Pentagon releases UFO footage

If I was an advanced alien civilisation and not a shop, I would definitely make my drones look and act like common Earth citizen objects like Balloons, so the monkeys can argue over whether it's alien or mundane, so I can go about my alien business in peace
If I was an advanced alien civilisation and not a shop, I would definitely make my drones look and act like common Earth citizen objects like Balloons, so the monkeys can argue over whether it's alien or mundane, so I can go about my alien business in peace
Yeah totally. Time and space folding across the entire universe but when a camera is detected just move at the speed of the local wind.. and then off! "Nice barracks"
Yeah totally. Time and space folding across the entire universe but when a camera is detected just move at the speed of the local wind.. and then off! "Nice barracks"
Your favourite guy Mick West has been making a lot of comments in the thread you said you are following.

“The rotating object means it's obviosuly not a a smudge”
“With a long focal length then something on the glass would be invisible.”

“Now try it on your 500mm, focussed at infinity, touching the glass
I really don't think the smudge idea hold any water. It seems pretty clear that it's rotating, and the focus issue seem insurmountable.”

Other have pointed out the Flag in the video shows minimum windspeed which seems to rule out a balloon. More so as in the extend and 2nd part of the video its moving at very high speeds compared to the start.

Another person said “Many are still convinced a smudge on the window in front of the camera can be in focus. This is just not possible with the type of IR camera's they utilize. I explained why before in this thread. Also, there is no way it can "rotate".

Mick West then went onto analyse the objects speed and came to the conclusion based on height and distance moved of approx 20Mph which is far to fast for the local wind. (See the flags in the video which indicate wind speed is way, way lower) plus by the time the object gets over the lake which Metabunk tracked down its moving far, far faster then it was on land.

Michael Cincoski the ISR Tactical Controller at the AL-Tagqaddum base was also tracked down who confirms both parts are the same footage with the full video being 17 to18min and the object over the lake being the same object in the first section. The lake is Habbaniyah Lake. He said the the PTDS team clean and check the camera and the PTDS do not agree with a mark on the lens.

Source: All from the link you provided.
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But a jizz balloon is more fun right? There is nowhere near enough detail to begin talking about 'rotating' or 'geometric form like scales', it's just bizarre commentary and unnecessary. But if you believe that fair enough, you do you - you sound like you get more stimulation out of the scene than others. It simply fuels the disingenuous industry of UAP 'sightings' which lives through the discussion around the most meaningless details. I was half joking about a snot stain, that's what it looks like to me but know how it's unlikely based on how the imaging operates. Then find out that both sides have separate response videos about how it is/isn't a stain. Pick something better to analyse, it's tit for tat back and forth when no-one has enough facts to be worth listening to.

It'd be far more engaging if videos like this were released and discussed without the very leading commentary about what it supposedly is. More of an 'oh look isn't this interesting', rather than 'it couldn't be locked onto, this is a threat, imagine the payload.' I can understand why they do it, people lap it up.
Funny you mention the wind/balloon stuff. Again meaningless back and forth, there's not enough info. If you mean the flag at the very start, it flutters briefly in the direction of travel (to my eyes). We can't tell how close the floater is to anything, but yes it appears to move quick-ish relatively speaking. And then apparently even faster in the opposite direction in the second part of supposedly the same video.

So what? We don't know what it is. All this would be quite normal if we knew what is it, but we don't. Massive assumptions all-round.
Your favourite guy Mick West has been making a lot of comments in the thread you said you are following.

“The rotating object means it's obviosuly not a a smudge”
“With a long focal length then something on the glass would be invisible.”

“Now try it on your 500mm, focussed at infinity, touching the glass
I really don't think the smudge idea hold any water. It seems pretty clear that it's rotating, and the focus issue seem insurmountable.”

Other have pointed out the Flag in the video shows minimum windspeed which seems to rule out a balloon. More so as in the extend and 2nd part of the video its moving at very high speeds compared to the start.

Another person said “Many are still convinced a smudge on the window in front of the camera can be in focus. This is just not possible with the type of IR camera's they utilize. I explained why before in this thread. Also, there is no way it can "rotate".

Mick West then went onto analyse the objects speed and came to the conclusion based on height and distance moved of approx 20Mph which is far to fast for the local wind. (See the flags in the video which indicate wind speed is way, way lower) plus by the time the object gets over the lake which Metabunk tracked down its moving far, far faster then it was on land.

Michael Cincoski the ISR Tactical Controller at the AL-Tagqaddum base was also tracked down who confirms both parts are the same footage with the full video being 17 to18min and the object over the lake being the same object in the first section. The lake is Habbaniyah Lake. He said the the PTDS team clean and check the camera and the PTDS do not agree with a mark on the lens.

Source: All from the link you provided.
Yeah they're still looking into it. I was considering registering to the forum but they seem to have it in hand. It's been geolocated which I thought was impressive.

I'm from the school of thought it isn't anything amazing - until proven otherwise. Intially I thought it looked like a bird splat but then it does also appear to more resemble a balloon drifting. The issue is like always: is it near or far, small or large, fast or slow? Camera is moving or not? etc
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Yeah they're still looking into it. I was considering registering to the forum but they seem to have it in hand. It's been geolocated which I thought was impressive.

I'm from the school of thought it isn't anything amazing - until proven otherwise. Intially I thought it looked like a bird splat but then it does also appear to more resemble a balloon drifting. The issue is like always: is it near or far, small or large, fast or slow? Camera is moving or not? etc

I saw the same aliens back in 1978, it was a dark evening, I was sat down in Bowness on Windermere when I saw this exact shape/behaviour.. they did capture it on camera but the aliens probably hadn't switched on optical 'jamming' at that point..

Yup.. StarWars Ep IV - A New Hope..

The shape and low speed linear trajectory/speed immediately make me think this is only going to be something laughably benign.. That muppet narrating it is comical.. it's got structured legs that could carry a payload and be dangerous? LOL..
The issue is like always: is it near or far, small or large, fast or slow? Camera is moving or not? etc
Most of that has been answered. The object is far away from the camera that's running on a long focal point which is one reason we know its not a mark on the lens. The object is the same size as a medium sized drone. The object is moving approx 20MPH in the slow section and I would say approx 40+ MPH in the fast section. The Camera is not moving its at a fixed point with no camera movement that is independent from the lens which again rules out it being a mark on the lens.

But a jizz balloon is more fun right? There is nowhere near enough detail to begin talking about 'rotating' or 'geometric form like scales', it's just bizarre commentary and unnecessary. But if you believe that fair enough, you do you - you sound like you get more stimulation out of the scene than others. It simply fuels the disingenuous industry of UAP 'sightings' which lives through the discussion around the most meaningless details. I was half joking about a snot stain, that's what it looks like to me but know how it's unlikely based on how the imaging operates. Then find out that both sides have separate response videos about how it is/isn't a stain. Pick something better to analyse, it's tit for tat back and forth when no-one has enough facts to be worth listening to.

It'd be far more engaging if videos like this were released and discussed without the very leading commentary about what it supposedly is. More of an 'oh look isn't this interesting', rather than 'it couldn't be locked onto, this is a threat, imagine the payload.' I can understand why they do it, people lap it up.
There is more detail in the original file which is longer and higher quality. We can see it rotated which is proved over at Metadebunk. The comments about the payload makes sense in context of the area. That military base gets daily/weekly incursions from enemy drones often with payloads. So a commentary of a drone sized object that appears to be running some sort of stealth system that cannot be locked onto is a concern about what type of payload or spying it might being doing. Given the area I think its fair commentary to give as its over an active military area with a sensitive military base.

From 2018, at least it's clearer than floating jellyfish that could be scum on the glass lens :p

I know you put a joking face. Its impossible to be scum on the glass lens. There is no "could" about it. There is also a higher definition and extended 500mb file to download that is better then the compressed youtube version of the first clip.
Can you link to the higher version? The quality of the uploaded clip is so low that it's clear that even the source file must be low res as no streaming service compression is that bad that the quality ends up being so rubbish.
Please don't include me in 'We can see it rotated which is proved over at Metadebunk.' I've seen the stabilised tracked shots and the pixels change. Leading language again implying it has autonomy and purpose. It will change perspective if the angle to the camera changes, sure.

And 'higher definition' shouldn't be used in the same sentence when talking about security cam footage at night. I've seen the longer version with the reactions afterwards. So what? Still most likely to be balloons or a prank.
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Lack of link to higher version leads me to confirm the worst assumption, that it's trash :o
Give me chance. You only asked at 9am its 1pm now. I couldn't post till lunch break. This is the best version so far 720p
The military personal from the base have confirmed there is another better/longer vide that confirms the 2nd part is the same object. The original video is 16 to 17min long but I don't think that one is public.

The clip you posted to me looks like a balloon but the reactions from the people seem genuine and don't match a person seeing a balloon.
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In all seriousness (which is rare for me in this thread) it actually looks like a piece of debris stuck to the sensor of the camera, most sensor dust or dirt tends to be blobs - but on some sensors it can be quite detailed (because it's physically attached to the sensor itself)

That does not look like a real object moving through the air.
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In all seriousness (which is rare for me in this thread) it actually looks like a piece of debris stuck to the sensor of the camera, most sensor dust or dirt tends to be blobs - but on some sensors it can be quite detailed (because it's physically attached to the sensor itself)

That does not look like a real object moving through the air.
Wouldn't debris stay at a fix location from the crosshair? The object is moving around the crosshair, rotates and towards to end of the extended video seems to be further away from the camera then at the start. Also the object is picked up on two different cameras from the PTDS aerostat platform. The first part is taken from the IR camera. The 2nd part with the green UI is the other camera. That to me points toward it being a real world object of some sort. the timelapse in this video shows how it rotates a fair bit.

Given the high amount of enemy drones in the area. I still think that's the best explanation. I don't know if its possible, can drones be coated with stealth material that distorts IR sensors?
Wouldn't debris stay at a fix location from the crosshair?

It just doesn't look like an object, if it was travelling through space - it's aspect would change as it moves, but it doesn't - it just looks like a doom sprite, it's orientation to the camera is constant and doesn't change.

It just looks like a blob of crap on the sensor.

With regard to the crosshair - I have no idea how this was taken or if it's been manipulated, whatever it is cropped - and it has Jeremy Corbell's name in the corner, so anyone with sense should take it with metric ton of salt.
Just got my hands on these -

TMZ Presents UFO Revolution S01E01​

TMZ Presents UFO Revolution S01E02​

Will they make me shout 'NO' at the TV more than Ancient Aliens?

I'm probably the biggest sceptic on here and I've been following UFO stories since the early 70s however got to admit the first TMZ programme has got me more interested since it follows a proper timeline and puts everything into place.
So for instance the Govt response of 'There's nothing there' to the now 'There is something there but we don't know what it is' which in itself is major.
Also interesting that on the Gimmel video they reckon 4 minutes is missing from the original where there's a flying V formation (which could also explain birds in flight).
I look forward to the second one now but it doesn't mean I believe Aliens are here but they could be UAPs that we don't know who they belong to yet.
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