Pentagon releases UFO footage

Not much activity in this thread recently so lets see what this kicks up.

Those UAPs that got shot down last year around Yukon and Alaska that where all over the news at the time and in this thread and confirmed to not be balloons. There have been some interesting declassified files related to that event. Over 300 pages for those of you interested in reading though this type of stuff.

Some highlights from the event.

“NORAD had been tracking UAP#23 over Yukon entering Canadian airspace since the afternoon of February11, 2023.”

“"What did the exploitation process reveal about UAP 20, described in mission logs as a metallic floating object that the public was told was not a balloon by General VanHerck of NORAD, who ran the shoot-down operation? "We're calling them objects for a reason."”

“. One of these, a cylindrical object floating over the Arctic, reportedly interfered with the sensor systems onboard the U.S. fighter aircraft that shot it down. This pattern of interference with sensors aboard advanced U.S. fighter aircraft has occurred in a number of cases, including a case that came to light during a recent Congressional hearing on the UAP issue.”

  • Detected by ground radar and shot down at 1:45PM EST on 2/10/2022
  • Unmanned object “size of a small car” flying around 40,000 feet.
  • Described as "cylindrical and silver-ish gray" and seemed to be floating.
  • Recovery effort will be made and crew are moving towards the site, but no current timeline.
Not only was the fighter reported as being jammed. But the official files confirm the NORAD facility lost power several time during the event and had to relay on backup diesel generation to complete the mission. There appears to be a directed energy countermeasure targeted at both NORAD and the fighter jets before the object was shot down.

These are being reported as photos from the recovery of the object as well as a photo of the logs where its described as a “metallic airborne floating object”

pic finder google

Unrelated to above. Video captured by the pilot in the cockpit of a Navy fighter jet.

Someone should buy them a decent camera.
For some reason they don't want to give us the high def photos. You should should see the official photo of the object flying at 40,000 feet that I didn't post its terrible. They said

“Attached is an image approved to be released,” Canadian military leaders wrote in a Feb. 15, 2023, email, according to the outlet. “We are looking at getting a better one to send to you.”

The Department of National Defence was going forward with the release of the image before the acting assistant deputy minister for public affairs questioned whether the public should see it.

“Should the image be released, it would be via the [Canadian armed forces] social media accounts,” the official wrote. “Given the current public environment and statements related to the object being benign, releasing the image may create more questions/confusion, regardless of the text that will accompany the post.”
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Airfix look awesome these days! Nice diorama there!
Are you aware this was all confirmed as real and happened by the Canadian military? Its well documented as real events that happened. Those links to the files including the video are all from official military servers.

"At approximately 1530 hours Ottawa time a US NORADF-22 Raptor successfully engaged UAP#23 in Canadian Airspace under NORAD authorities. NORAD Canadian CF-18 Homets had been scrambled but the F-22s were better located based on time, space, and fading light."

These are real UAPs that got shot down not Airflix models.
Thing is, every single pic or video taken of these things is always low quality etc! Why?

Because lack of clear evidence keeps the believers believing.

e: to put it another way: low quality evidence keeps the dream alive (if you're that way inclined) rather than clear evidence demonstrating that your belief is misplaced.
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Thing is, every single pic or video taken of these things is always low quality etc! Why?
Ask the military. This is what they said about the high def footage. "releasing the image may create more questions/confusion, regardless of the text that will accompany the post."

"The Department of National Defence was going forward with the release of the image before the acting assistant deputy minister for public affairs questioned whether the public should see it."

In the end the Deputy Minister stepped in and blocked the high def photos from being given to the public.

We are well past the point of pretending UAPs are not real, fake and models. What ever UAPs are, at the very minimum we know they are real craft that are engaging with fighter jets with counter measures and being shot down. There is more then enough evidence for that. Just look at that NORAD base that had its power systems taken down and the fighter jet that got hit with counter measures. You think that's all fake?

Unless I got my names wrong which I might have, it was General VanHerck of NORAD that gave a press conference saying these are unknown craft and real and not balloons.

EDIT: I would also point out the Canadian Defence Minster from many years ago said they are real, Japan, Belgium and Brazil all have high ranking military commanders saying they are real. Even multiple presidents of the USA said they are real, some even said they have seen some with there own eyes.
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I don't believe for an instant any intelligent species would visit us and be that up close. They might sit in orbit, but they would have to be completely insane to come down here. I mean it's nice to think that we are important enough to visit, but the reality is that we are a very dangerous race. If aliens did come down here, it would most likely unmanned probes, a lot smaller than what we are seeing on that video.

If recent thinking is correct, intelligent species are far apart. Too far for them to know about us yet, or for them to travel here.

I think there is no doubt that whatever the tic-tacs are, they are human made. The giant problem is that they don't use any propulsion system I know about. But that only makes me think that we are missing some vital information, because there aren't even any conceivable propulsion systems that would explain them.
I don't think any intelligent species could visit us. The distance is too great. I also think life sustaining planets are very rare indeed and ours is probably the only planet with life in our galaxy. If life does exist elsewhere they probably reach a point where it can't be sustained due to lack of resources like where we are heading or intelligent life like ours does not exist yet. We may be the most advanced civilised planet in the universe.

I have no real clue of course, this just my opinion.
I think that if alien life did visit us, the mechanisms required for it to do so, would be so exotic, advanced and ‘weird’ that we might not even recognise it as alien, or even life - we might not even see it or interact with it at all.

I suppose that depends on whether you believe there is more to science than we have already discovered.

The jury is out on that. There are plenty of people who believe the reason we haven't discovered anything really fundamental in the past 100 years is because there isn't anything.

If that's the case, then we will probably never visit or be visited.

Having said that, we may be able to detect life on other planets and at some stage in the future there is no reason why we can't discover intelligent life on other planets. Some would say it's that last big puzzle to answer - that we can definitely achieve without having to invent new science.

Given current human technology, it will be 25,000 years (on current estimates) before any other intelligent life will detect us and another 25,000 years before their "drones" arrive here.
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Even in our own solar system there are at least 3 planets that at one point in the past few billion years would have supported life, only Earth currently remains unscathed (yet). So there not being enough planets out there is a moot point really as we objectively know of at least a handful in our own solar system, with current observations (and future missions) outlining the strong possibility of some of them and various moons of the gas giants here may contain atmospheric life or sub-surface life on them today.

That's life as we know it of course.

This is why I like watching the Event Horizon and Cool Worlds Lab episodes, they speak from a strictly scientific standpoint and propose the possibilities using known science on what might be, and why it could still be, or may not be.

Like probes created by intelligent life billions of years ago that have only now reached our neck of the galaxy and some of these are what we may be seeing, which have then been reverse engineered by humans to some degree maybe, or black projects looking at exotic matter for propulsion - These projects have unlimited budgets and free roam to do whatever they please so have the luxury to create whatever under secrecy.

As Dr David Kipping has said a few times now in multiple episodes, we may well be the earliest emergence of intelligent life in the universe/galaxy, but because of the way the universe is expanding, finding other life like us gets exponentially harder as the lightyears of expansion take place, and once you reach a point in that expansion, you will never see even the light of galaxies beyond that point beyond the cosmic horizon as expansion has happened faster than the speed of light.

There are plenty of people who believe the reason we haven't discovered anything really fundamental in the past 100 years is because there isn't anything.

If that's the case, then we will probably never visit or be visited.

Quite a lot has been discovered though, most of it we can't explain, it was in the last 50 years that dark matter and dark energy became apparent as the effect they have on objects in the observed universe can be measured, just not the matter or energy itself as we don't have the technology yet to do so, but we know they exist.

In the standard lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the mass–energy content of the universe is 5% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter, and 68.2% a form of energy known as dark energy. Thus, dark matter constitutes 85% of the total mass, while dark energy and dark matter constitute 95% of the total mass–energy content.
We also discovered quantum entanglement from Einstein's theory of Spooky action at a distance, where 2 entangled particles know each other's states regardless of how far apart they are. And then there's the discovery of particles that "change" when observed only (look up the double slit experiment) - Nobody knows how or why this happens, but there is clearly a fundamental fabric of the universe beyond our known dimensions holding things together and allowing some form of connection between everything.

So yeah there are some super crazy things left to discover and we will for many of them, we are just not advanced enough yet.
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I think that if alien life did visit us, the mechanisms required for it to do so, would be so exotic, advanced and ‘weird’ that we might not even recognise it as alien, or even life - we might not even see it or interact with it at all.
They'd likely be autonomous and pretty small.

but UFos are often these few mile long craft etc.... or covered in lights, cos you know in space you need warning lights its really busy up there
suppose that depends on whether you believe there is more to science than we have already discovered.

I think we’ve likely discovered the vast majority of what it’s possible for us to discover, in terms of classic physics - whether we fully understand it or not, we’ve probably discovered most of it.

I think that there is perhaps a lot going on in nature, where it might not be possible for us to understand, in that our brains simply haven’t evolved in the right way to be able to understand it.

Maybe the inner workings of nature don’t have an understanding, maybe nature doesn’t care whether humans can figure her out or not - she does what she does and that the way it is.
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