People at the Gym :/

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
We've recently started to have 1 rather attractive girl, in tight lycra doing proper exercises (squats, bench, deads). Fantastic bottom. :)

I still focus on my training though, I want to get home and eat! :D

I knew I recognised her, it's Shivani Kapoor!!! So we have a celeb training at my gym! Cool! :D

Jason Statham actually used to train there as well for a while. :)
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
haha - had a bit of a chat with her. Seems nice enough, but I've already got my eye on someone else so she's all yours ;)

She was doing proper exercises like squats and bench though which was nice to see.

Hopefully when SPW comes back to the gym he'll give his take on things.
13 Mar 2003
Freefaller I have to say I'm impressed with the ladies in physical culture. Never ever saw any in my old gym so it has been a pleasant surprise!
15 Jul 2010
Only thing that's been annoying me lately is how you get 16-24 year olds who come in and within 5 minutes the whole weights area and more is covered in free weights, bars, locks and everything else... Seriously, if you're done with it, pick it up and put it back, it's not hard... maybe it's just some OCD kicking in but I hate a messy environment... Why are people so lazy or think that they are entitled to be treated like kings? Just because you pay to be here doesn't entitle you to treat the place like a pigsty.
1 Oct 2004
Only thing that's been annoying me lately is how you get 16-24 year olds who come in and within 5 minutes the whole weights area and more is covered in free weights, bars, locks and everything else... Seriously, if you're done with it, pick it up and put it back, it's not hard... maybe it's just some OCD kicking in but I hate a messy environment... Why are people so lazy or think that they are entitled to be treated like kings? Just because you pay to be here doesn't entitle you to treat the place like a pigsty.

Try training in a student gym. Normally takes me a full 5 minutes to clear the floor of every single dumbell and plate before I can even warm up.:rolleyes::p
15 Jul 2010
Try training in a student gym. Normally takes me a full 5 minutes to clear the floor of every single dumbell and plate before I can even warm up.:rolleyes::p

Yeah... annoys me, I went to Nuffields Health club because it was more expensive then most gyms around here trying to get away from people like this but it seems like they are everywhere these days.
2 Jan 2009
Ours uni gym is quite ok. sure you get the odd 3 guys curling in all the racks which makes me throw a 25 plate at them but apart from that they do attempt to put the weights back, mainly because staff insist on it most of the time.

speaking of guys at the gym I was doing my benching today and just sat down on the bench, loaded 60 with the intention of warming up when these 2 gentlemen in skinny fit tops came and asked me how many sets I have left. I said 2 (doing HST at the moment) and invitited them to join in, which they accepted.

So I go on and do my set with 60, I'm done and one of them whacks another 2 10kg with a "check me out" look on his face. Anw his mate also did a set with 70k so I stepped in and did my working set, the usual 10 reps with 100, after which I stand up next to a side of the bar and ask politely ask him if he wants any disks off.

The look on his face was priceless, poor fella was so disappointed and mumbled something along the lines of "I'll try..." and proceded in doing 4 quarter reps which his mate was probably curling half of. :D

at least he came to his senses and did the next set with 70. :))
15 Jul 2010
Ours uni gym is quite ok. sure you get the odd 3 guys curling in all the racks which makes me throw a 25 plate at them but apart from that they do attempt to put the weights back, mainly because staff insist on it most of the time.

speaking of guys at the gym I was doing my benching today and just sat down on the bench, loaded 60 with the intention of warming up when these 2 gentlemen in skinny fit tops came and asked me how many sets I have left. I said 2 (doing HST at the moment) and invitited them to join in, which they accepted.

So I go on and do my set with 60, I'm done and one of them whacks another 2 10kg with a "check me out" look on his face. Anw his mate also did a set with 70k so I stepped in and did my working set, the usual 10 reps with 100, after which I stand up next to a side of the bar and ask politely ask him if he wants any disks off.

The look on his face was priceless, poor fella was so disappointed and mumbled something along the lines of "I'll try..." and proceded in doing 4 quarter reps which his mate was probably curling half of. :D

at least he came to his senses and did the next set with 70. :))

ah the "show offers", this is why I'm doing strength training instead of bicep curls.
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