Pentagon releases UFO footage

You should see it now.

I missed that bit. But I still think this is possibly a case of confusion and mistaken identity. Like I said before if department A is overclassified and creates an experimental craft, that craft is classed as a UAP. If something goes wrong and Department B recovery’s that craft and Department B has no knowledge about department A as its overclassified that can cause all sorts of mistaken reports and confusion.

I have no doubts there are UAP teams and recovery teams. If China make an classified craft and it goes down on a mission outside China. The US UAP team will try to recovery that craft for backward engineering. That would be classed as a UAP recovery.

Classified and military experimental craft are UAP’s until the point they are declassified.
In this context a SKIF stands for Sensitive compartmented information facility. In the United States military, national defence and intelligence a SKIF is an enclosed area within a building that is used to process sensitive compartmented information (SCI) types of classified information.

The evidence was presented inside a SKIF. Which means there was real evidence presented that was so sensitive it had to be in a special compartmented facility.

If there was no evidence then there would be no need to hold a SKIF. The fact there is a SKIF means there is evidence. SKIF are not something you hold over made up BS claims.
If you was always pretty sure your Alien Conspiracy Theorist idea was a pile of nonsense why did you push it so hard? So you admit your talk about aliens and your claims about Aliens being involved is nonsense made up by you. All this alien talk is just something you made up. What we are talking about has nothing to do with Aliens. Your the one that added Aliens into it. So your the one who added in nonsense.

The real claims and real whistle blower complaint that I was talking about is not a pile of nonsense. Its not remotely outrageous or wild and its back up by evidence like the audit which backs up its real. If you think the real claim that I have been talking about is outrageous and wild that then you must lead an extremely sheltered and naïve life. The actual real claim does not require abstract theory or supernatural belief or faith based belief. That is just your conspiracy theorists nonsense. Look past your conspiracy theorists nonsense and look at the real claim as its based in the real world. The entire SKIF from Friday is based on real world. The fact you think different just shows how much a conspiracy theorists you are.

I’m awaiting the extraordinary evidence that supports the extraordinary claims to first be publicly revealed and then examined by the science community. Hopefully then an investigation is started and charges brought.

My hunch is the Politicians will at some point come to the realisation they have been misled and aliens aren’t visiting earth.
In this context a SKIF stands for Sensitive compartmented information facility. In the United States military, national defence and intelligence a SKIF is an enclosed area within a building that is used to process sensitive compartmented information (SCI) types of classified information.

The evidence was presented inside a SKIF. Which means there was real evidence presented that was so sensitive it had to be in a special compartmented facility.

If there was no evidence then there would be no need to hold a SKIF. The fact there is a SKIF means there is evidence. SKIF are not something you hold over made up BS claims.

It means documents got handed over. How “real” those are is up for question. Considering the source and nature of the claims…
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I missed that bit. But I still think this is possibly a case of confusion and mistaken identity. Like I said before if department A is overclassified and creates an experimental craft, that craft is classed as a UAP. If something goes wrong and Department B recovery’s that craft and Department B has no knowledge about department A as its overclassified that can cause all sorts of mistaken reports and confusion.

I have no doubts there are UAP teams and recovery teams. If China make an classified craft and it goes down on a mission outside China. The US UAP team will try to recovery that craft for backward engineering. That would be classed as a UAP recovery.

Classified and military experimental craft are UAP’s until the point they are declassified.

Sigh, and now we’re back to the question of a junior officer would have details of another top secret agency’s, top secret programs revealed to him…
I missed that bit. But I still think this is possibly a case of confusion and mistaken identity.

So on one side - you're calling us all deluded and whatever, then when an actual video of what was said by Grusch (which you've spent the last 3 pages trying to deny), is played back, it's "confusion and mistaken identity" :cry:

You have about as much credibility, as an indian call centre full of scammers.
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I’m awaiting the extraordinary evidence that supports the extraordinary claims to first be publicly revealed and then examined by the science community. Hopefully then an investigation is started and charges brought.

My hunch is the Politicians will at some point come to the realisation they have been misled and aliens aren’t visiting earth.
You still don’t get it do you.

There is no official extraordinary claims so there is no extraordinary evidence required. The extraordinary claims is a fake claim you made up. The real claim is not extraordinary.

The real claim is not about aliens so the Politician are not being misled as they no it’s not about Aliens. You’re the conspiracy theorists nutjob that thinks its about Aliens. Myself and the Politicians know it is not about Aliens. I said its not about Aliens, they said its not about Aliens. Yet your the one going on about Aliens.

It means documents got handed over. How “real” those are is up for question. Considering the source and nature of the claims…
Considering the source and nature of the real claim those document are likely to be very real. Not your conspiracy theorists nonsense alien claim. The real claim that has nothing to do with aliens.

You think we are being misled but we know its not about Aliens, it was never about Aliens. Your the one making that up as part of your conspiracy theorists nonsense.

Sigh, and now we’re back to the question of a junior officer would have details of another top secret agency’s, top secret programs revealed to him…
Now we are back to your conspiracy theorists delusions about a junior officer.... You really have fallen deep down the conspiracy theorists pit. I have never met someone as detected from reality as you. I cannot work out if you are really bad at trolling or you really are that lost and confused.

SKIF is the secure room where you access classified documents and talk about classified things. We already know it's classified.

What does 'real' mean?
If there was no real evidence they wouldn't need to hold the meeting in a SKIF room. A SKIF room is more then just a secure room, the people inside also need to have security clearance. You and myself couldn't just walk or arrange to have a meeting in a SKIF. A SKIF is not something you just do for fun based on no evidence. So by real I mean there was actual evidence that triggered the requirements for a SKIF.

So on one side - you're calling us all deluded and whatever, then when an actual video of what was said by Grusch, vertabim - is played back, it's "confusion and mistaken identity" :cry:

You have about as much credibility, as an indian call centre full of scammers.
You seem to struggle with logic and evidence a lot. I don't blindly believe Grusch and I don't think he has everything right as he doesn't have the entire picture. I think Grusch is right about the illegal SAP he found and its realistic he could have found it given his job and task. I think he is right about the missing money being diverted into the SAP and he is right about the real-world reprisals done by humans to humans. That is what the official whistle-blower complaint is about. The illegal money be diverted into an illegal R&D project and the people trying to hide it using real world reprisals against people.

My stance is clear. I think there is a illegal Speciel Access Project that is being hidden from Congress oversight. This SAP is likely doing Skunkwork style R&D for profit off the books. I think UAPs are classified and/or experimental military craft. But that is all to much and to far fetched for you apparently.

I think Grusch official claims from his whiteblower complaint have merit and are based on real evidence. I am not convinced about his unofficial claims that are not part of the whiteblower complaint. You seem to really struggle between the two. When they hold the SKIF to go over his none Alien based real word whiteblower complaint and they say that has merit. They mean his whiteblower complaint has merit. They do not mean his alien comments have merit. The problem is you get so confused and then you jump to Aliens when we are talking about the human to human reprisals.

Some things Grusch says are questionable and I think its caused by confusion by over classification and hidden projects working without oversight.

As for credibility you have been shown to have zero so you can call me all the names under the son. I am not bothered what you think as you have zero credibility and make up fake stories over and over again. This thread shows how confused you get then you blame me for your mistake. So go head keep calling me names.

EDIT: This is the real world. Its not everything Grusch says has to be 100% correct or 100% wrong. He can get some things right and some things wrong. Thinking he has one area right and one area wrong is perfectly reasonable.
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You still don’t get it do you.

There is no official extraordinary claims so there is no extraordinary evidence required. The extraordinary claims is a fake claim you made up. The real claim is not extraordinary.

The real claim is not about aliens so the Politician are not being misled as they no it’s not about Aliens. You’re the conspiracy theorists nutjob that thinks its about Aliens. Myself and the Politicians know it is not about Aliens. I said its not about Aliens, they said its not about Aliens. Yet your the one going on about Aliens.

Considering the source and nature of the real claim those document are likely to be very real. Not your conspiracy theorists nonsense alien claim. The real claim that has nothing to do with aliens.

You think we are being misled but we know its not about Aliens, it was never about Aliens. Your the one making that up as part of your conspiracy theorists nonsense.

Now we are back to your conspiracy theorists delusions about a junior officer.... You really have fallen deep down the conspiracy theorists pit. I have never met someone as detected from reality as you. I cannot work out if you are really bad at trolling or you really are that lost and confused.

If there was no real evidence they wouldn't need to hold the meeting in a SKIF room. A SKIF room is more then just a secure room, the people inside also need to have security clearance. You and myself couldn't just walk or arrange to have a meeting in a SKIF. A SKIF is not something you just do for fun based on no evidence. So by real I mean there was actual evidence that triggered the requirements for a SKIF.

You seem to struggle with logic and evidence a lot. I don't blindly believe Grusch and I don't think he has everything right as he doesn't have the entire picture. I think Grusch is right about the illegal SAP he found and its realistic he could have found it given his job and task. I think he is right about the missing money being diverted into the SAP and he is right about the real-world reprisals done by humans to humans. That is what the official whistle-blower complaint is about. The illegal money be diverted into an illegal R&D project and the people trying to hide it using real world reprisals against people.

My stance is clear. I think there is a illegal Specie Access Project that is being hidden from Congress oversight. This SAP is likely doing Skunkwork style R&D for profit off the books. I think UAPs are classified and/or experimental military craft. But that is all to much and to far fetched for you apparently.

I think Grusch official claims from his whiteblower complaint have merit and are based on real evidence. I am not convinced about his unofficial claims that are not part of the whiteblower complaint. You seem to really struggle between the two. When they hold the SKIF to go over his none Alien based real word whiteblower complaint and they say that has merit. They mean his whiteblower complaint has merit. They do not mean his alien comments have merit. The problem is you get so confused and then you to jump Aliens when we are talking about the human to human reprisals.

Some things Grusch says are questionable and I think its caused by confusion by over classification and hidden projects working without oversight.

As for credibility you have been shown to have zero so you can call me all the names under the son. I am not bothered what you think as you have zero credibility and make up fake stories over and over again. This thread shows how confused you get then you blame me for your mistake. So go head keep calling me names.

Inter dimensional travel, alien biology and recovered craft. Those are pretty extraordinary to me…
My stance is clear. I think there is a illegal Speciel Access Project that is being hidden from Congress oversight. This SAP is likely doing Skunkwork style R&D for profit off the books. I think UAPs are classified and/or experimental military craft. But that is all to much and to far fetched for you apparently.

Ok fine - then why are you so interested in David Grusch and his "it's aliens" fairytale?

You can't have it both ways here,

It's inconsistent to use Grusch as a source of truth - where the original version of what he said was "it's aliens" (which is indisputable because he's recorded on video saying it).

To then say "Ahhh, the aliens bit was just a mistake" is taking us all for mugs, and we're not.
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Inter dimensional travel, alien biology and recovered craft. Those are pretty extraordinary to me…
None of which happened in the official whistle-blower complaint and are not part of the SKIF we are talking about. Inter dimensional travel, alien biology and recovered craft is all nonsense that you made up as part of your conspiracy theory. Just like you made up your fake conspiracy theory about him only being a junior officer.

All this alien talk from you is just a load of nonsense that you made up. The SKIF was not about aliens and the Politicians are not being mislead as they know its not about aliens. That's all just your conspiracy theory nonsense.

The problem is you made up a fake extraordinary claim then you want me to prove this extraordinary claim you made up. That's not going happen as it was never about aliens.

Ok fine - then why are you so interested in David Grusch and his "it's aliens" fairytale?

You can't have it both ways here,

It's inconsistent to use Grusch as a source of truth - where the original version of what he said was "it's aliens" (which is indisputable because he's recorded on video saying it).

To then say "Ahhh, the aliens bit was just a mistake" is taking us all for mugs, and we're not.
I am not convinced its Aliens and do not think its Aliens. How many times has that been explained to you? Not only have I explained this multiple times but other people even pointed it out just as recently as last week that I am interested in the military aspect.

The original version of what Grusch said is not Alien. The alien aspect did not get added until something like 2 years later from when this started.

Its like I said before you keep inserting Aliens into areas that have nothing to do with Aliens. I am interested in Dave Grusch due to the access level he had and the what appear to be illegal SAP(s) he found when he was tasked to do an overview of active projects. He then put in an official whistle blower complaint about these SAP(s) being run without oversight as well as a complaint about human to human reprisals and administration terrorism as he puts it.

Go back a few days to when you said the UFO was snort. I thought it likely a enemy drone incursion most likely with some sort of stealth technology like anti IF paint or material that deflects/distort the IF sensor to help partly hide the drone all of which are real things. It was an area that has daily and weekly enemy drone incursions.

Look at this quote below. Everyone else seems to get it. You and Jigger seem to the the only two that are confused and think Aliens. I am into the military aspect and what appear to be over classified projects running without oversight. I think these projects that are off the books or over classified are behind everything.

Just remember that Pottsey isn't in to Aliens and spaceships, he's into UAPs that may be technology from other countries or our own.
Look at this quote below.

It's not difficult or hard to understand what you're doing - the problem is it's inconsistent af.

You say it's some sort of experimental UAP or whatever - FINE.

But then you spend 3 pages talking about David Grusch, who started out saying it was aliens with zero evidence.

The source of your information is all over the place, as a result - your position in this, is all over the place.
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None of which happened in the official whistle-blower complaint and are not part of the SKIF we are talking about. Inter dimensional travel, alien biology and recovered craft is all nonsense that you made up as part of your conspiracy theory. Just like you made up your fake conspiracy theory about him only being a junior officer.

All this alien talk from you is just a load of nonsense that you made up. The SKIF was not about aliens and the Politicians are not being mislead as they know its not about aliens. That's all just your conspiracy theory nonsense.

The problem is you made up a fake extraordinary claim then you want me to prove this extraordinary claim you made up. That's not going happen as it was never about aliens.

I am not convinced its Aliens and do not think its Aliens. How many times has that been explained to you? Not only have I explained this multiple times but other people even pointed it out just as recently as last week that I am interested in the military aspect.

The original version of what Grusch said is not Alien. The alien aspect did not get added until something like 2 years later from when this started.

Its like I said before you keep inserting Aliens into areas that have nothing to do with Aliens. I am interested in Dave Grusch due to the access level he had and the what appear to be illegal SAP(s) he found when he was tasked to do an overview of active projects. He then put in an official whistle blower complaint about these SAP(s) being run without oversight as well as a complaint about human to human reprisals and administration terrorism as he puts it.

Go back a few days to when you said the UFO was snort. I thought it likely a enemy drone incursion most likely with some sort of stealth technology like anti IF paint or material that deflects/distort the IF sensor to help partly hide the drone all of which are real things. It was an area that has daily and weekly enemy drone incursions.

Look at this quote below. Everyone else seems to get it. You and Jigger seem to the the only two that are confused and think Aliens. I am into the military aspect and what appear to be over classified projects running without oversight. I think these projects that are off the books or over classified are behind everything.

Have you watched any of David’s interviews? The man has very confidently claimed the knows for a fact the US have alien craft and bodies and is prepared to tell all.
Have you watched any of David’s interviews? The man has very confidently claimed the knows for a fact the US have alien craft and bodies and is prepared to tell all.
Nope not seen them bar a few very short clips and I was not talking about the interviews. I am talking about the official original whistle-blower complaint and the official SKIF that went over evidence related to the official whiteblower complaint. Your the one adding aliens into that when its not about Aliens. The complaint and whistle-blower seem to be valid and it not extraordinary like you have being lying about. No extraordinary evidence is required for the official whiteblower complaint.

It's not difficult or hard to understand what you're doing - the problem is it's inconsistent af.

You say it's some sort of experimental UAP or whatever - FINE.

But then you spend 3 pages talking about David Grusch, who started out saying it was aliens with zero evidence.

The source of your information is all over the place, as a result - your position in this, is all over the place.
I spent 3 pages saying its not aliens and that the committee members who came out the SKIF on Friday stressed its not aliens and that the original claim was not about aliens. You three brought Inter dimensional beings/Aliens into this. I was the one saying that's all nonsense and is not what the official original whiteblower complaint claim is about.
I spent 3 pages saying its not aliens and that the committee members who came out the SKIF on Friday stressed its not aliens and that the original claim was not about aliens.

I know that.... The fact you're saying 'it's not aliens' isn't the problem, consistency is the problem.

The source of your information (David Grusch) says one thing at the start of all of this (Interviews with Newsnation etc), presumably on purpose to get the media up in arms and get his nonsense story out.

Now you're trying to gaslight everyone else into believing that he never said what he did say, and that he meant something else and the aliens part was a mistake or confusion - when it clearly wasn't, he's on the record saying it's aliens so many times it's pointless showing you the videos.
Nope not seen them bar a few very short clips and I was not talking about the interviews. I am talking about the official original whistle-blower complaint and the official SKIF that went over evidence related to the official whiteblower complaint. Your the one adding aliens into that when its not about Aliens. The complaint and whistle-blower seem to be valid and it not extraordinary like you have being lying about. No extraordinary evidence is required for the official whiteblower complaint.

I spent 3 pages saying its not aliens and that the committee members who came out the SKIF on Friday stressed its not aliens and that the original claim was not about aliens. You three brought Inter dimensional beings/Aliens into this. I was the one saying that's all nonsense and is not what the official original whiteblower complaint claim is about.

Ok, well the general jist is of aliens from various fantastic angles of attack. The topic of this circus is aliens and can’t be construed any other way. The concept of what Grusch is pushing is very clear.
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If there was no real evidence they wouldn't need to hold the meeting in a SKIF room. A SKIF room is more then just a secure room, the people inside also need to have security clearance. You and myself couldn't just walk or arrange to have a meeting in a SKIF. A SKIF is not something you just do for fun based on no evidence. So by real I mean there was actual evidence that triggered the requirements for a SKIF.
How do you know what is happening inside a SKIF?
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