As per usual you are conflicting different things. Those 20cm dolls are completely different both in size and design to the 60cm effigies that we was talking about before, which are also separate from the adult size bodies.Yeah - because remember those amazing Mexican aliens that we were ranting and raving over, that I was convinced were a hoax.....
Also I was the one saying the effigies are made up of Earth based animal and human body parts along with real bones which you argued against. To quote that article "Assembled with bones of animals from this planet" you had a right go at me for saying that, in fact you went on multiple long rents arguing against me. So if the 60cm effigies are the same as these 20cm dolls this proves my idea right. Yet again your theory and made up stories was a load of nonsense and what I was saying turned out to be correct. I am not surprised to see you got this one wrong as you have a habit of ignoring evidence and making up fake stories. All those rants and ravings you made against me and I was right all along.
Its like I said to you many times in this thread. I don't mind things being debunked but they need to be debunked based on facts and evidence. Not the made up stories you often create.
"They said examinations showed the bones of birds, dogs and other animals were used to create the dolls.
Meanwhile, an alleged three-finger hand was subjected to X-ray examinations. Estrada said the “very poorly” built hand was created with human bones."
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