Pentagon releases UFO footage

I still have no idea what point Pottsey is trying to make?

At first he seemed to be claiming evidence of ET, but not anymore, its now a mixture of old human stuff he says and he's not back peddling at all, oh no.

He claims lots of scientists data on these cheap fakes that would never make it into the cheapest, cheesiest B Movie ever made 100 years ago for SFX.

Then goes on to say they are not aliens but presented all this supposed data into a topic supposedly about Aliens ?

I just don't get his angle at all, not one tiny bit? He seems like a little Rottweiler with a bone in his mouth who cant let go !

Surely and if we are interested in the original topic title of this thread, we should move on ... because he is seeimgly admitting its not of ET origin now and thus surely straying into off topic area?

Can we go back to original title of thread for topic please, because that was quite interesting and had reputable US Navy pilots report stuff ETC.

Its got to be a lot better than Pottseys paper mache doll tangent, surely?
TBH I’m on Team Pottsey on this one. The Peruvian mummies were not posted by him. The claim was made that they were made out of papermaché or modelling clay. Pottsey went on to say posters need to respect facts; scientific tests have been carried out in the samples and they are indeed real mummies and 1000 years old - the data is real and true. Therefore people should stop posting wild spurious claims that they’re made out of school child craft materials.

However he then went on to say whilst they are true mummies, he refutes the idea that they’re aliens, believing some samples are simply human, others are desecrated bodies mixed with animal parts; albeit there’s no evidence whether the desecration has been done by the grave robbers, or the Nazcan culture 1000+ years ago.

We can certainly attack Pottsey for being a faux centrist when it comes to UAP sightings (sorry bud, still think you’re on the whacky backy here :p) - but I don’t disagree with anything he’s said on the Peruvian mummies.
I still have no idea what point Pottsey is trying to make?
The point I was trying to make is we should debunk based on facts, scientific test and data. We shouldn't automatically dismiss out of hand. We shouldn't decide we don't like the way something looks and then make up wild fake claims that don't match the data. A valid debunk needs to match the facts and data. If its proven to be a real body that is over 1000 year olds we cannot debunk it as a modern hoax made out of school material like paper Mache. My 2nd point was the person who examined the bodies never once mentioned Aliens that I could see, hence why I was asking for quotes to prove they mentioned Aliens and no one could provide any quotes.

At first he seemed to be claiming evidence of ET, but not anymore, its now a mixture of old human stuff he says and he's not back peddling at all, oh no.
I never once claimed there where ET. In fact I challenged the statements calling them Alien. Go read my first post there is zero back peddling. My very first post was saying they where made up of body parts and animals which I repeated time and time again. I even said it looks like parts of chicken feet. How do you jump from me writing that and turning it into "Its Aliens". Use the search bar and type in "Chicken" I will save you the time.

My first post "The other problem is the x-rays look like body parts mixed from different animals. For example the alien fingers to me look like a perfect match for chicken feet."
My 2nd post was "But the one thing is clear from looking at the evidence its not paper mache or modelling clay or any other such nonsense. Fake or not its made up of real bones and body parts. Like I said before I think the hands are made from chicken bone and the arms look like bones from a child."

My comments about real are in reference to they appear to be real bodies made up of parts that are over 1000+ years old. Based on the timeframe I think these are Nazca bones. The adults are 100% human and the baby is a mix of parts from lizard eggs to chicken feet and others.

He claims lots of scientists data on these cheap fakes that would never make it into the cheapest, cheesiest B Movie ever made 100 years ago for SFX.
Apart from they appear to not be cheap fakes instead being real from 1000+ years ago. Which goes back to my main point on why you shouldn't jump to fake before looking at the facts. I didn't just claim the data, I posted it for you to download and view. I posted almost around 45GB of data for you to download.

What happened is I posted DNA testing that showed they are human (apart from the 1 body that was unknown DNA and I explained way). I posted MRI/Cat Scans that show they are real bodies, I posted carbon dating and a bunch of real data to show there age. The data shows they do not appear to be cheap fakes. They appear to be real 1000 year old mummies from around the time of the end of the Nazcan culture. I went on to say I read the report from the Forensic Doctor who examined the bodies and I could not see 1 single reference to Aliens. So I challenged Screeech and Jigger where they where getting the fake statements from and surprise surprise they made it all up.

Then goes on to say they are not aliens but presented all this supposed data into a topic supposedly about Aliens ?
So I am not allowed to post data that debunks Alien bodies in an on going topic about Alien bodies? I can only post in support for Aliens? Is that was you are saying as that is how it reads to me. I don't believe Aliens are visiting us so why would I only post supporting evidence?
What happened is I posted DNA testing that showed they are human (apart from the 1 body that was unknown DNA and I explained way). I posted MRI/Cat Scans that show they are real bodies, I posted carbon dating and a bunch of real data to show there age. The data shows they do not appear to be cheap fakes. They appear to be real 1000 year old mummies from around the time of the end of the Nazcan culture.
This is comedy Gold :) Awesome, just awesome :)
I still have no idea what point Pottsey is trying to make?

At first he seemed to be claiming evidence of ET, but not anymore, its now a mixture of old human stuff he says and he's not back peddling at all, oh no.

He claims lots of scientists data on these cheap fakes that would never make it into the cheapest, cheesiest B Movie ever made 100 years ago for SFX.

Then goes on to say they are not aliens but presented all this supposed data into a topic supposedly about Aliens ?

I just don't get his angle at all, not one tiny bit? He seems like a little Rottweiler with a bone in his mouth who cant let go !

Surely and if we are interested in the original topic title of this thread, we should move on ... because he is seeimgly admitting its not of ET origin now and thus surely straying into off topic area?

Can we go back to original title of thread for topic please, because that was quite interesting and had reputable US Navy pilots report stuff ETC.

Its got to be a lot better than Pottseys paper mache doll tangent, surely?

It's how he posts, it is very confusing.
Not once in the whole of this thread has he claimed Alien UFOs and bodies, he's firmly of the opinion any UAPs are our own and the bodies are human.
He hates people dismissing the facts so when he writes War and Peace it looks like he's in the Alien corner.
I told him above he should write a disclaimer before he starts posting because everybody except me thinks he's ranting about Aliens.
It's how he posts, it is very confusing.
Not once in the whole of this thread has he claimed Alien UFOs and bodies, he's firmly of the opinion any UAPs are our own and the bodies are human.
He hates people dismissing the facts so when he writes War and Peace it looks like he's in the Alien corner.
I told him above he should write a disclaimer before he starts posting because everybody except me thinks he's ranting about Aliens.

I don’t see how arguing the impossible as possible is anything other than believing.
TBH I’m on Team Pottsey on this one. The Peruvian mummies were not posted by him. The claim was made that they were made out of papermaché or modelling clay. Pottsey went on to say posters need to respect facts; scientific tests have been carried out in the samples and they are indeed real mummies and 1000 years old - the data is real and true. Therefore people should stop posting wild spurious claims that they’re made out of school child craft materials.

However he then went on to say whilst they are true mummies, he refutes the idea that they’re aliens, believing some samples are simply human, others are desecrated bodies mixed with animal parts; albeit there’s no evidence whether the desecration has been done by the grave robbers, or the Nazcan culture 1000+ years ago.

We can certainly attack Pottsey for being a faux centrist when it comes to UAP sightings (sorry bud, still think you’re on the whacky backy here :p) - but I don’t disagree with anything he’s said on the Peruvian mummies.
Oh K Doke, so thats what they are then, Peruvian Mummies ... really? My bet is on fakes.

What sort of amateur rib cage is that of any sort of Homo Sapaian ... Its nonsense and its embarrasing, Pottsey needs to let go, he really does.

Sorry, never seen so much Guff in my entire life ... LOL ... sniggers LOLOL

Anyway, can we move on now because I have never seen a sillier tangent in a thread likes in all my naturals :)

Peruvian Mummies OMG ... LOL

Gee Wizz and SMH.
I believe dream catchers do something with dreams. Prove me wrong.
Show me the evidence, where is the science based data? Your the one that has been arguing against science based data. Your the one that was questioning the Scientist who said the DNA evidence is from a human body.

Definitely emotionally over subscribed on the alien topic.
Pottseys clean off his rocker IMHO
That funny since you two are the ones seeing reverences to Aliens all over the place that are not there, only in your imagination. You two are the ones making fake statements and fake claims about Aliens and adding in Aliens when there are no Aliens involved. While I have been saying its not aliens all along. Clearly the problem isn't with me but you two who are overly obsessed with Aliens to the point where you are seeing Aliens when no claims of Aliens have been made.

Oh K Doke, so thats what they are then, Peruvian Mummies ... really? My bet is on fakes.

What sort of amateur rib cage is that of any sort of Homo Sapaian ... Its nonsense and its embarrasing, Pottsey needs to let go, he really does.

Sorry, never seen so much Guff in my entire life ... LOL ... sniggers LOLOL

Anyway, can we move on now because I have never seen a sillier tangent in a thread likes in all my naturals :)

Peruvian Mummies OMG ... LOL

Gee Wizz and SMH.
The DNA and carbon dating and MRI scans do not agree with you. The DNA is conclusive they are real humans.

These skull looks fake but are not. The Nasca practised body deformation. The oddities in the bodies we are talking about are a combination of the deformities the culture practised and some bones/parts being moved around after death. Those bones have been carbon dated as being from around the Nasca timeframe. The DNA test confirm they are human.

You seem to be saying they are not 1000+ year old bones and they are not Nasca bones. Every time I say they are made up from Homo Sapaians bones and the DNA shows they are human you call it nonsense. So you clearly don't think they are human. So what do you think they are? Got to love how I call them human remains that have been messed around with and you call me off my rocker. But your allowed to say they are not human remains which is even more off your rocker. First you see Aliens when there are no Aliens, now you saying Homo Sapains human remains is nonsense and embarrassing. Right, sure.

I don’t see how arguing the impossible as possible is anything other than believing.
I argue over your fake claims and fake statements of which you have been shown to have made a great many. Need I remind you the impossible claims like Mach 70 came from you not me. I was arguing against your impossible claims.
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Show me the evidence, where is the science based data? Your the one that has been arguing against science based data. Your the one that was questioning the Scientist who said the DNA evidence is from a human body.

"What you should note is that regardless of if there is scientific proof that dream catchers do work, they have been around for over 1000 years and people still use them to this day must be some proof that they do work to prevent bad dreams.’"

1000 years. I doubt that can be a coincidence?!

Just going to stock up on Goop candles. I like my place smelling like the inside of Gwyneth Paltrow.
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I argue over your fake claims and fake statements of which you have been shown to have made a great many. Need I remind you the impossible claims like Mach 70 came from you not me. I was arguing against your impossible claims.

Back to reality please. You argued that the people making the claims were almost beyond reproach. I pointed out why these claims are almost certainly false unless you first inject an element of the supernatural. The report of a craft traveling 80,000ft to sea level in a second is a speed of mach 70 and that clearly never happened as the light from the craft would be visible for many hundreds of miles. It’s not possible to travel at anywhere near that speed at sea level.
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Show me the evidence, where is the science based data? Your the one that has been arguing against science based data. Your the one that was questioning the Scientist who said the DNA evidence is from a human body.

That funny since you two are the ones seeing reverences to Aliens all over the place that are not there, only in your imagination. You two are the ones making fake statements and fake claims about Aliens and adding in Aliens when there are no Aliens involved. While I have been saying its not aliens all along. Clearly the problem isn't with me but you two who are overly obsessed with Aliens to the point where you are seeing Aliens when no claims of Aliens have been made.

The DNA and carbon dating and MRI scans do not agree with you. The DNA is conclusive they are real humans.

These skull looks fake but are not. The Nasca practised body deformation. The oddities in the bodies we are talking about are a combination of the deformities the culture practised and some bones/parts being moved around after death. Those bones have been carbon dated as being from around the Nasca timeframe. The DNA test confirm they are human.

You seem to be saying they are not 1000+ year old bones and they are not Nasca bones. Every time I say they are made up from Homo Sapaians bones and the DNA shows they are human you call it nonsense. So you clearly don't think they are human. So what do you think they are? Got to love how I call them human remains that have been messed around with and you call me off my rocker. But your allowed to say they are not human remains which is even more off your rocker. First you see Aliens when there are no Aliens, now you saying Homo Sapains human remains is nonsense and embarrassing. Right, sure.

I argue over your fake claims and fake statements of which you have been shown to have made a great many. Need I remind you the impossible claims like Mach 70 came from you not me. I was arguing against your impossible claims.

Either way, the Nasca practised elongated necks with successive rings, not elongated ET movie like faces, forward jutting out forward projecting faces, almost exactly the same as Steven Spielberg ET vinyl puppet you goof !!!

You have conceded they are not Aliens, so why do you persist in keeping this rubbish in this thread Pottsey?

Go and make your own crazy thread about Peruvian Mummies and whatever the point you are trying to make is, because by your own admission the topics you have bought up here have nothing to do with the thread title, not one little bit.

And I have STILL no scobby Doo idea what your point is? the goal posts move so much. This is one of those guys that would argue with their shadows I think ... and then accuse it of follwing him, just to argue some more ... Sigh
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Why would scientists carbon date a life form? That's just bad science.

Or just the date they last eat their alien sandwiches I guess? Assuming they are carbon-based life forms.

Maybe aliens have the tech to fold up their entire universe and are traveling about where ever they want. Coz if so we can say anything we want to after that.
You would carbon date a life form to know how old it is and then usually try to match the culture that was active in that region around that timeframe to get futher background. That's how we know the bodies are real and old. It makes perfect sense so I am not sure what you are so confused about? It seems like a really odd question to ask why we would carbon date a life form. How else would you know how old it is? As for the rest of your post there you go again with your crazy Alien nonsense.

Either way, the Nasca practised elongated necks with successive rings, not elongated ET movie like faces, forward jutting out forward projecting faces, almost exactly the same as Steven Spielberg ET vinyl puppet you goof !!!

You have conceded they are not Aliens, so why do you persist in keeping this rubbish in this thread Pottsey?

Go and make your own crazy thread about Peruvian Mummies and whatever the point you are trying to make is, because by your own admission the topics you have bought up here have nothing to do with the thread title, not one little bit.

And I have STILL no scobby Doo idea what your point is? the goal posts move so much. This is one of those guys that would argue with their shadows I think ... and then accuse it of follwing him, just to argue some more ... Sigh
Before calling someone a goof you should really check your facts before making yourself look so foolish. First of all the Nazca didn't just practised elongated necks. They practised skull deformation with long projected skulls as well as necks. Do you know what elongated necks + skull deformation looks like when combined?
Do you know how many of the adult bodies look like an ET vinyl puppet? Zero a grand total of zero. I think it was 18 or 19 of the 20 bodies had human skulls that look like humans. The only one or two that did not match this had its skull and feet replaced with an animal skull and animal feet. You seem to be super obsessed over the body that had its parts replaced with animals parts. If you where not so so obsessed over Aliens you might notice the rest of the bodies look human bar the deformities that have been explained.

Don't you get it. Your the one that is coming across as super obsessed about Aliens and keeps seeing claims about Aliens where there are no claims about Aliens. Your the one that made the mistake seeing Aliens in post that had nothing to do with Aliens. Your the one that keeps bringing Aliens and ET back into this.

My latest point is you made the mistake and instead of doing the simple adult thing of admitting you made a mistake and misread a bunch of posts. You had to go down this rabbit hole of nonsense you have been posting. Then you started throwing insults and name calling around which I can only assume is to cover up the fact you misread a bunch of posts and are so obsessed over Aliens, you see claims of Aliens where there are no claims of Aliens.

Back to reality please. You argued that the people making the claims were almost beyond reproach. I pointed out why these claims are almost certainly false unless you first inject an element of the supernatural. The report of a craft traveling 80,000ft to sea level in a second is a speed of mach 70 and that clearly never happened as the light from the craft would be visible for many hundreds of miles. It’s not possible to travel at anywhere near that speed at sea level.
Yes you really could do with going back to reality as no one needs to inject an element of supernatural to explain Mach 2. That can be explained away with a classified military drone or unmanned craft.

The speeds of Mach 70 are a fake delusion completely created in you head that never happened in reality. Just like the many fake statements you have created that never happed in reality, of which there have been a great many. Its becoming a bit of a theme where you keep posting statements that are completely detached from reality and never happen in reality but you insist they did happen.

Case in point the report said Mach 2. The Math says Mach 2, the pilots are directly quoted as saying Mach 2 everything was confirmed as Mach 2. But you seem to live outside of reality and keep arguing for Mach 70 which never ever happened. You made that up. Just like all the statements last week that you made up and are completely fake.

At the Congress briefing it wasnt 80k feet to sea level in 1 second you made that up it never happened. The nearest thing at the briefings was 80k down to 40k in aprox 20 seconds which the math works out as Mach 1.777777 or rounded up Mach 2. But you already know this and still insist on Mach 70. Going by your quote and your logic "I don’t see how arguing the impossible as possible is anything other than believing." I take it you are arguing the impossible and bringing in supernatural because you believe in Aliens? Why else would you disagree with everyone saying Mach 2 and instead insist on Mach 70. There is only one person I have seen in the entire world claiming Mach 70 and that's you. So yes lets get away from your delusions and go back to reaitly. The craft was moving at Mach 2.
You would carbon date a life form to know how old it is and then usually try to match the culture that was active in that region around that timeframe to get futher background. That's how we know the bodies are real and old. It makes perfect sense so I am not sure what you are so confused about? It seems like a really odd question to ask why we would carbon date a life form. How else would you know how old it is? As for the rest of your post there you go again with your crazy Alien nonsense.

Before calling someone a goof you should really check your facts before making yourself look so foolish. First of all the Nazca didn't just practised elongated necks. They practised skull deformation with long projected skulls as well as necks. Do you know what elongated necks + skull deformation looks like when combined?
Do you know how many of the adult bodies look like an ET vinyl puppet? Zero a grand total of zero. I think it was 18 or 19 of the 20 bodies had human skulls that look like humans. The only one or two that did not match this had its skull and feet replaced with an animal skull and animal feet. You seem to be super obsessed over the body that had its parts replaced with animals parts. If you where not so so obsessed over Aliens you might notice the rest of the bodies look human bar the deformities that have been explained.

Don't you get it. Your the one that is coming across as super obsessed about Aliens and keeps seeing claims about Aliens where there are no claims about Aliens. Your the one that made the mistake seeing Aliens in post that had nothing to do with Aliens. Your the one that keeps bringing Aliens and ET back into this.

My latest point is you made the mistake and instead of doing the simple adult thing of admitting you made a mistake and misread a bunch of posts. You had to go down this rabbit hole of nonsense you have been posting. Then you started throwing insults and name calling around which I can only assume is to cover up the fact you misread a bunch of posts and are so obsessed over Aliens, you see claims of Aliens where there are no claims of Aliens.

Yes you really could do with going back to reality as no one needs to inject an element of supernatural to explain Mach 2. That can be explained away with a classified military drone or unmanned craft.

The speeds of Mach 70 are a fake delusion completely created in you head that never happened in reality. Just like the many fake statements you have created that never happed in reality, of which there have been a great many. Its becoming a bit of a theme where you keep posting statements that are completely detached from reality and never happen in reality but you insist they did happen.

Case in point the report said Mach 2. The Math says Mach 2, the pilots are directly quoted as saying Mach 2 everything was confirmed as Mach 2. But you seem to live outside of reality and keep arguing for Mach 70 which never ever happened. You made that up. Just like all the statements last week that you made up and are completely fake.

At the Congress briefing it wasnt 80k feet to sea level in 1 second you made that up it never happened. The nearest thing at the briefings was 80k down to 40k in aprox 20 seconds which the math works out as Mach 1.777777 or rounded up Mach 2. But you already know this and still insist on Mach 70. Going by your quote and your logic "I don’t see how arguing the impossible as possible is anything other than believing." I take it you are arguing the impossible and bringing in supernatural because you believe in Aliens? Why else would you disagree with everyone saying Mach 2 and instead insist on Mach 70. There is only one person I have seen in the entire world claiming Mach 70 and that's you. So yes lets get away from your delusions and go back to reaitly. The craft was moving at Mach 2.

Nope, we’ve been over this before. The incident in question talked about a return showing 80,000 feet to sea level in a second and then another return moving 60 miles in “seconds”
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