Pentagon releases UFO footage

Even though Grusch made no comments about Spacecraft and Aliens in his original speech he is now talking about them and for most of us it's very difficult to take that away from what he first said.
If he had just talked about UAPs being our own secret craft I think most of us here believe there's secret projects but Grusch has just made it far fetched.
How do you know what is happening inside a SKIF?
Every member gave a press statements at the end of the briefing. They didn't go into details about what happened inside the room but say the claims had merit and many details verified.

Ok, well the general jist is of aliens from various fantastic angles of attack. The topic of this circus is aliens and can’t be construed any other way. The concept of what Grusch is pushing is very clear.
That is 100% wrong. The complaint and SKIF was about missing money, illegal projects being run off the books without oversight and reprisals against the people trying to whistleblow on this, along with over classification and a failed audit with a large sum of money missing. It has zero to do with Aliens.

I know that.... The fact you're saying 'it's not aliens' isn't the problem, consistency is the problem.

The source of your information (David Grusch) says one thing at the start of all of this (Interviews with Newsnation etc), presumably on purpose to get the media up in arms and get his nonsense story out.

Now you're trying to gaslight everyone else into believing that he never said what he did say, and that he meant something else and the aliens part was a mistake or confusion - when it clearly wasn't, he's on the record saying it's aliens so many times it's pointless showing you the videos.
That’s not what I am doing at all. I acknowledge he said that in an interview. What I am saying is the original claim is not aliens and when the original claim was investigated and they said on Friday that the original claim had merit and is verified they are not talking about the interview aliens claim. They are talking about the whistleblowing claim.

You and Jigger don’t seem to understand the difference. Then when the SKIF committee stand up and say the original claim has merit and is verify. You and Jigger go on the alien attack about how it’s all nonsense as its aliens. We are not talking about aliens we are talking about the SKIF and whistle-blower claim.

I think the complaint is a very serious matter and real and you two are trying to gaslight it, pushing it aside as nonsense because you think its about Aliens when its not about Aliens.

“Tim Burchett: "I think everybody left there thinking and knowing that Grusch is legit"
Robert Garcia appears to be shaken by whatever was discussed and said there was substantial info shared with the committee.
Moskowitz said this verified a lot the claims made about UAP’s.
Moskowitz also said "Based on what we heard many of Grusch claims have merit!""

I don't know how else to explain this to you. The above quotes are not about the aliens claim. Its about the whistleblowing claim. Luna said in her briefing this is not about Aliens that's not part of the claim. Tim said its not about little green men. They where clear cut its not about aliens.
Even though Grusch made no comments about Spacecraft and Aliens in his original speech he is now talking about them and for most of us it's very difficult to take that away from what he first said.
If he had just talked about UAPs being our own secret craft I think most of us here believe there's secret projects but Grusch has just made it far fetched.
The story/story’s/teller undermine themselves.
What I am saying is the original claim is not aliens and when the original claim was investigated and they said on Friday that the original claim had merit and is verified they are not talking about the interview aliens claim. They are talking about the whistleblowing claim.

but most of us can't separate the two, he has now had his speech about Earth made secret craft which we all know happens and now he's adding Aliens and Spacecraft into the mix.
Nobody cares about finding a Chinese secret drone but we all want to see these Aliens and Spacecraft Grusch says he has proof of.
Why do you think he said that in the interview in the first place?
I can only speculate. Might just be as simple as he believes it due to the reprisals he suffered in real life when we tried to access the Special Access Program for review. He might just be thinking, look at these reprisals they must really be hiding something big otherwise why the reprisals and threats? He could be thinking if there was nothing to it then there wouldn't be any reprisals. So the reprisals mean there is something to it.

Most likely he is completely wrong about what the SAP contains after all he is going by 2nd hand info and doesn't have direct access to these "craft". He can be wrong about what the SAP contains and be right about it running off the books without correct oversight by Congress and right about the reprisals against him and others. Just because you you don't like his idea about crashed craft it doesn't mean we should abandon the whistle-blower complaint and write it off as nonsense.

Maybe they found the alien spacecraft under the house?
What are you on about? No that is not possible. There was no aliens for the last time. Why are you still going on about Aliens in relation to the SKIF?
I can only speculate. Might just be as simple as he believes it due to the reprisals he suffered in real life when we tried to access the Special Access Program for review. He might just be thinking, look at these reprisals they must really be hiding something big otherwise why the reprisals and threats? He could be thinking if there was nothing to it then there wouldn't be any reprisals. So the reprisals mean there is something to it.

Most likely he is completely wrong about what the SAP contains after all he is going by 2nd hand info and doesn't have direct access to these "craft". He can be wrong about what the SAP contains and be right about it running off the books without correct oversight by Congress and right about the reprisals against him and others. Just because you you don't like his idea about crashed craft it doesn't mean we should abandon the whistle-blower complaint and write it off as nonsense.

If you're reduced to the position of having to speculate over the details, because you think he's likely wrong about some elements but right about others, you can surely see that a reasonable person within the context of the central claim (aliens) might easily come to the conclusion, that this David Grusch person, is absolutely full of **** ?
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If you're reduced to the position of having to speculate over the details, because you think he's likely wrong about some elements but right about others, you can surely see that a reasonable person within the context of the central claim (aliens) might easily come to the conclusion, that this David Grusch person, is absolutely full of **** ?
That's the bit I don't agree with. Aliens is not the central claim. To me the whistle blower complaint and the illegal behaviour is the central claim. Its fine to think the aliens comments from the interview is a load of BS without any evidence. But that doesn't make the central claim which everyone at the SKIF and the investigators in the intelligence office all said is real and serious. The problem is if you start saying Alien's is the central claim and that means everything is BS you risk compromising the real complaint and writing off the whistle blower complaint which you and Jigger have been doing for the past few days.

Everybody who has access to the original complaint and has access to the evidence is saying its valid, has merit, is serious and the real deal. That doesn't sound like something from someone that is only full of BS. I am fine with you calling the Alien part BS due to lack of evidence. What I am not fine with is you and Jigger attacking the original complaint as BS and writing it off due to Aliens.

Look at the comment from the people from the SKIF.

combined with these comments

“Tim Burchett: "I think everybody left there thinking and knowing that Grusch is legit"
Robert Garcia appears to be shaken by whatever was discussed and said there was substantial info shared with the committee.
Moskowitz said this verified a lot the claims made about UAP’s.
Moskowitz also said "Based on what we heard many of Grusch claims have merit!""

That doesn't sound like Grusch is speaking BS. That sounds like they looked into his evidence and found it to be valid and a lot of it verified. Not the Alien part but everything else. Even the Intelligence Community Inspector General office who investigate all this is backing up the claims as real. They went in look directly at the departments, interviewed people named by Grusch and came back saying its valid.
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Its fine to think the aliens comments from the interview is a load of BS without any evidence.

Who are you to say they’re BS?

If you think they’re BS why isn’t everything else he says BS?

How are you able to verify which parts of his story are BS and which parts are not?
How are you able to verify which parts of his story are BS and which parts are not?
We may not be able to but surely that’s what these investigations are about - finding out what is/isn’t bs. If some of those who have seen Gruschs evidence in these closed door meetings are now saying that at least some appears to be credible and have merit, isn’t that indication enough that at least some of what he’s saying isn’t bs?
isn’t that indication enough that at least some of what he’s saying isn’t bs?

No, because nobody has the first clue what claims are being validated or scrutinised behind closed doors, it’s just guesswork.

The problem resolves back to the start of the whole thing, which was Grusch making claims about aliens and flying saucers.

@Pottsey seems to think those specific claims are BS - which is a problem because those claims are what got the whole party started in the first place.
Who are you to say they’re BS?

If you think they’re BS why isn’t everything else he says BS?

How are you able to verify which parts of his story are BS and which parts are not?
Why isn't everything else BS is a good question. If it was anyone else like say Mick West made the same claims I would say that's fair and say its all BS. But in this case we have gone beyond that.

Too many people have confirmed the rest for it to likely be BS. He boss backed him up. The entire SKIF committee reviewed the evidence said it was much of it has merit and is verified. The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community did a full investigation including interviewing staff, looking at the departments and said much of it has merit and is verified. He security clearance interview with lie detector passed and his clearance reinstated why do that if its not true?

Evidence was shown for the reprisals both to David and others. At the Congress briefing some of the witness didn't show up saying they got threatened. Why are people making reprisals again him and others in the first place? What explanation do you have for this? Its not evidence by itself but put with everything else it adds credence to what is being said. Karl E. Nell Army Colonel and current aerospace executive who was the Army’s liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022 and worked with Grusch there, characterizes Grusch as “beyond reproach.” and backs up his claims.

Then there is the fact Grush actually worked at the UAP Task Force and not only had security clearance but was tasked with looking into and reviewing all active SAPs by Congress and he briefed the President directly on a regularly basis.

So we have this guy who works at the UAP task force. Tasked by Congress to review all active SAP projects. Who has an near perfect high end record backed up by a large amount of high ranking people like Karl E. Nell Army Colonel. Backed up by SKIF committee investigation, Inspector General of the Intelligence Community investigation and eveything else I didnt list here. At some point you have to step back and go, perhaps this isn't 100% BS and there is something going off.

There are just to many high level people involved with to many confirmations. I don't think the entire picture is clear and correct but at the same time there has to be something going of. If it was just a BS artist scamming with talk he never would have got past the SKIF Committee who reviewed the evidence, never got passed the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community investigation who reviewed the evidence and interviewed all the people involved, wouldn't be backed up by all these high ranking people like Karl E. Nell Army Colonel.

At this point we cannot treat Grush like some drunk on the street making up storeys. To many people that are beyond reproach are backing him up.

I have not doubts then if/when this is resolved due to over classification and illegal SAP's some parts of the story will be inaccurate due to wrong interpretations or missing information at the time. But we have gone well, well past the point of just being able to stand back and write off the entire things as just BS and someone making up stories.

Then there is the other side which I have trouble believing. As everything else Grush has been saying is true, has merit and is verified. He really did work in the UAP Task Force, he really did have access to the UAP Task Force files. Then we shouldn't be so quick to write off the hard to believe bits that the department he worked at made a recovery of a craft. Sure have major, major doubts and demand hard evidence. Or to put it another way if it is real which I put an extremely unlikely but not technically impossible. If it is real this is just how it would happen. This is the department that would have recovered the craft, these are the people that would have analysed and looked at this and any leaks/ whistle-blower would be from this taskforce just like we are getting now.

Surly even you can admit that someone from inside a UAP Taskforce backed up by a SKIF committee and Inspector General of the Intelligence Community investigation is a far bigger deal and more likely to be real then some random guy at the pub saying he found something at work.

PS If I was to speculate and there is no evidence behind this. The UAP might just be something as simple as a experiential Chinese craft using skunkworks style exotic technology that crashed and the UAP team managed to recovery it before the Chinese did and then started backward engineering it.

The problem resolves back to the start of the whole thing, which was Grusch making claims about aliens and flying saucers.

@Pottsey seems to think those specific claims are BS - which is a problem because those claims are what got the whole party started in the first place.
That's not the start of the whole thing. I have already explained the start from Grusch was something like 2 years before Grusch aliens and flying saucer claims got pulled into it. I haven't got time to go in this right now. The start was around about when the classified hidden UAP Task Force was found out to by real by investigative Journalist I think around 2017 ish. At this point the department was classified and hidden. Then somewhere around 2021 when the whistlerblower complaint went in and all the investigations started. I need to check the date but don't have time. The point is the investigations and all this all started long before the public interview about Alien Craft.
Sorry to do this but this was on the 3rd TMZ video.
This is Grusch talking about Interdimensional beings when you said he didn't.

This is the second video I've linked where you said he didn't mention Spacecraft, Aliens and Interdimensional beings and they are there, he said it over both excerpts.

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