saw a thing, too."

I mean proper documented evidence of aliens and alien tech and alien encounters. Heck, let's say a working schematic for an alien device of some kind. Something properly tangible.

You think any piece of legislation or threat of prosecution could hold a conspiracy like that together? Across multiple decades? Across the globe in every single country that had evidence? When in all of those organisations there would be people who strongly believed this should be made public?

Instead, what gets "leaked" is either (a) downright farcical (b) a second-hand report of an overheard conversation from 10 years ago or (c) a photo of a goose in a blizzard.

Yet all this amazingly convincing alien tech and data on alien biology "exists" and is somehow kept under wrap for multiple decades.

Why should anyone give this global multi-generational conspiracy theory the tiniest bit of credence?
Well if you believe the whistle blowers the official secret act is not enough and people are being threatening and even killed over keeping this hidden. Plus the places that would store the items and I speak in general about the most secure installations at the very top end. These places contain data that are so locked down its near impossible if not impossible to get the evidence out. Its not like you can walk in with a USB stick and copy everything then walk out. You don't even have email access or mobile devices on your person in those highly classified areas. Everything is screened. You act like its not possible from the point of view of being kept hidden. But look at how many times its been done with things that where made fun off as conspiracies but turned out to be real like those Black Ops Stealth Helicopters. Even now we know they are real we know nothing about them. So if and its a big if this alien tech is real then I can believe its more locked down then the Black Stealth Helicopters project and can be kept under warps for multiple decade just like the Black Stealth Helicopters project. Its been done before and it can be done again. So just perhaps it is real and the reason we have so many people world wide seeing sightings and so many saying they worked on the projects is because there is something behind it and they did work on the project.

Along with Option 1 its real but being kept hidden, Option 2 its a hoax/fake with people out to make money. There is a 3rd option which is the one I am leaning more towards. Its not Aliens, not a Conspiracy. But its also not a hoax or made up, but rather something real and physical like an undiscovered anomaly / phenomenon that we didn't know about and/or a mix of classified military craft being mistaken as Alien UAP's. While others could be very rare phenomenon that is known but so rare few people know about it like Red Sprite Lightning. When Red Sprite Lightning hits a city you get massive reports of UFOs because well its so extremely rare general people haven't got a clue what they are looking at. Personally I believe at least a small portion of the sighting are real and have something physical behind them that needs to be look into and figured out.

Do you realise, that all I did - was quote what the Mexican scientist said, in response to the scammers who claim her university scanned their modelling-clay joke alien body?
Yes you quoted an article that is a load of nonsense and was using faulty reasoning and incorrect facts to debunk the body's. Even though you followed this thread and so surly must know what they are saying is wrong you still posted the link. You are still using the modelling clay and paper Mache as a way to write off the bodies even though high resolution photos and Scientific data shows its not modelling clay or paper mache but real bodies. The video I posted 100% shows they real bodies. (I don't mean real proven Aliens just that they made up of real body parts)

I am almost completely sure the body's are fake as well. But the debunks have to match the facts and evidence. That's my problem with you and Jigger, you both make up nonsense and fake statements then pretend its debunked. Truth and facts matter. When its shown they are real body's with joints, organs, skin and everything else you cannot just pretend they are clay/mache and go they are fake. Did you even bother to look at the Scientific data and adult bodies that are 1.6meters large? Did you even know there are 1.6 meter bodies to go along side the baby one? I think they said there was 20 bodies in total. Although I am using translation programs as I don't speak the language natively so might have that number wrong but there are for sure multiple bodies.

Since you don't seem to like clicking links here is the high res MRI of one of the bodies that you call Clay/Paper Mache.

The video I linked to before broke this down slice by slice going though the full body via MRI. So please stop pretending they are clay or paper mache. Call them fake as much as you like but don't make up things that are not true like calling them just modelling-clay.
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It's a fake joke alien @Pottsey.
That doesn't mean you have to lie or mislead people by making up fake debunks and fake statements that go against the facts and evidence that have been shown to you. You don't seem to get it. I don't have a problem with calling them fake based on evidence and facts that make sense. What I have a problem with is calling them fake due to your made up stuff that is proven false. When they are proven to not be clay modelling I find it dishonest to keep pretending they are clay modelling fakes.

There is also a possibility they are not modern fakes as in they where created by the culture active in that region all those years ago. The same culture which had 3 fingered people all over there cultural art work. As the carbon dating shows they are well over 1000 years old. What if they are from 1000+ years ago as the data shows?
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That doesn't mean you have to lie or mislead people by making up fake debunks and fake statements that go against the facts and evidence that have been shown to you. You don't seem to get it. I don't have a problem with calling them fake based on evidence and facts that make sense. What I have a problem with is calling them fake due to your made up stuff that is proven false. When they are proven to not be clay modelling I find it dishonest to keep pretending they are clay modelling fakes.

There is also a possibility they are not modern fakes as in they where created by the culture active in that region all those years ago. The same culture which had 3 fingered people all over there cultural art work. As the carbon dating shows they are well over 1000 years old. What if they are from 1000+ years ago as the data shows?

You should read up on some Human Pre-History if you think humans with 3 fingers were knocking about a mere 1000+ years ago. There is evidence of advanced (a relative term, don’t get excited) sapiens settlements approx 9500 years old in Turkey.
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You should read up on some Human Pre-History if you think humans with 3 fingers were knocking about a mere 1000+ years ago. There is evidence of advanced (a relative term, don’t get excited) sapiens settlements approx 9500 years old in Turkey.
As per my older post I didn't mean real life 3 fingered humans. I mean what if the culture from back then made up the bodies out of human and animal parts to match the art work of the time. Then in modern times we find the remains. Screeech seems to have jumped to a modern fake based on nothing but his dislike for what he is seeing. But given where the bodies have been found, the carbon dating which says they are not modern. Could it be the bodies date back towards the end of the Nazca culture which is a culture full of 3 fingered art work in cloth, stonework and more. What if these bodies are an extension of the 3 finger symbolism found thought-out that region in that timeframe? Not as a living real 3 fingered beings but a recreation made from a mix of human and animal parts all that time ago and found today.
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That video along with the article Screeeech posted is not a valid debunk because its factually incorrect. They didn't just use X-rays, they did testing that was far more advanced then X-rays. So saying X-rays alone couldn't prove what they saying is not valid. Debunks have to match the facts and evidence. We cannot just make random nonsense up and go its debunked. Along with X-Rays they did computed tomography, three-dimensional reconstructions, macroscopic and microscopic analyses, histology, carbon 14, forensic anthropology, comparative anatomy and DNA analysis. Cat scan/MRI.

Yes you quoted an article that is a load of nonsense and was using faulty reasoning and incorrect facts to debunk the body's. Even though you followed this thread and so surly must know what they are saying is wrong you still posted the link. You are still using the modelling clay and paper Mache as a way to write off the bodies even though high resolution photos and Scientific data shows its not modelling clay or paper mache but real bodies. The video I posted 100% shows they real bodies. (I don't mean real proven Aliens just that they made up of real body parts)

I am almost completely sure the body's are fake as well. But the debunks have to match the facts and evidence. That's my problem with you and Jigger, you both make up nonsense and fake statements then pretend its debunked. Truth and facts matter. When its shown they are real body's with joints, organs, skin and everything else you cannot just pretend they are clay/mache and go they are fake. Did you even bother to look at the Scientific data and adult bodies that are 1.6meters large? Did you even know there are 1.6 meter bodies to go along side the baby one? I think they said there was 20 bodies in total. Although I am using translation programs as I don't speak the language natively so might have that number wrong but there are for sure multiple bodies.

Since you don't seem to like clicking links here is the high res MRI of one of the bodies that you call Clay/Paper Mache.

The video I linked to before broke this down slice by slice going though the full body via MRI. So please stop pretending they are clay or paper mache. Call them fake as much as you like but don't make up things that are not true like calling them just modelling-clay.
Looks legit to me ... Howls of derisive laughter :)
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