Pentagon releases UFO footage

To be fair, human technological advances have been incredibly rapid and the advance is unlikely to be due to our ability to find resources. As a species, it’s understood we went through some form of cognitive revolution 70,000 - 50,000 years ago which effectively allowed us to… gossip. No longer were we bound to mere tribes of 30 - 50 individuals who knew each other well (chimpanzees have intimate knowledge of everybody in their tribe, due to spending hours with each individual getting to know them), but we were able to live in groups of hundreds and hundreds of individuals who were known to each other by what others would say about them.

The first Agriculture Revolution then enabled Sapiens to stop their hunter gatherer lifestyle and start to settle in their land and support much larger communities. This was believed to be approximately 11,000 years ago following the end of the last ice age, and when you consider places like Gobleki Tepe have been excavated and dated back to 9000BC, it’s astounding to think how far one species technology can advance in such a short space of time. But these two key events are what defined us as a species.

It wasn’t until recently (1500s) that the scientific revolution happened, which is quite difficult to reconcile. Before this point, society broadly believed we either knew everything we needed to know, or that other things weren’t worth knowing. Maps didn’t have empty areas, they just… Ended. Remember, Columbus didn’t famously discover America purposely - they literally had a belief that they could reach Asia’s trading ports quickly if they went the other way, as surely there’s be no more land in the way.

As for conflict, we are actually living in a golden age of peace compared to the last few thousand years, and very little of our wars were over resources. The French didn’t wage medieval war with England and countless over countries for resources but rather land and their distrust for their neighbours (and thus protection of their populace). It’s a modern think to believe we only war over resources, and I stress again, the amount of peace we’ve had since WW2 is pretty much unprecedented in the world.

I’ve said before in this thread, but y’all should check out the book Sapiens if you want to understand a brief history of Pre-History humans up to modern times.

e: whoops that was a long post and I didn’t mention aliens onc— dammit!
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We keep thinking that any intelligent species would have the strong possibility to wipe themselves out. Yet nobody really asks the question why we think this.

If you want a species to survive and last a long time, maybe intelligence isn't a very good 'selector' when it comes to evolution by natural selection.

Once a species becomes 'intelligent' perhaps it tips the balance of success so far in favour of it, that it completely unbalances the entire ecosystem, exponentially progressing faster, harder and further - until it runs out of planet, with no plan-b.

The idea of 'the great filter' does hold up in my opinion, it does make sense - and it does align which how humans behave, when you compare our current situation to where we're headed, it does not look good at all for us.

The light that burns twice as bright, burns only half as long, and all that.
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I'm certain it is but the likelihood of other intelligent life I'm not sure and then there's the Fermi Paradox.
if the universe is infinitely big, that means a 1 in infinite chance that earth happened. its more likely that there is other life than there isnt, but that doesnt mean that they if there is other life or we could travel the insane distances to see that being real.
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Intelligence is a by product of evolution not the end goal - Evolution has no end goal other than to adapt to surroundings to survive.

I recall reading an hypothesis that climate change in Africa (severe drought) caused early humans to leave the Savannahs and Plains and move to the coasts. This in turn led to a change of diet to mostly fish and the introduction of seafood based fatty acids led to brain development and increased cognitive function over thousands of years. Human intelligence really took off when we learned to write because this allowed us to record information and pass it down the generations.

There are simply so many variables needed for life to develop and then evolution into intelligent life the chances of finding other human+ level of intelligent life in the universe is probably remote.

That said there are plenty of intelligent animals on earth - Orangutans are the smartest non-human animals, dogs are said to have the intelligence of a human 2 year old, dolphins, octupi, pigs, elephants etc
I always liked an explanation about 40 years ago I watched.
The scientist said it was like making a cake with 1000s of ingredients and all these ingredients have to be added in the correct order, in the correct amounts with the correct amount of mixing and heat source etc so the chances of ever making that cake again is none unless the recipe was wrote down and even then something could go wrong.
so the chances of ever making that cake again is none unless the recipe was wrote down and even then something could go wrong.
Nature (out in space) doesn't care about order, it is full of chance events/randomness. Chaotic order with the only sign of any order being the notion of cause and effect - A thing is born out of randomness (the universe), a thing dies in a massive explosion, another thing is born from those debris - The circle of life in nature.

As far as we can see the universe is unlimited in size, it's expanding faster than the speed of light, so whatever it is expanding into is even bigger, if the universe is infinite, then all possibilities are also infinite, so all things that exist now, could also exist an infinite number of times. Even 1% of infinite is a huge percentage in that sense.
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I didn’t think the universe was infinite? It’s got a finite size, but ever expanding. It is in theory possible to be at the edge of the universe - ergo, it is not infinite. True, we don’t know what it outside the universe, but that’s another discussion. Is there invite possibility within the universe? No. But it’s probably vast enough that it’s statistically the same thing.
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If it's expanding then it has no measurable size and for all extents is infinite in size, whether there is an end boundary that is then expanding along with the rest of it or not doesn't matter because the light from that sort of area will never reach any part of the rest of the universe as it's expanding faster than the speed of light. It also means whatever it is expanding into is also infinite, which means the possibilities of infinite other universes is also on the table, each with their own physics and laws of gravity maybe - These are the serious talking points now among astronomers and physicists around the world as each advancement in technology seems to make this sort of picture clearer and raising even more questions.

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If it's expanding then it has no measurable size and for all extents is infinite in size, whether there is an end boundary that is then expanding along with the rest of it or not doesn't matter because the light from that sort of area will never reach any
this is what i was saying above, i find it very hard to believe that we are 1 in infinite event. the big problem people have is its hard to believe what they cant quantify.. and no one can quantify infinite not even the worlds smartest mathematicians or scientists.
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Yeah, the orb goes through the volcano, okay then. Aliens/foreign super power with this kind of tech needing to use it to go investigate volcanoes - something we already know ample about - by flying… through them?
Yeah, the orb goes through the volcano, okay then. Aliens/foreign super power with this kind of tech needing to use it to go investigate volcanoes - something we already know ample about - by flying… through them?

I can't see a problem with that.
Scientists are always building and destroying expensive devices in the name of research.
One recent volcano documentary I watched had scientists with drones.
Travelling forward in time is really just time moving quicker for everyone else relative to you. You achieve it by moving at close to the speed of light. The fantastic movie Interstellar kind of showed how it works.

IIRC time travel in Interstellar is from moving further into the gravity well of the blackhole they are orbiting, time moves more slowly due to the mass of the blackhole and the closer you get to it the slower it gets relative to time further away.
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