Pentagon releases UFO footage

Sigh, we’ve been over this how many times now… Grursh claimed to have evidence, so far nothing has been produced past words.
Yeah but we just had a dude (tieless) seem, some might say concerned, I would say tired, give a 2 min interview where he couldn't say anything coz classified. So big news I think you'll agree.

Lock your doors tonight people, because that will keep out the interdimensional beings.
Sigh, we’ve been over this how many times now… Grursh claimed to have evidence, so far nothing has been produced past words.
Accept that's not true is it. Evidence was produced, handed over and gone over by the intelligence Inspector General, Office of House Security and the members of Committee who verified the evidence and made statements its all in the official records. Holding a SKIF and then making statements about the content of the SKIF is massively different to the fake narrative you are to making up about questionable people and no evidence which is a flat out lie on your part. Only the conspiracy theorists think those people are questionable.

How do you explains the statements from the committee members if there is no evidence for them to see? How do you explain the audit which confirmed the claims about missing money are true?

You seem to be falling deeper and deeper into conspiracy theorists nonsense. Just like all the Alien nonsense made up by you. None of this has anything do with Aliens, you made that up as part of your conspiracy theory nonsense. Try paying attention to what is being said instead of making up and trying to add a fake Aliens narrative that you have been doing.

Yeah but we just had a dude (tieless) seem, some might say concerned, I would say tired, give a 2 min interview where he couldn't say anything coz classified. So big news I think you'll agree.

Lock your doors tonight people, because that will keep out the interdimensional beings.
This is the type of thing I am talking about. You made up the fake story about interdimensional beings. That was not an official claim, I proved twice to you and gave you direct quotes about what what really said. Yet you still go on about it, like it happened. The interdimensional talk was a physicist talking about a principles related to string story with nothing to do with aliens or beings.

I think the three of you, Keyser, Jigger and Screeeech are so obsessed over aliens you all misconstrue what is being said and are seeing aliens in statements that have nothing to do with Aliens.

I think you're totally lost.

In my opinion - you've bought into this whole narrative so strongly, with so much faith - that you've gone beyond the point of no return.

To go this hard at it, page after page - month after month, the same old BS over and over again, responding to almost all other posters with the same "you're deluded" or "you don't get it" some other baloney, when you yourself have the sum total of bugger all squared, to show for it.
As has been proven many times now your the one that has the history of making up BS stories that are completely 100% fake. Like you did with the fake cocaine bags, fake bible story and all the other made up stuff you posted. Even the snot on the lens was a load of impossible nonsense that Mick West himself said the idea of a mark on the lens was rubbish. Everyone can see your track record for themselves so I am not to worried what you think. You constantly misconstrue what is being said then make up fake storeys. If you think I have bugger all squared that just goes to show how badly you have misconstrued everything.
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I think the three of you, Keyser, Jigger and Screeeech are so obsessed over aliens you all misconstrue what is being said and are seeing aliens in statements that have nothing to do with Aliens.

Grusch original claim says that the US government has captured space-craft of non-human origin, as well as corpses of the pilots, he even said that humans had been injured and killed by these things, if he's not referring to aliens, wtf is he referring to?
The interdimensional talk was a physicist talking about a principles related to string story with nothing to do with aliens or beings.

I've read The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene in 1999, boom, ask me anything. Except one minor problem, I've forgotten it all. The one thing I do remember is the small detail that we will never be able to build anything capable of proving it is a thing. Unless we build a particle accelerator a few times larger than the solar system.

This is the reason why it doesn't have many supporters of it and became the butt of many a joke, like in the Big Bang Theory :)

Sooo what kind of being would be able to harness such a power, if not alien? I'm just asking since this seems to be a fairly important point.

So nothing more than, yet more hot air.

We don’t. We get the words of a man with a history of mental problems making secondhand claims of aliens and wild criminal allegations.
Hot air certainly covers your post. He isn't making official claims of aliens and the wild criminal allegations are looking to be true. Apparently to you missing money being diverted into illegal Special Access Project is super mega wild. Perfectly possible and none wild for everyone else mind you and the failed audit seem to shows its true but I guess a failed audit with missing money is really wild for you. The claims are first hand your just making up more nonsense. Just like you are using mental problems as an excuse when he was cleared with zero mental problem and has annual checks proveing he is sound of mind. He has high top level clearance access which they don't give or leave with people with mental problems. More hot air from you.

If he had metal problem his access would be revoked. How do you explain him having full Security Clarence and access and passing all annual mental checks?

This is not about Aliens that is just conspiracy theorists nonsense you made up. His official claims and whiteblower complaint is not about aliens you are just a conspiracy theorists who sees aliens left, right and centre in places that have nothing to do with aliens.

Grusch original claim says that the US government has captured space-craft of non-human origin, as well as corpses of the pilots, he even said that humans had been injured and killed by these things, if he's not referring to aliens, wtf is he referring to?
That is not what he claimed at the Congress briefing or in his whiteblower complaint. You are inserting extra words like space craft and corpse of pilots into the official claim and into what was mentioned at the Congress briefing which has nothing to do with aliens. Something like a Monkey being used to test stress out the effects of a prototype craft on the body is most likely all they mean they found at the crash. A monkey or something like it as a test pilot is far more reasonable as an explanation for none human biologics found at a crash then your talk of aliens.

The refence to humans being killed and injured was in refence to the criminals running the illegal Special Access Program and diverting money away from legal programs into there program. His complaint is about the harassment and threats from them both to him and other people who know about the project and are trying to whistle blow on them. He refused to use the words aliens or extra-terrestrial at Congress and explained why. His official complaint that we are talking about is not about Aliens or extra-terrestrials. Yet again you are just misconstruing what is happening and inserting your fake storeys.

Even if the SKIF briefing from yesterday they stressed to pay attention to wording and that aliens/extra-terrestrial was not what was said or what is being claimed. They could not be more clear cut, yet you still insist its about aliens.

Look at the quote. Grusch “I do have knowledge of active and planned reprisal activity against myself and other colleagues,” in what he called “administrative terrorism.”

How do you turn that into Aliens killed people? You seem to be conflating completely different events. In the context of the SKIF, the Congress briefing and his whistleblower complaint its not about aliens its about an illegal R&D SAP that is running without Congress oversight and administrative terrorism as he puts it with large sums of money being diverted into the SAP project that is not on the books. It also sounds like there has possibly been a propulsion breakthrough or other types of research of some sort from inside this illegal SAP but its being hidden from the people in Congress that are meant to have oversight.
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I've read The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene in 1999, boom, ask me anything. Except one minor problem, I've forgotten it all. The one thing I do remember is the small detail that we will never be able to build anything capable of proving it is a thing. Unless we build a particle accelerator a few times larger than the solar system.

This is the reason why it doesn't have many supporters of it and became the butt of many a joke, like in the Big Bang Theory :)

Sooo what kind of being would be able to harness such a power, if not alien? I'm just asking since this seems to be a fairly important point.

That looks to be completely irrelevant as it has nothing to do with what Grush was saying or what we are talking about. You say "if not aliens" well I am pretty sure its not your Silicon based radiation swimming Aliens that you seem to want it to be. Grush interdimensional talk was a theoretical discussion to do with String Theory not a practical real world event. He was talking theory not something that happened in real life.
That is not what he claimed at the Congress briefing or in his whiteblower complaint.

I don't care - it was the basis for the original claim that he made, that's what caused this hullabaloo in the first place and it's what got him all of the attention.

Grusch claimed that he had conversations with unnamed officials that led him to believe that the U.S. federal government maintains a secretive UFO (or UAP) recovery program and is in possession of "non-human" spacecraft along with their "dead pilots".

To say now, "Ahh, he never meant to say that, or he meant something else" is just being dumb as **** - he said what he said at the start to get all of the attention, and he got it.

Don't give me some crock of **** about monkey pilots, or other BS - we know exactly what he's talking about, he's trying to say the US government have aliens.
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Actual modern day Vikings are on the case :eek:

A really interesting one that I'd not heard about before until I read a comment on a video today. at Djupsjøen Lake (Norway) in 1947 an "egg shaped" object crashed into the lake as reported by locals. Obviously deep sea exploration is massively expensive and only now has a collective of Norwegian experts banded together with funding to get down there.

Side scan sonar has revealed an object is there, and in Feb they are set to send divers down there.

Military test craft crashing? Space rock? Something else? Guess we will find out in Feb lol.

Edit* An account of the 1947 incident:

Short summary: The future mayor of Norwegian town Røros observed a UFO described as an "egg from another world" landing on a lake in 1947. There was also another witness. Two searches were conducted several years later, without result. A new search is now underway with modern equipment. Røros is about 25 km from Hessdalen, internationally known for its unexplained light phenomena.

Headline: Looking to solve a 70-year-old UFO mystery

Was it a UFO that the old mayor of Røros saw? A large crew will use state-of-the-art equipment to find the answer.

By Trond Odin Myhre Johansen

Using an underwater drone and other high-tech equipment, Rune Røstad and his crew will investigate what happened at Djupsjøen lake in Røros in 1947.

Rune is a photographer and has been fascinated by the story of what Bernhard Sollie and Harald Engvik saw that day.

Because what exactly did they see?

The man who later became mayor of Røros, Bernhard Sollie, was down by Djupsjøen, reaping the harvest. He was accompanied by farmhand Harald Engvik.

Suddenly, the silence is broken by what Rune calls a sound that is "loud as hell".

"What Bernhard describes as an "egg from another world" comes over his head", says Røstad.

The "egg" flies down towards the sea, in a way that makes it look like a controlled landing.

Could it be one of the Roswell UFO's escape pods?

"His farmhand starts jumping around like a wild goat, because he wants to find out what this is."

But when they returned to investigate, the "egg" had disappeared.

Now Rune Røstad is out on Djupsjøen to find the answer to the mystery. A mystery that people have been trying to solve for over 76 years.

Subheading: Searching the lake

“The story was talked about in hushed tones on farms in Røros for around 20 years before someone from UFO Norway got hold of the story.”

They initiated a search with divers, without finding anything. A few years later, new searches were made, without any findings. Time passed and the case dropped out of the news.

Scientists, divers and a TV crew are among those involved in the search in Djupsjøen. The man behind it all is Rune Røstad.

"With state-of-the-art equipment, we will now try to find out what this is", says Røstad.

He says that they checked the conditions on the seabed with a rover. This is an underwater drone that can map the seabed. Now they're going over with a sidescan, a radar that maps the seabed and looks through mud.

"If there's something there, we'll find it", he says.

Subheading: "Out of this world" in Røros and Holtålen

Røros and Holtålen have a reputation for mysterious happenings. Many people are familiar with Hessdalen in Holtålen and the so-called Hessdalen phenomenon.

Ever since 1981, unexplained lights have appeared over Hessdalen.

Could it be aliens or gas burning up? We don't know for sure.

Both the UFO in Djupsjøen and the light phenomenon in Hessdalen have fascinated many people. TV producer Christian Aune Falch is one of them. He is now making a series in which he follows Rune Røstad, among others.

Aune Falch has spent a lot of time up in Hessdalen in search of the light phenomenon.

"One autumn evening in 2016, I was lucky enough to experience it myself, which was very big and special for me. That got my blood pumping and I made many trips up Hessdalen. I never got to see the phenomenon after that. But what I did get to see was a lot of nice, exciting and interesting people."

The people and the otherworldly phenomena were something Aune Falch thought would make a good idea for a documentary.

The Hessdal phenomenon is also known through popular culture. In 2022, the movie "Blasted - Gutta Vs. Aliens" premiered. The action in the movie takes place in Hessdalen.

Subheading: A historic operation

But regardless of the outcome of the operation, Røstad believes in Sollie.

"Bernhard Sollie has seen what he has seen, and if we don't find anything, it's still just as sensational. If we find something ..."

Røstad thinks for a moment.

"Then I think we'll just have to have a meeting. Then I expect you'll hear something. Whatever the outcome, this will be historic."

And a detailed account from a paywalled Norway newspaper:

The year is 1947 and the calendar is approaching the end of August. On Fastevollen, on the west bank of Djupsjøen, Bernhard Sollie and his farmhand Harald Engvik are outside the barn sharpening scythes.

It's a quarter to seven in the morning, and his wife Gudrun Sollie is in the kitchen separating the morning milk.

Powerful sound: To the south, behind Bjerkelia, there is suddenly a loud sound - like the aftermath of a jet plane, but in a deeper tone. The men drop their scythes and run to the corner of the barn.

At first they see nothing, but the sound increases in strength, and after about a minute, an egg-shaped object comes into view at high speed.

The angular height is estimated to be around 25 degrees on the horizontal. It is losing altitude and is heading towards Sauholmen (an islet), which is a few hundred meters from land.

Sharp turn: Just before it is about to crash into Sauholmen, the object makes a sharp turn of almost 180 degrees before landing on the sea.

The landing seems controlled, and the object stabilizes before touching down on the water. As it slides over the surface of the lake, water rushes to the sides before the object settles down.

The wind is blowing from the north and the object floats slowly with the wind. Gudrun has also heard the sound. By the time she comes out, the object has managed to land.

Like a chicken egg: The object floats about a hundred meters east of Saueholmen. The pointed end of the egg is facing into the wind.

The surface is blue-gray like steel, and the shiny surface reflects the sun's rays. Due to the distance from land, it is difficult to say exactly how big the UFO is, but Sollie estimates the length to be around two meters and the height or width to be around one and a half meters.

The shape of the object is similar to a chicken egg, and the surface is completely smooth except for two small crescent-shaped "wings" on the sides. These are far too small to have any function as wings, but it is possible that they served as a kind of stabilizer.

Saw the object clearly: With clear skies and bright sunshine, Sollie later said that he saw the object very clearly, both while it was in the air and while it was bobbing on the waves.

Engvik and Sollie tried to find a boat along the beach, but were unsuccessful. They then talked about building a raft, but gave up because of a lack of usable supplies nearby.

Let it out of sight: Engvik protested, but they ended up going to another field to work, as they were late with the reaping, Sollie explained.

So they let the object out of sight.

When they returned after about an hour, the object was nowhere to be seen.

So no one knows whether the object took off again or whether it sank.

It should be noted, however, that neither Engvik nor Sollie heard any sound when they were later working in the nearby field.

The article also states that Sollie told his story nine years later to the police chief of Trondheim (the largest city in the region) in a civil defense meeting, after he had been elected mayor.
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Inter dimensional beings and murderous government agencies. What a load nonsense.
Yes, you finally get it. At long last you understand the nonsense about Aliens and Interdimensional beings was never officially claimed and made up nonsense by the conspiracy theorists Jigger, Screeech and Keyser.

Well done for getting there after all this time. You now realise your own Interdimensional Alien comments are nonsense.
Dude I linked a video where he said it, have you actually watched it?
Fair enough it says non human biologics but what else does that mean other than Aliens?

The video is set to private. I know he said some different things in interviews. In the official complaint, at Congress he did not say spacecraft or Aliens and even if he did he could be wrong. When they say his claims have merit and are verified I think they are talking about the official claims he made to do with a hidden illegal SAP and reprisals against people.

I can only speculate but there are a number of possibilities. If the illegal SAP builds a prototype craft using experimental technology most likely based off some unproven skunkworks style exotic technology and it fails and crashes.

If they used a none human test pilot with monitoring equipment on to get data. Then this craft fails and crashes and is recovered by a different government department. This department knows nothing about the SAP as its project is off the books and illegal. Then its not hard to imagine the none human test pilot which lets say is a monkey has 95% of its remains destroyed in a the crash and just 5% of its biologic remain. Possibly what remains is contaminated.

The report could then say an unknown UAP crashed as that’s what it is. Based on unknown technology with an unknown craft design and the pilot died and was none human biologics.

Take the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber back before it was public. What would have happened if that crashed back in the prototype stage? It would have been classed as a UAP and looked like a UFO not a traditional plane.

I am not saying this is what happened. Just it’s one possibility and seem like an explanation that is more likely then Aliens.

If department A is overclassified and department B knows nothing about the first department even existing. Confusion can happen when department B recovers something that department A made.
I don't care - it was the basis for the original claim that he made, that's what caused this hullabaloo in the first place and it's what got him all of the attention.

To say now, "Ahh, he never meant to say that, or he meant something else" is just being dumb as **** - he said what he said at the start to get all of the attention, and he got it.

Don't give me some crock of **** about monkey pilots, or other BS - we know exactly what he's talking about, he's trying to say the US government have aliens.
As per normal you are muddling timelines up and conflicting different events. Wiki isn’t reliable as we have seen people like you inset extra words that completely change what was really said and claimed. The Aliens got added in years and years after this started. The official complaint and Congress briefing is not about Aliens and the SKIF was not about Aliens.

My point is. Grursh makes some official claims and a whistle-blower complaint about an illegal SAP, reprisal activity and administrative terrorism along with money being diverted to this project. You know what the entire whistle-blower system is for.

They investigate and say this has merit and many of it is verified along with a failed audit that has missing money. You and Jigger then come here adding in extra words like Aliens and interdimensional Aliens and write off those claims as nonsense, a load of BS. Tell me I have lost it. You say there is no evidence blah, blah, blah despite the audit that backs it up.

Yet I say its not about Aliens. Two people who come out of the SKIF and gave statements to the press say directly its not about Aliens. The official whiteblower complaint and official claims are not about Aliens. Yet you and Jigger misconstrue what we are all saying and go on and on about its Aliens .

It’s like the question at the Briefing

“Grush. And and so I wanna get down to if we can, some specifics. Right? So, at one point, you had said that they’re they’re they’re they’re has been harmful activity or aggressive activity. Has any of the activity been aggressive and, hostile? In your reports?
David Grusch: I know of multiple colleagues of mine that got physically injured. And, the activity

David Grusch: I can’t get into the specifics in an open environment, but at least the activity that I personally witnessed and not to be very careful here, because you don’t, you know, they tell you never to acknowledge tradecraft. Right? So what I personally witnessed myself and my wife, was very disturbing."

This was about real-world reprisals done by humans to humans. But somehow you and Jigger turned it into Alien’s killing and injuring people. Then when the officials say this complaint has merit you laugh it off and say its BS and Alien nonsense.
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Yes, you finally get it. At long last you understand the nonsense about Aliens and Interdimensional beings was never officially claimed and made up nonsense by the conspiracy theorists Jigger, Screeech and Keyser.

Well done for getting there after all this time. You now realise your own Interdimensional Alien comments are nonsense.

I was always pretty sure it was a pile of nonsense. As you know, unless we first inject abstract theories like a the supernatural or faith based belief the, claims are simply outrageous.
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I was always pretty sure it was a pile of nonsense. As you know, unless we first inject abstract theories like a the supernatural or faith based belief the, claims are simply outrageous.
If you was always pretty sure your Alien Conspiracy Theorist idea was a pile of nonsense why did you push it so hard? So you admit your talk about aliens and your claims about Aliens being involved is nonsense made up by you. All this alien talk is just something you made up. What we are talking about has nothing to do with Aliens. Your the one that added Aliens into it. So your the one who added in nonsense.

The real claims and real whistle blower complaint that I was talking about is not a pile of nonsense. Its not remotely outrageous or wild and its back up by evidence like the audit which backs up its real. If you think the real claim that I have been talking about is outrageous and wild that then you must lead an extremely sheltered and naïve life. The actual real claim does not require abstract theory or supernatural belief or faith based belief. That is just your conspiracy theorists nonsense. Look past your conspiracy theorists nonsense and look at the real claim as its based in the real world. The entire SKIF from Friday is based on real world. The fact you think different just shows how much a conspiracy theorists you are.
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