People at the Gym :/

what? Is he just... wait...what?...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!

^literal reaction.

Same! I was thinking he was just gonna sit up there.... Waiting... hoping he's gonna drop and smash his head... waiting..... WTF! hajahaja!!!

Class :D
The one thing that annoys me in the gym I go to are those who either just let go on the resistance machines, or just throw the freeweights down at the end of the set. Can't they see that they're damaging the bloody equipment for everyone else the selfish gaggle of *****? :mad:

However, I seldom notice others in the gym really, except for the aformentioned cardio bunnies with buttocks so toned you could bounce a pound coin off them. God bless the guy who invited women's lycra gymwear :D
Ugh, bunch of turks hogging some of the weight machines, asked him was he done, he had his bottle on the seat, he was stood next to his mate just chatting, he said "2 sets" so I went off came back 10 mins later and his other mate was on it and chatting away like they own the gym.

Cant stand people who go in groups and just hog machines/chat, was really bad, weights was chocker but went in pool and only me and another bloke in there.

Had a guy doing that yesterday with 60kg on the bar. It was the closest I'd even been to going over and giving some tips on a deep squat, but just got on with my set as I didn't want an extended cheat rest :D

Also found the elusive skinny kidman yesterday who I haven't seen in ages. A young lad probably late teens or early twenties who just walks around looking completely lost and not knowing what to do. Then when he does do something it's a half assed 6 rep set putting in about 30% effort.

Yesterday he went from ab machine - leg press - chest press - ab machine - bi machine - shoulder machine - calf machine (working out his knees) :D:D:D

We also have plenty of Bi/Chest boys and they all seem to be young Asian lads. One of their mates was in yesterday teaching them, he had some of the biggest Bi's I had seen, massive veins, with No Triceps, Back or Legs :D
hahaha those videos are so funny

At my gym its open 24 hours. So if I go about 9pm at night you get all these turkish lot who are wearing suits. Theres about 6 of them, Working out in there suits!!
hahah I am character number 2 (except not ginger). I am a somewhat noisy lifter especially on heavy days. Deadlifts are notably noisy, gotta roar as you lift it's the law :D.

I hate going in and its back/arms/chest and cant get on a machine/weights, look to legs stuff and nobody is on them.

It's always the way. Especially at the rubbish plymouth uni gym, it's got to the point that I don't schedule my days now and I kind of just fit it around what's free at the time. So legs day seems to end up different days every week.

I also hate the big groups that hog the equipment, it's always the powercage at our gym too, it's a nightmare as you end up waiting 25 mins just to do some squats. Most of the time they're just talking.

As for the 1inch movement jobbies there was a gem of a moment at my gym where this guy just picked up the 32kilo dumbbells and went to shoulder press them. I swear they were only moving an inch, if that. Why do people do it? They don't look good, they look a bit "special" if anything. Enough of my moaning now at least we got plenty of cardio bunnies at our gym so I got plenty to look at whilst I'm waiting around. Back and shoulder day today so there shouldn't be much waiting for me today.
You're always guaranteed free equipment on leg days, it's just the norm for people to work upper body and neglect legs.

I also don't mind asking groups to move over if they're just prancing around equipment, unless they're built like houses which is a bit rare.
Ugh, bunch of turks hogging some of the weight machines, asked him was he done, he had his bottle on the seat, he was stood next to his mate just chatting, he said "2 sets" so I went off came back 10 mins later and his other mate was on it and chatting away like they own the gym.

Cant stand people who go in groups and just hog machines/chat, was really bad, weights was chocker but went in pool and only me and another bloke in there.

It's a machine. Work in and get your stuff done :)
It's a machine. Work in and get your stuff done :)

Yeah but I have a right to go on the machines, you dont hog a machine over 20 mins

When I went to the dumbells, the ones I needed where missing and one guy had about 4 lots at his feet then just left them

Never seen anybody from the gym come around and tidy up
Yes, but because it's a machine it's extremely easy to work in as you only have to adjust a pin, so just say "alright can I work in with you then"
Had a loud guy in my council gym the other day, would shout to his mate about what weight he'd do each machine on "I do that one on 60kg" as I stand unimpressed to watch terrible form at a fairly moderate-heavy weight. The worst part was he started flexing his fatceps in the mirror going on about how pumped he was (strong pump considering you're taking 5 minute rests >_>).
People who leave the weights on the floor or put them back in the wrong places! It's not hard.

Also, watching people do Tri Kickbacks by swinging their arm like a pendulum really annoys me!

That and idiots hogging cable crossovers for about 45 mins while they do every excersize possible!
The one thing that annoys me in the gym I go to are those who either just let go on the resistance machines, or just throw the freeweights down at the end of the set. Can't they see that they're damaging the bloody equipment for everyone else the selfish gaggle of *****? :mad:

Yeah this is the only thing that really gets to me, but mainly because it totally breaks my focus when I suddenly hear equipment crashing behind me.

I did notice a guy the other day who was "doing his hair" in the mirror after every set of 8kg dumbell curls. Absolutely no shame, I sometimes wonder how people can be so content with their uselessness!! :D
Have any of you actually tried to help someone correct their form? I've never lifted a weight at the gym so would undoubtedly not do it right but I would probably think I was. I can't help thinking I'd prefer someone to come over and go "hey dude your doing well but if you do this or this you'll work x muscle better and that'll really help you out" than just sit there giggling that I'm doing it wrong and not helping.
It's a machine. Work in and get your stuff done :)

Agreed. If someone is hogging any equipment I have no issue with going in and asking if I can jump on between their sets. Either they get the message and move on, or they agree and immediately regret it when I start adding plates on to the bar... I'm just so goddamned alpha! ;)
Have any of you actually tried to help someone correct their form? I've never lifted a weight at the gym so would undoubtedly not do it right but I would probably think I was. I can't help thinking I'd prefer someone to come over and go "hey dude your doing well but if you do this or this you'll work x muscle better and that'll really help you out" than just sit there giggling that I'm doing it wrong and not helping.

To do so would either be:

a.) Mostly unwelcome
b.) Perceived as gay

Much better to laugh from a distance! However, if it was a hot girl doing rubbish squats, that's a different story!
Have any of you actually tried to help someone correct their form? I've never lifted a weight at the gym so would undoubtedly not do it right but I would probably think I was. I can't help thinking I'd prefer someone to come over and go "hey dude your doing well but if you do this or this you'll work x muscle better and that'll really help you out" than just sit there giggling that I'm doing it wrong and not helping.

I have a few times, less in recent years than before.

It seems a lot of people think they know and don't like being told different. Its much easier to judge someone elses form than it is to judge your own after all.

Recently I was helping someone with some DB flat bench, he asked for a spot.
Now, i don't mind spotting for people but this bloke was wanting to do 8 reps with a weight he could only do 2 reps with decent form.

I offered some advice. He looked at me funny, tried 2 reps nice power up and slow negative then failed the 3rd (the weight came down but no control).
He then politely said thanks and that he'd be ok for the next set on his own.

Next set he tried the same weight and get 2 reps.

Some people just dont want to listen!
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