Pentagon releases UFO footage

If recent thinking is correct, intelligent species are far apart. Too far for them to know about us yet, or for them to travel here.

If there is any other intelligent life.
Life is one thing but intelligent life is another ballpark when it took us 5 billion years to be able to do what we do and that only happened because of other mass extermination events.
Intelligent life at the same time than us is on another scale
and of course distances would make it impossible.
Life is one thing but intelligent life is another ballpark when it took us 5 billion years to be able to do what we do and that only happened because of other mass extermination events.
Intelligent life at the same time than us is on another scale
and of course distances would make it impossible.
You are forgetting that these numbers only apply to an Earth sized planet in the habitable zone of a main sequence star. We simply don't know what time of acceleration could be possible on another planet with a more exotic star in another solar system out there with materials more abundant than what we've had to go through ocuntless revolutions in civilisation to get where we are today. Evolution as we know it won't be the same in the neighbourhood of Proxima B, for example.
We also discovered quantum entanglement from Einstein's theory of Spooky action at a distance, where 2 entangled particles know each other's states regardless of how far apart they are. And then there's the discovery of particles that "change" when observed only (look up the double slit experiment) - Nobody knows how or why this happens, but there is clearly a fundamental fabric of the universe beyond our known dimensions holding things together and allowing some form of connection between everything.

So yeah there is some super crazy things left to discover and we will for many of them, we are just not advanced enough yet.

But none of that is new.

It's true that we understand it better than we used to, but it's all 100 year old stuff. As you said yourself, Einstein was discussing this stuff.

There isn't even any reason to suppose the Dark Matter or Dark Energy is not just a refinement of something that we already know.

If there is any other intelligent life.
Life is one thing but intelligent life is another ballpark when it took us 5 billion years to be able to do what we do and that only happened because of other mass extermination events.
Intelligent life at the same time than us is on another scale
and of course distances would make it impossible.

Agreed. There are plenty of planets, so I think life is probably common, but when you look at the incredible luck we have had in our evolution it's miraculous that we here at all. The formation of Earth and a sequence of events that were highly unlikely seem to be almost essential for our existence. It hardly surprises me any more that the galaxy is not filled with spaceships.
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It's not something we already know otherwise the hundreds of thousands if not millions of scientists who have been looking into it all since it ever started out as a theory would have figured that out by now along with more recent years, AI systems doing all the computational work. Over 85% of the known universe consists of matter we can't currently comprehend, but we know it exists.
They'd likely be autonomous and pretty small.

but UFos are often these few mile long craft etc.... or covered in lights, cos you know in space you need warning lights its really busy up there
That's what they are pretty small. For the real UAP's from the government data which is based of multiple sensor platforms. Its clear the average typical reported size is 1 to 4 meters without lights, flying at up to high Mach speeds usually between 20k to 40k altitudes although 15% are as low at 15k. Intermittent on thermal with an unknown propulsion system. Majority of UAPs are round/sphere and small.
There must be an inner circle of UAP enthusiasts that work really hard to make these images and background stories so they can feed them to the rest of the UAP community. It's an art form that deserves some respect, you have to create an enhanced zoom that is both good and terrible at the same time.
Must be strong to take a missile, crash land and not even break up or explode.
And not bother to jam the missile or cloak/pop back out of this reality and into a universe made of jam using their real jam tech they clearly have onboard their real spacecraft/tictac/jam. Jam.

It would be like me successfully taking out a $2bn stealth fighter with a catapult that I got from my happy meal.
There must be an inner circle of UAP enthusiasts that work really hard to make these images and background stories so they can feed them to the rest of the UAP community. It's an art form that deserves some respect, you have to create an enhanced zoom that is both good and terrible at the same time.

And not bother to jam the missile or cloak/pop back out of this reality and into a universe made of jam using their real jam tech they clearly have onboard their real spacecraft/tictac/jam. Jam.

It would be like me successfully taking out a $2bn stealth fighter with a catapult that I got from my happy meal.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist. These are not fake background stories and the events are not made up by an inner circle of UAP enthusiasts. These are real events that happened back up by lots of evidence and data. It was all over the mainstream new channels with press conferences from the military.

“It would be like me successfully taking out a $2bn stealth fighter with a catapult that I got from my happy meal.”
Your trying to making something perfectly reasonable sound unreasonable. This event was more like a squadron of NORADF-22 Raptors with a squadron of Canadian CF-18 Homets backed up by a NORAD tracking facility taking out a single skunkworks style spy craft from a rival nation flying at 40,000 feet. If you had bothered to read the report you would know the object did jam some some of the fighter jets and missiles and the NORAD base did lose power. But the base had a backup power supply which kicked in and the other none jammed fighters got the missiles off. It was a single unmanned drone style craft v two Squadrons and a tracking base relaying extra data.
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