Pentagon releases UFO footage

or tomato plants
Nope we understand plants. I said Fungi for a reason because we were late realising these were a different type of lifeform.

Leading thinkers with access to data believe it may be a plasma based life. This was the conclusion of a UK MOD report commissioned at the end of the 1990s (Project Condign)

This idea persists still...

As per usual I already provided you the official declassified military material with all the information we have on the event. The file has been verified as real. That’s why I made fun of the people pretending this is all not real.
It sometimes reads as if you’re responding to a reply that specifically says none of this is real judging by your use of the word for the past two years in this thread.

Writing “The file has been verified as real” and “UAPs are real” isn’t addressing anything. I get a sense that the majority aren't challenging whether a file exists or whether there are unidentified objects in the sky.

It sounds like you’re saying ‘This file is real’ - well yes someone published a report. Did it say something was jammed or a UAP was observed? I assume yes, it really did. When you use the word real, do you mean you believe everything inside the report(s) or that there really is a report?

The word has lost all meaning for the amount of times you’ve used it.

Avoid rising to comments about toys, but for the quality of the photos and videos they might as well be :p

Edit: spelling and vocab
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For those that like long reads, a 500 page UFO/UAP compiled paper from a Reddit user -

It's the usual interesting but nothing concrete type read.

...a squadron of NORADF-22 Raptors...
Not to be pedantic but you mean USAF squadron (under NORAD's command)?
Although there doesn't appear to be anything that states exactly which squadron or which AFB the F-22's flew out of. IIRC, it was 1OG out of Langley that did the balloon intercept, so perhaps the same although you would think it would be 477th at Elmendorf given location.
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It's the usual interesting but nothing concrete type read.

Not to be pedantic but you mean USAF squadron (under NORAD's command)?
Although there doesn't appear to be anything that states exactly which squadron or which AFB the F-22's flew out of. IIRC, it was 1OG out of Langley that did the balloon intercept, so perhaps the same although you would think it would be 477th at Elmendorf given location.
The UAP took our Langley's power? impressive if true. and then the changed the fuse and was all good again (in my mind).

Edit: no

the object did jam some some of the fighter jets and missiles and the NORAD base did lose power. But the base had a backup power supply which kicked in and the other none jammed fighters got the missiles off. It was a single unmanned drone style craft v two Squadrons and a tracking base relaying extra data.

Whats as the distance between the NORAD base that lost power and the UAP? Lost power how? Fuse blew? Forgot to pay the bill?

"something amazing happened" "awesome, can I ask any questions?" "no" "ok"
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I think a lot of confusion over this topic comes when people assume this phenomenon is caused by extraterrestrials flying around in technological spaceships.

Nobody close to the subject from the DOD is claiming that. There appears to be a good reason that the broader term "Non-human intelligence" is being used.

I can guarantee this will become more relevant as we start to get better information declassified.

AI essentially, which is the direction we as humans are heading right this very moment and on roll for the technological singularity that has always said to be around the year 2035. What if that has happened much sooner behind closed doors and these probes are what it has created :eek:
AI essentially, which is the direction we as humans are heading right this very moment and on roll for the technological singularity that has always said to be around the year 2035. What if that has happened much sooner behind closed doors and these probes are what it has created :eek:
I’d be surprised if it happened in 2035 but then again maybe more AI will get us there.

Would you upload your mind state if your could?
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Yes but the moment it gets uploaded and then connected to the wider network it would no longer be "me" as it would exponentially be able to evolve with the power to learn everything at once from history to projecting the future based on AI models generated from recorded history. We've been basically archiving the entire human record of events to hand on a plate for an AI to just eat up and determine what's best for the future if you think about it that way.
Yes but the moment it gets uploaded and then connected to the wider network it would no longer be "me" as it would exponentially be able to evolve with the power to learn everything at once from history to projecting the future based on AI models generated from recorded history. We've been basically archiving the entire human record of events to hand on a plate for an AI to just eat up and determine what's best for the future if you think about it that way.
That actually sounds cool, I’d definitely want to do it now. The exponential evolution sounds like a good thing to me.

It wouldn’t be “me” but would sort of save your experiences.
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“It sometimes reads as if you’re responding to a reply that specifically says none of this is real judging by your use of the word for the past two years in this thread.”
keyser van someone seems to be saying none of this is real, the UAPs are not real and didn’t get shot down instead its all an inner circle of UAP enthusiasts that work really hard to make these images and background stories so they can feed them to the rest of the UAP community.

As for your other question I am no military expect. If I got the terminology wrong, please correct me. From reading the logs my understanding is the NORAD base was tracking the UAP. The Canadian CF-18 got scrambled but the NORAD F-22 where in a better position and engaged first. There was multiple UAPs over multiple days this was just 1 event.

When I say the report is real, I mean it’s a report of military files for an event that happened in real life. As I made it clear many times I think some of the UAPs are unmanned drones from rival nations most likely for spying. Not a fictional made up story by inner circle of UAP enthusiasts. keyser van someone instead of looking at the evidence did there usual thing of making up a story and skipping the link with an excuse the link is mysterious so they could pretend it’s not a reputable link and doesn’t need to be taken seriously. I wouldn’t be surprised if they skipped video links as well even though they asked for them. They have a history in this thread of asking for evidence then skipping the evidence when provided.
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The UAP took our Langley's power? impressive if true. and then the changed the fuse and was all good again (in my mind).

Edit: no
Genuinely, are you alright? :confused:

To clear up any confusion - 'Balloon intercept' being the incident last year; '1OG' being 1st Operations Group; Langley being Langley Air Force Base.

As for your other question I am no military expect. If I got the terminology wrong, please correct me.

...NORAD F-22...
NORAD takes command but they will be USAF F-22's rather than a dedicated NORAD squadron.
However, the report doesn't seem to specify which squadron or AFB the F-22(s) came from but maybe future reporting will state that.

“It sometimes reads as if you’re responding to a reply that specifically says none of this is real judging by your use of the word for the past two years in this thread.”
Guessing this is a misquote as i don't remember saying this? :confused:
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Genuinely, are you alright? :confused:

To clear up any confusion - 'Balloon intercept' being the incident last year; '1OG' being 1st Operations Group; Langley being Langley Air Force Base.

NORAD takes command but they will be USAF F-22's rather than a dedicated NORAD squadron.
However, the report doesn't seem to specify which squadron or AFB the F-22(s) came from but maybe future reporting will state that.

Guessing this is a misquote as i don't remember saying this? :confused:
Sorry that was my fault. I did misquote. That was a quote for NutritioN.
hello. I thought this recent chat was talking about your bump post

I'm not seeing a video of which you speak, just a 3 page document and a 335 page document.

Which page refers to the base power being knocked out by the UAP please?
Its not 100% clear the base power went out from the UAP. The base power went out and switched to off grid generators as the engagement was ongoing. Speculation is the base was hit by jamming in the same way some of the fighter jets have been hit. There are a large amount of military reports of fighter jets getting near UAPs and being actively targeted by jamming. We have been over this before I even in the past for a different UAP event gave you video footage with the radar showing the active jamming symbol. That's how we know some UAPs are technolgly based craft. Not balloons. We have been over this many times.

So you want me refer you to the page after I already posted a direct link right to the page you are requesting. Same for the news articles already posted the two videos. The two links are there in the post you quoted before this one. This is what I am talking about you skipping links. Since you don't seem to want to click links

“1242Z: Power bump, MCC ordered to go to diesel generators until after inetrcept...acr
1246Z: On diesel power at 1246z...acr
1640Z: CANR CCO adz ANR TER dimensions 150/150, centered on Deadhorse Alaska, surface to FL600, not pushing NOTAM ATT, will go on chat when NOTAM is active. Derection from General VanHerck...acr
1644Z: Weapons section adz ANR ΤΕΕ active
1657Z: ANR intercepted UAP20; trk# B3334 at 1657z...acr
21022: Back on commercial power at 2102z...acr

UAP number 20 was shot down.
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Bringing the facility's power into it and inferring that a UAP miles away could do it is just weird without more information than that in the long document. Why dress it up? Reads like standard power spike, and the timeline:

UAP Intercepted at 4.43
On diesel at 7.53
On commercial power at 10.27
Power bump at 12.42
On diesel at 12.46
UAP20 intercepted at 16.57
On commercial power at 21.02

Doesn't look like a targetted attack if it was already running on backup diesel and the power spike was right in the middle of a 12hr window between intercepts, but what do I know.
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Re: base lost power due to UAP.

This could happen if the radio/microwaves/electromagnetic spectrum waves caused enough interference in the local power grid, causing things like brown outs. The base power back generator kicks in automatically when the local power becomes unreliable. We have the same setup at work. Nothing to do with a directed attack on the base.

My thoughts about balloon UAPs are that I expect America/the West have been releasing classified surveillance balloons since the 40s (Roswell) but they can't get on their high horse about them today because they literally did it themselves for decades and now China are simply copying them. It's a low cost tech, just let the wind carry your equipment with some weather prediction, you can even have a design that filled the balloon to reach a certain altitude and the UAP could pump some helium back in the tank. It's a raspberry pi on a piece of string.

Maybe The West's balloons also had EMPs/jammer on theirs as well for a while.

Pottsey: "something about real UAPs"

The radar data is real radar data, but if there is jamming tech doing stuff then it's unreliable radar data.

Pottsey: "Pilots said they don't know how the UAP propulsion systems works"

I expect there are a lot of things pilots don't know.
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